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Is He A Liar?......Or A Felon?

^Everything he said.

I want to know how the holy fuck Romney got nominated when the Tea Party is supposedly so powerful. It just proves what I've said all along, the tea party is nothing but Bush Republicans that are too ashamed to fly the Bush banner anymore. The whole premise was a fucking lie, anyway, because taxes are the lowest they've been in decades. I thought the anyone-but-Bush crowd in 2004 was pathetic, but they had nothing on this crop of Republican whining sore-loser titty-baby motherfuckers.

I don't hear you bitching about Alberto Gonzales or Michael Mukasey. They're both out of office and not a fucking thing was done. Like I said above, Issa is abusing his power and he should be the one investigated by a Special Prosecutor.

I'm sick of the false equivalencies. Romney is the poster boy for vulture capitalism. I'm not happy with everything Obama's done, but none of it rises to the charges you're making and it really doesn't help discourse when you push such blatant fucking delusions.

WRONG! The evidence is being withheld and is why Obama has invoked Executive privilege and why Holder is in contempt.

Stop acting like Issa is out of line when Obama and the DOJ have done nothing but stonewall.


Mitt Romney Bain Capital Document Lists Him As 'Managing Member' In 2002


Add another document to the pile of evidence contradicting Mitt Romney's continued insistence that he ended his active role with Bain Capital in early 1999, part of his long-running effort to avoid responsibility for the company's activity, related to outsourcing and bankruptcies, during the years that followed.

A corporate document filed with the state of Massachusetts in December 2002 -- a month after Romney was elected governor -- lists him as one of two managing members of Bain Capital Investors, LLC "authorized to execute, acknowledge, deliver and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property, whether to be recorded with a Registry of Deeds or with a District Office of the Land Court."

In August 2011, Romney told federal authorities, as part of the financial disclosure process, that he "retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee [for the 2002 Winter Olympics]. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way."

Bain Capital Investors is a Bain Capital entity.

Previously reported evidence shows that Romney was listed as the CEO, chairman and president of the company after 1999 in documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission; took a six-figure salary; signed corporate documents related to major and minor deals and attended board meetings for at least two Bain-affiliated companies. The state document was filed two and a half years after Romney now says he retired from the company, demonstrating his deep and ongoing connection to the firm.

The mountain of evidence that Romney had a connection to the firm after 1999 leaves him with two possible explanations, neither of them political appealing: Either Romney was officially in charge of the company but took no actual responsibility for it, or he was involved then and is either lying or shading the truth now.

The latter has its obvious drawbacks, and the former doesn't paint Romney as a portrait of stand-up leadership. President Barack Obama over the weekend seized on Romney's attempt to shed responsibility for the company he officially ran, arguing that a U.S. president doesn't have the luxury of picking and choosing when he's responsible for what happens on his watch.

"Ultimately, I think, Mr. Romney is going to have to answer those questions because if he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is you're ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations," Obama said in an interview with the District of Columbia's WJLA-TV.

It's a line of attack Obama employed with deftness against his Republican opponent in 2008, when Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) suspended his presidential campaign to address the financial meltdown.

"Presidents are going to have to deal with more than one thing at a time," Obama said then, rejecting McCain's request to postpone debates. "It’s not necessary for us to think that we can do only one thing, and suspend everything else."

On Friday evening, Romney responded to the barrage of Bain reporting and attacks by the Obama camp by scheduling a raft of interviews with major media outlets, during which he repeated his claim that he had had nothing to do with Bain after 1999.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
WRONG! The evidence is being withheld and is why Obama has invoked Executive privilege and why Holder is in contempt.

Stop acting like Issa is out of line when Obama and the DOJ have done nothing but stonewall.

SO you think my whole post was wrong or just the part about "Fast and Furious"? Tell me, what exactly is Obama guilty of, and where's your proof of it, and while you're at it, explain to me why the Bush administration hasn't been investigated AT ALL for "Wide Receiver", particularly, and the Gulf War generally?
SO you think my whole post was wrong or just the part about "Fast and Furious"? Tell me, what exactly is Obama guilty of, and where's your proof of it, and while you're at it, explain to me why the Bush administration hasn't been investigated AT ALL for "Wide Receiver", particularly, and the Gulf War generally?

You lost all credibility by throwing in Gonzales. AG's fire U.S. Attorneys. They serve at their pleasure and it happens all the time. I don't care if Bush is investigated or any president back to Grover Cleveland for that matter. Do you really want an investigation into the Gulf War? Something that dems voted for also? lol

I have never said that Obama and Holder are guilty of anything but withholding information. And why are they doing it?


Mitt Romney Taxes Controversy Shows He's Still A Tough Sell


Months after he mathematically locked up the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney remains a political hairball that GOP insiders -- conservative and otherwise -- wish they could cough up before the convention in Tampa, Fla., next month.

The likelihood of their doing so is slim to none, party sources said. But that doesn't mean that they are happy to have Mitt atop the ticket.

That is the real, unspoken political meaning behind he remarkable, rising chorus of voices calling on the presumptive party nominee to release more of his federal tax returns to the public.

"The fact is, no one likes the guy or believes in him," said the campaign manager for a former Romney rival, who declined to be quoted by name because his former boss is on record supporting Romney's campaign against incumbent President Barack Obama.

"Look back at our 2008 primaries," he said. "Who did all the other candidates dislike? Romney. Look at this year. Who did all the other candidates dislike? Romney. No one wants Obama to win, but no one likes the guy who is running against him."

Republican leaders, especially conservatives, see Romney as a malleable, cynical power-grabber without principle or compass. They warned voters that Romney would be unable to take the fight to Obama on health care because he had fostered a similar program as governor of Massachusetts, and they argued that a wealthy, well-connected son of privilege was not a good spokesman for selling free-market ideas to the middle-class.

Over the last week, a disparate array of Republican and conservative leaders have called on Romney to do what he is clearly loathe to do: release several years if not a decade or more of his federal tax returns. it is an unspoken form of payback.

The list is not only a veritable who's who of the party, but a not-so-subtle roster of people who opposed Romney for the presidential nomination. That they have not fallen in line behind Romney's stonewalling is a telling sign.

Among those who have called on Romney to disclose are figures tied to the candidates who opposed Romney in the Republican primaries, and who are clearly not willing to do him any favors now. They include Rick Tyler, a close and longtime advisor to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; John Weaver, who served in a similar capacity in the campaign of former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman; former GOP candidate Rep. Ron Paul of Texas; Gov. Rick Perry of Texas (who said that ALL candidates should disclose their returns); and conservative pundit William Kristol, who is close to former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, among other former candidates.

Normally, defeated primary rivals quickly fall in line behind the strategy and message of the winning candidate. In this crucial case, Romney's former rivals have done just the opposite on what Romney has made clear is a crucial issue.

Equally noteworthy are the party leaders and pundits who have left the Romney Alamo. They include former party chairs Haley Barbour and Michael Steele, and pundits George Will, David Frum, the editors of National Review and, to a degree, the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal.

As if to add insult to injury, the GOP's 2008 standard-bearer, Sen. John McCain, said on Tuesday that he had picked former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate because she was the best candidate for the job -- a sock to the jaw to Romney, who had been on McCain's veep list.

Even before the tax return issue had come to dominate the campaign, News Corp. boss Rupert Murdoch had complained about what he regarded as the ineptitude and lack of focus of the Romney team.

And Congressional Republicans were upset with Romney's insistence that his health care plan in Massachusetts was based on "penalties," not taxes. The GOP wants to run against the president on the notion that his version of health care -- similar to Romney's -- is a "massive tax increase." Mitt muddled the message.

"Romney threw them under the bus and they aren't going to stand for it," said Hogan Gidley, media director for Santorum's campaign. "The idea that Obama health care is a tax increase is a key to the whole Republican campaign."

Seen as arrogant and aloof by his rivals, Romney is said to have few friends or ties among his former challengers or elsewhere in the GOP and conservative ranks. He has money and a tight and loyal cadre of operatives, but they find themselves without many allies as they try to argue that their boss should be allowed to keep his business dealings and taxes private.

"There are those of us who think that Romney is destined to lose, and they are behaving accordingly," said the former manager of another campaign, who also declined to be quoted because his boss has endorsed Romney.

"Everybody's looking ahead to the next round. They won't say it, but they are."


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Dude....you made no point whatsoever. See from my retort that you're a simpleton who doesn't let facts get in the way of you shaking your dick. And I'm having a nice day. All you need to do is see how I'm bitch-slapping you and your cronies, and anticipating 4 more years of not-Romney to know that. :wave:

As much as I hate your left wing communism I have to agree with you. You showed this Bain thing a week ago and now it is starting to take traction. This thing may go away when the next "Obama is not a citizen" shit comes up again. Us Republicans have nothing to present at the convention. They have been nothing but a bunch of horse shit blow hards just bitching about what was created during the last years of Bush. Obama hasn't done shit to correct this problem but it was dumped into his lap.

So now where do we stand. Opportunity to set the nation straight. Where are the republican ideas? Can't be found. Just chop away at the guy with his failed shit. That ain't the way it works. Show me something to correct what you guys messed up. Mitt, you better come up with something. I want to vote for you but you haven't given me a reason to.


Painting those of us on the Left as communists just erodes your side's credibility. I am the farthest thing from a communist and it's not like the Right has any credibility to spare these days.

If you're unhappy about your side (and you should be), maybe you should put your GOP-brand Label Maker 2012 in the closet, on the top shelf and forget that it's there.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Vote for someone else.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Anybody but this guy, anybody but that guy....you people are going to get exactly what you deserve. You want to pick the lesser of 2 evils, and all you're getting are 2 assholes that are less, and evil. I personally think the dipshit in office is a worse choice then the asshole running against him, but I'm not voting for either one, so the morning after the election, even if my guy doesn't win, and he definitely won't, at least I'll have a clear conscience, and be able to hold my head up, knowing I did the right thing.

Please spare me the rhetoric about wasting my vote, if everyone that said that actually voted for the other choice, he might just win. You can all settle if you want, but you're hypocrites....you cry for change, but are willing to nothing more then roll over and settle for the asshole that you THINK will do the least damage, and you're to blind to realize, they're interchangeable, and one in the same.

I hope you can sleep good, knowing you'll help doom this great Country, to the slow agonizing death it's obviously headed for.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Anybody but this guy, anybody but that guy....you people are going to get exactly what you deserve. You want to pick the lesser of 2 evils, and all you're getting are 2 assholes that are less, and evil. I personally think the dipshit in office is a worse choice then the asshole running against him, but I'm not voting for either one, so the morning after the election, even if my guy doesn't win, and he definitely won't, at least I'll have a clear conscience, and be able to hold my head up, knowing I did the right thing.

Please spare me the rhetoric about wasting my vote, if everyone that said that actually voted for the other choice, he might just win. You can all settle if you want, but you're hypocrites....you cry for change, but are willing to nothing more then roll over and settle for the asshole that you THINK will do the least damage, and you're to blind to realize, they're interchangeable, and one in the same.

When you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results, we call this ______________ .


Anybody but this guy, anybody but that guy....you people are going to get exactly what you deserve. You want to pick the lesser of 2 evils, and all you're getting are 2 assholes that are less, and evil. I personally think the dipshit in office is a worse choice then the asshole running against him, but I'm not voting for either one, so the morning after the election, even if my guy doesn't win, and he definitely won't, at least I'll have a clear conscience, and be able to hold my head up, knowing I did the right thing.

Please spare me the rhetoric about wasting my vote, if everyone that said that actually voted for the other choice, he might just win. You can all settle if you want, but you're hypocrites....you cry for change, but are willing to nothing more then roll over and settle for the asshole that you THINK will do the least damage, and you're to blind to realize, they're interchangeable, and one in the same.

I hope you can sleep good, knowing you'll help doom this great Country, to the slow agonizing death it's obviously headed for.

How about sparing the rest of us. If this is how you feel (and you've made it obvious that it is), hit the bricks. You have nothing else to add to the Political subsection of the FreeOnes forum, so seek life elsewhere. The rest of us want to talk about this shit, and it was the rest of you who insisted on a separate forum. If you don't like it here, no one is keeping you.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I see, so this sub section of the forum is only for Republicans, and Democrats...and you are the keeper of it?

FUCK YOU! If you don't like what I have to say, use the ignore button, but don't you dare presume to tell me, where I am, or am not welcome, and unless you can knock on my door, and physically remove me, I doubt I'll be moving on, or hitting the bricks. If you're that butthurt because someone had an opposing view in your precious little thread, maybe you should move to a country that has even less freedom of speech then this one.

Like Canada or France. Yeah, you would fit in well in France.


Why don't you calm down you pissy little bitch. Seriously, what the fuck is your problem? What are you, 16?

If all you're going to do is rant and rave, whatever the topic, then fuck off. There's plenty of other places for you to spread your bile and bullshit. The rest of us do want to talk this over, we do want an ongoing debate. We don't need some pre-pubescent little twat like you coming in here just to complain for the sake of complaining.

And yes, I have fit in well in France....as well as Germany, Korea and the many states I've lived in. Mainly because I'm not a pre-pubescent little twat who likes to complain for the sake of compaining. Have a nice day.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If Romney handed in two papers which are not lining up with enother, that is an act of felony.

Adding in the bringing company money of Bain out of the USA, massively outsourcing jobs outside of the USA, too, these may not be complete acts of felony, but it all adds up.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Why don't you calm down you pissy little bitch. Seriously, what the fuck is your problem? What are you, 16?

If all you're going to do is rant and rave, whatever the topic, then fuck off. There's plenty of other places for you to spread your bile and bullshit. The rest of us do want to talk this over, we do want an ongoing debate. We don't need some pre-pubescent little twat like you coming in here just to complain for the sake of complaining.

And yes, I have fit in well in France....as well as Germany, Korea and the many states I've lived in. Mainly because I'm not a pre-pubescent little twat who likes to complain for the sake of compaining. Have a nice day.

You are getting treated, the way you treated me. You have a hell of a nerve telling me I'm ranting. I pointed out a difference of opinion, in your precious "new messiah" thread, you whined like a a little 6 year old bitch, that wasn't allowed a new toy at walmart! God forbid, someone should point out your candidate is just as corrupt, and flawed as all of the rest. You just don't seem to get it...there is no difference between the 2, and you will settle, and nothing will change. Why don't you try and make a difference, instead of settling? Instead, you get all cunty with me, because I point out your flawed logic? At least I'm adult enough to realize the facts, and the truth. You can call me all the names you want little man...this is just the internet, and it doesn't really matter...I doubt you would have the balls to say it to my face...fact is, you amuse me.


You are getting treated, the way you treated me. You have a hell of a nerve telling me I'm ranting. I pointed out a difference of opinion, in your precious "new messiah" thread, you whined like a a little 6 year old bitch, that wasn't allowed a new toy at walmart! God forbid, someone should point out your candidate is just as corrupt, and flawed as all of the rest. You just don't seem to get it...there is no difference between the 2, and you will settle, and nothing will change. Why don't you try and make a difference, instead of settling? Instead, you get all cunty with me, because I point out your flawed logic? At least I'm adult enough to realize the facts, and the truth. You can call me all the names you want little man...this is just the internet, and it doesn't really matter...I doubt you would have the balls to say it to my face...fact is, you amuse me.
I treat you like the little bitch that you are because you take the time to react in such a puerile manner without bothering to look at what is being said.

in your precious "new messiah" thread,

God forbid, someone should point out your candidate is just as corrupt, and flawed as all of the rest.

Who said he's my candidate. My threads revolve around Romney. I'm not a big fan of Obama and I have stated my disappointment with him any number of times. He is not the liberal that I and millions of others voted for, and he should be ashamed of that.

But we are faced (like every other election) with but two choices. There is no third party candidate that stands any chance to get more than a handful of votes and zero electoral votes. So we are once again faced with the choice between two evils and a choice between the devil we know and the devil we don't. My choice is clear and the reason for it is plain (to all who aren't so fuckin' batshit hysterical that they can't read what is plainly written). Romney is so corrupt, malignant and incompetent that his own party doesn't like him, his VP choices are down to people who have nothing to lose but to get on board a sinking ship and every endorsement starts with some version of "Jeez, I wish it was someone else but...". There has never been an election where a major party's rallying cry is "Anyone But ....(the other guy, in this case Obama)".

Your whole stance in this section is, "They both suck, they both suck, they both suck." OK, we get the fuckin' point. No need to repeat, we got it the first time. And if that's all you have, then that's all you need to say, and you've said it.