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Is Bush the worst president ever?

Is Bush the worst president ever?

  • YES

    Votes: 298 66.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 149 33.3%

  • Total voters
I normally don't care for politics nor know much about it, but to me he is easily the worst president in US history. Perhaps even worse than say Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, or even Bill Clinton (although I though he did a fine job minus the whole Lewisnky scandal.)

I can give at least 5 reasons also.

1. The war in Iraq. (should have never tried to start again what his father did)

2. 9/11 (enough said)

3. He's about as dumb as a rock (The rock is even smarter)

4. Gas prices (so after nearly a year of rising prices, he JUST NOW says something about it! Fucking idiot)

5. Hs handling of the two major hurricanes last year Katrina and Rita was a joke.

the dudes only really interested in his own shit, not the peoples, im suprise kerry didnt win that election cause he was the lesser of the two idiots
I believe that distinction would go to Jimmy Carter. It's kind of funny, at least to me, that he ran his election campaign on something called "the misery index", which supposedly increased a lot during the Nixon/Ford years, yet at the end of his term, that index increased even more. Thank God for Reagan! :D


Closed Account
Truman dropped two nuclear weapons on Japan, that's gotta rank up there. Time will tell on Bush, and his successor could be worse.

On a side note I think Eisenhower was the best President because he commissioned the Interstate system.
for my first eva post here I would have to agree with the thread starter. Also, did you see him "helping clean the Hurricane Katrina mess today?" Yeah way too late, way tooooo little effort there buddy. Will probably go on vacation for the next six weeks after today's "hard labor". Sorry buddy your pole stays down!
Couple things here that make me, a educated and informed human being, scratch my head.

Freakybastard said:
or even Bill Clinton (although I though he did a fine job minus the whole Lewisnky scandal.)

Ahh, ignorance is bliss.

I can give at least 5 reasons also.

1. The war in Iraq. (should have never tried to start again what his father did)

You're right, he shouldn't have. That sissy Democrat Bill Clinton should have put down his purse and done something about Saddam when he was in power.

2. 9/11 (enough said)

Enough said?!?! You didn't say anything.

Are you implying that he should be held responsible for 9/11, or do you not like the way he handled 9/11? Or is there something else entirely?

3. He's about as dumb as a rock (The rock is even smarter)

Why, because he's not a great public speaker? I actually like that. You listen to some politicians (ie Clinton) and they can sit there and lie right to you and the majority of people will believe them. He could stand there right in front of you, and tell you he wasn't there, and you'd believe him. At least I believe Bush believes what he is saying to people. The same can't be said about a lot of others.

4. Gas prices (so after nearly a year of rising prices, he JUST NOW says something about it! Fucking idiot)

I guess these rising prices kinda squashes that "Blood for Oil" crap we heard from the red state idiots. Since you blame Bush for rising gas prices, I betcha you wouldn't praise him if they dropped. See how that works. The left wing ignorance is so deep, they can't see their own hypocrisy.

5. Hs handling of the two major hurricanes last year Katrina and Rita was a joke.

Amazingly, the inadequacies of local and state governments gets over looked and Bush gets the blame for other's stupidity. Unbelievable. Keep that mouth open wide so the liberal media can keep spoon feeding you their bullshit. Hurricanes hit the US multiple times every year. And yet the people of places like Florida don't sit around, ignore the warnings, find themselves stranded on their roofs, then complain that Bush didn't help them. I still will never understand out of everybody, how it is Bush, and seemingly Bush alone, that gets blamed for the handling of these hurricanes.

Remember, Bush is and was far more equiped to be POTUS then John Kerry was. So if you happen to think Bush is terrible, just imagine how bad it would have been if a Demo won.
Dirty Sanchez said:
You're right, he shouldn't have. That sissy Democrat Bill Clinton should have put down his purse and done something about Saddam when he was in power.

It's unfortunate that you instead of criticizing Clinton for a tangeable policy, you simply insult his masculinity for not starting a war. War should not be a matter of "do you have enough balls to do it?" War is always horrible and should never be pursued enthusiastically.

Why should he have done something about Saddam? I have yet to hear a single good reason for the invasion. Yeah, the guy's a scumbag, but it was in no way worth the crippling damage it has done to our foreign relations nor the unstable position we've created in Iraq.

Back to the original question: it's hard to tell who the worst president is until you have the perspective of history. I think having a president that is unwilling to change his mind about things, and will even alter his cabinet to punish those who disagree is very very counter-productive. That is why during the '04 elections, I was really ashamed of the nonsensical "flip-flop" rhetoric used to incriminate John Kerry. Apparently Americans would rather have someone who stands by their opinion, right or wrong, then someone who changes their mind when new information arises. I think that is the worst thing about Bush.
Dirty Sanchez said:
Couple things here that make me, a educated and informed human being, scratch my head.

Ahh, ignorance is bliss.

I can give at least 5 reasons also.

I've ducked out of this forum for a while but I can't let this stand un-challenged

You're right, he shouldn't have. That sissy Democrat Bill Clinton should have put down his purse and done something about Saddam when he was in power.

Bill Clinton did do something, he kept Saddam boxed up between the two no-fly areas. Sanctions effectively destroyed any WMD programs Saddam had (something the UN weapon inspectors said before the war and has been proven by the obvious lack of WMDs since the war began). Top that off by the fact that Iraq is now a haven for terrorist that world is more dangerous vis-a-vis terrorism now than before the Iraq war according to a new report issued by the state department http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/04/28/terror.report/index.html

We've got two oil-men in the Presidency, crude is now over $70 a barrel, is there any question why we went to Iraq? Not in my mind. The question I still can't get answered is if Iraq is pumping 2 million barrels (conservative estimate) per day at $70 a barrel = $140 million per day where the hell is that money going?

Enough said?!?! You didn't say anything.

That's okay I'll say it for him.

Are you implying that he should be held responsible for 9/11, or do you not like the way he handled 9/11? Or is there something else entirely?

Well, when Bill Clinton met with George Bush, he told him the biggest threat the US faced was Osama Bin Laden (the Bin Laden family are family friends of the Bushies btw) and Al Qaeda. During the Lewinsky non-scandel Clinton started bombing Al Qaeda training camps, all I can remember is the media screaming, "Wag the dog, wag the dog!!!""

Then we know for a fact that prior-9/11 Bush NEVER met with Richard Clarke the man in-charge of US anti-terrorism coordination. This brings me to the coup-de-grace the 8/6 Presidential Daily Brief titled (cue drum-roll) "Bin-Laden Determined to Strike in US." While the contents of this document are still classified to the best of my knowledge, the fact that the PDB was TITLED as such leads me to believe that this was in fact momentous.

Why, because he's not a great public speaker? I actually like that. You listen to some politicians (ie Clinton) and they can sit there and lie right to you and the majority of people will believe them. He could stand there right in front of you, and tell you he wasn't there, and you'd believe him. At least I believe Bush believes what he is saying to people. The same can't be said about a lot of others.

I'm sorry I've got to completely disagree with you on that, I've met two Presidents and two Vice Presidents and I have never met someone as phony as George Bush. That down-home thing he does is an ACT. HE IS FROM ONE OF THE WEALTHIEST FAMILIES IN THE COUNTRY. This is the Bush clan, he's no rancher, he was a spoiled child who's become a spoiled man used to getting everything he wants. Top that off with the fact that Bush has been SHOWN to have lied to the US people far more often than Clinton ever did.

When it came to Katrina... "We couldn't have known that the leavies would break." Except when video is released showing Brownie telling the President, "we are concerned that the leavies will breach."

When it came to Valerie Plame... "No one in my administration who leaks classified info, will continue to be in my administration." Yet Karl Rove is still there, but I guess turd-blossom gets a pass.

The man lies often but because he puts on this folksy persona people give him a pass.

I guess these rising prices kinda squashes that "Blood for Oil" crap we heard from the red state idiots. Since you blame Bush for rising gas prices, I betcha you wouldn't praise him if they dropped. See how that works. The left wing ignorance is so deep, they can't see their own hypocrisy.

No the rising prices for oil, and the obscene profits that ExxonMobil just posted (8.4 BILLION in PROFITS http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=businessNews&storyid=2006-04-27T122840Z_01_WAA000191_RTRUKOC_0_US-ENERGY-EXXON-EARNS.xml) conclusively prove the "No Blood for Oil" claims.

Amazingly, the inadequacies of local and state governments gets over looked and Bush gets the blame for other's stupidity. Unbelievable. Keep that mouth open wide so the liberal media can keep spoon feeding you their bullshit. Hurricanes hit the US multiple times every year. And yet the people of places like Florida don't sit around, ignore the warnings, find themselves stranded on their roofs, then complain that Bush didn't help them. I still will never understand out of everybody, how it is Bush, and seemingly Bush alone, that gets blamed for the handling of these hurricanes.

What you've just displayed here is a classic mis-understanding of government protocols. You see when President Bush declared New Orleans a "federal disaster area" command immediately goes to FEMA, that is by federal statute. I'm going to let that jibe about the so-called liberal media slide for now. As to your attempt to blame the victims, you see its really easy to leave your neighborhood when you have a car, but when you are poor (correction despereately poor) and everyone around you is in the same economic condition things become a little more difficult. And let's not forget that its been shown that for some reason, FEMA was much more effective in Florida than they were in Louisiana. In fact several people I know in Florida said that since Bush took the Presidency, FEMA seems to be just giving money away for free in Florida. Now I can't imagine why that would be but something makes me think that it has something to do with 2000 (and 2004). As to why Bush gets blamed for the hurricanes, I want you to know something, when Harry Truman was president, there was a placard on his desk in the oval office that read, "The Buck Stops Here." That's why, and that's the way its always been. If you take a decison of ultimate leadership you also take a position of ultimate responsibility. Of course in the Bush White House if you are a failure instead of getting fired you get a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Remember, Bush is and was far more equiped to be POTUS then John Kerry was. So if you happen to think Bush is terrible, just imagine how bad it would have been if a Demo won.

You really think that? Really? Republicans haven't done a good job since Eisenhower. Nixon was as corrupt as they come, Reagan (as much as conservatives want to idolize him) also was corrupt, do you even remeber the arms for hostages scandel? So much for the US not negotiating with terrorists. Bush the elder couldn't lead himself out of a paper bag. And Bush II will probably go down as more corrupt as Nixon. Wantonly and brazenly walking all over the citizens of this country's civil rights, leading a repressive regime and governing by fear.

Last but not least, I am so sick and tired of hearing, "the media is dominated by liberals." So please just read this post. http://board.freeones.com/showpost.php?p=557156&postcount=25
He's up there. He still has 2 more yrs in his term to fuck things up more and make him D worst pres of all time.
Dirty Sanchez said:
Ahh, ignorance is bliss.

Yes, sounds like you know this all too well...

What are you even doing on a porn forum if you are such a staunch Republican? Don't you know it goes against the morals they tell you you believe in?

He had a decent first term, but is making a run in his second. But there have been worse. We've had some very bad presidents.
The odd thing is not that he's a Republican on a porn board, but rather that he's a Canadian who supports G.W. Bush ( :eek: ) and he has VERY strong opinions about how we (those of us here in the USA) govern ourselves. :wtf: ;) lol

All in good fun, Sanchez. I couldn't resist... :hatsoff:

Big P13 said:
Yes, sounds like you know this all too well...

What are you even doing on a porn forum if you are such a staunch Republican? Don't you know it goes against the morals they tell you you believe in?

Personally im Canadian so i can't really comment on him as much as an American would but from my perspective and from lets say the now one day old Soft wood lumber dispute which The lovely pigeon Harper Accepted im not all that happy. But i dont like Bush and i find all this War Unecessary and I was even more determined that he was completly insane when he said a Nuclear Strike on Iran isn't ruled out.