Is it legal to DL music you own?

I suppose the best way to think of it..

Could you (if it came to it) successfully convince a judge/jury that already owning a recording and subsequently downloading it, does not actually deprive the record company of a sale?

Could you argue that the download was for a 'back-up' purposes and was not an attempt to 'share' the recording, or to gain something that you had not already had ownership of?

I think that the people from whom you downloaded the recording from, would be in rather more trouble, after all, it is not legal to share, but 'backing-up' your own recording is.


All due respect, but what do you plan on doing if you are hauled into court on charges? (Remembering that to even get to court, that you have to be searched out, caught, a case built, then presented, then charged..) Say that the members of Freeones said it was ok? Even if you do get accurate information, to my knowledge none of the answers are coming from attorneys or prosecutors, there is such a complex system no matter where you live, that you can count on making headlines and spending a lot of your own cash trying to avoid being made a scapegoat.

Not to mention the technicalities on a national, state, county and local level (or however the system works where you are)...


I didn't read everything above but this is what I've seen on the news...

It is LEGAL to download music.
It is ILLEGAL to upload music.

Therefor, you can download as much as you want but the people you are getting it from are doing something are you if you are sharing those songs back to others.
Well technically, uploading would be legal too as long as you're not making any monetary profit out of it, or charging money for something you don't own the rights to.

But in most countries these days, both uploading and downloading media that is pirated has been made illegal. Both of these counts as "viewing at public place", which means it's the same as showing a rented movie out in the free for everybody to watch. That's my grip of it, based on little knowledge.

A little off-topic, I couldn't care less if I download and literally steal music from the internet. Most of those artists and producers make a fortune anyway, and until I see the music business is suffering from having people pirating their music I won't stop down-/uploading. That sounds good enough for me to not feel guilty about it anyway :)
It is interesting to note what is happening with some of the major artists, when coinsidering illegal downloads.

You have Prince giving away his music through newspapers, Radiohead asking for donations and now even Madonna seems to have got fed-up with the music companies.

I can see the day coming when artists will simply migrate en-masse to the internet as a means of selling, promoting and selling their music.
The record companies must be shitting themselves at the thought of one day, having very few, possibly, no major artists on their books.

None of this will have a direct influence on illegal downloading of course, but the consumer may feel less inclined to illegally download music if they are dealing directly with the artist, rather than being just another record company sales figure.
Record companies are seen as faceless money-making machines, whereas artists, being the creators and performers of the music, can illicit more respect from potential buyers.
As far as I'm concerned if I own a CD, or if the music is in a DVD (but little things like voices and other sounds get in the way of it), or have paid to see a movie with the music in it... I'm in the right to download it. Or if, say, I'm in a restaurant and the music is playing... or if I'm driving on the highway and have t pay a toll while listening the a song on the radio...

The kind of music I listen to isn't going to disappear as a result of illegal downloads... because I generally listen to movie scores... bands, not so much... since they all suck today.
I just bought a new CD and after only a few hours I put a scratch on it and ruined two tracks.

Since I own the CD can I legally download a copy?

I've already done it and I'm not worried about any repercussions, just curious to know the legality of it.

i think it's illegal.
just like you steal from the store a cd you own.


Closed Account
i think it's illegal.
just like you steal from the store a cd you own.

Lol, not quite. Infact not at all.

The store paid a certain amount of money for the CD (in bulk) before they sell it on to you. Downloading off the internet isn't the same as there is no actual CD, just a copy of the music which you already own the rights to.


Closed Account
^^^ True, slightly.

It's not so much the single downloading of a file "they" care about, it's the downloading and sharing.

If you got a CD, ruined it, and downloaded it again of kazaa or whatever, it wouldn't matter too much. But if you then kept sharing it... You could end up in trouble.
I make a copy of every CD I own and keep the original in their jewel case until the copy gets scratched-up or somehow destroyed...
I don't see how anyone would notice the difference between a downloaded copy of the exact same CD or a safety copy made by yourself either, so the whole discussion is a bit unnecessary.

Actually you can, I have noticed that on downloaded music the length of the track can vary...usually by no more than 5 seconds.
As to the necessity of the discussion, curiosity of this sort is not a bad thing. Knowledge is something to be sought.
I wouldnt worry about it. Just dont whore out your purchases and you will be fine. As for me almost all my music thats in my library was ripped from my own collection that I have bought. I feel the need to have the case and booklet. Plus alot of Death Metal And Industrial bands can barely afford to go out on tour and most need 2nd jobs on the side. They need as much help as they can get .
All due respect, but what do you plan on doing if you are hauled into court on charges? (Remembering that to even get to court, that you have to be searched out, caught, a case built, then presented, then charged..) Say that the members of Freeones said it was ok? Even if you do get accurate information, to my knowledge none of the answers are coming from attorneys or prosecutors, there is such a complex system no matter where you live, that you can count on making headlines and spending a lot of your own cash trying to avoid being made a scapegoat.

Not to mention the technicalities on a national, state, county and local level (or however the system works where you are)...

Not here after the 100,000 pound sterling a woman was fined here, who was caught downloading and distributing CD's. She said it was for her own use. After they seized vast amounts of copying equipment and accounts for downloading :1orglaugh

Like I said having just the one back up copy will be allowed. Just make sure you tell them you made it from the CD before it got damaged.