Take your brain for a ride to places it has never been. (no, not that wayWho thinks Life Is Worth Living? I suffer from severe Depression and was wandering if anyone else out there in cyberspace is affected by this affliction? Does anyone know holistic ways to cure Depression?
Just going outside everyday can be a huge help. Exercise also helps build a more positive self image. From a personal perspective I found these things immensely helpful since it can start getting you into a good routine that really isn't difficult to keep up providing that you want things to improve. If this isn't up your alley right now, find other small things you can do which give a sense of achievement. Something as simple as cleaning your room or complimenting a friend can spiral into something great if you keep doing little things.
Sometimes life sucks, however you're doing yourself a disservice (sp?) if you don't give yourself a chance at happiness.
Depression is typically a symptom of boredom. Boredom is bred by complacency. Complacency is easily cured by finding something new to occupy one's time. If you're depressed find something new to do. If you can't find something that interests you ask yourself why. Sunshine, physical movement, and mental stimulation are all you need to get out of your funk.
Damn right it's worth living. If you think you have a bad life, turn on the Jerry Springer show...that'll make you feel better. Watch one of those infomercials for the little African kids that are starving. You Might have troubles, but it can always be worse. Good luck, and remember, there is ALWAYS a place to get help, and if you're on meds, STAY ON THEM!!
^ that. There's always someone worse off who would probably love to have your life.
That often makes it worse, when you're depressed you can think "there's kids starving and without clean water and I'm much better off than them yet I'm deeply unhappy with little to no purpose or motivation in my life despite being fortunate. I'm such a crybaby etc etc etc."
Someone being worse off than you doesn't change how you feel IMO. When you're depressed you look up at people who're more successful and seemingly happier and wonder how you can get there and if you can ever hope to get there yourself. Its about turning that hope into reality one step at a time. Trying to take big steps forward can often result in setbacks that are damaging emotionally.