is anyone else getting turned off by anal?


knows petras secret: she farted.
[B][URL=" said:
Vicky Vette[/URL][/B], post: 1717241, member: 99191"]I don't find it painful .... it really is a turn on.

oh totally, if you take your time and be gentle, once you get going.. omg!
anal sex is great and has to be experienced. But as the expression says what ever makes you happy
I won't deny that I need to work on the whole sugar-coating concept.

Seems straightforward enough to me. A girl posts a pic of herself, you suggest she looks disfigured (or worse), and then attempt to lessen the offence by stating "you can't really tell from the picture"... as if that makes it any better. That's got nothing to do with sugar coating, mate... it's basic people skills.

It's not all that different to walking up to a girl and saying: "You look a bit like the Elephant Man, don't you? I don't have my glasses on though -- I could be wrong!" Hopefully, you can comprehend how rude something like that is. The qualifying remark doesn't do anything to take the sting out of the insult -- it just veils it. The decent thing to do is to just apologise.

Anyway, I'm done. As fascinating as Vicky Vette's butt is, I can't engage in forum ping-pong over it forever. :D


Closed Account
Seems straightforward enough to me. A girl posts a pic of herself, you suggest she looks disfigured (or worse), and then attempt to lessen the offence by stating "you can't really tell from the picture"... as if that makes it any better. That's got nothing to do with sugar coating, mate... it's basic people skills.
I was discussing anal sex risks, and she came into the thread and posted that picture. What was I supposed to do? Ignore it?

I didn't try to "lessen" anything. I evaluated what was presented and commented on it, noting that the view isn't close enough to tell for sure.

It's not all that different to walking up to a girl and saying: "You look a bit like the Elephant Man, don't you? I don't have my glasses on though -- I could be wrong!" Hopefully, you can comprehend how rude something like that is. The qualifying remark doesn't do anything to take the sting out of the insult -- it just veils it. The decent thing to do is to just apologise.
No insult was intended. However, I've made it abundantly clear in several threads here that both anal sex and women that engage in it turn me off. Thus, someone presenting something that I don't want to see (but that I will look at for curiosity's sake) shouldn't expect a flowery speech full of praise.
Seems straightforward enough to me. A girl posts a pic of herself, you suggest she looks disfigured (or worse), and then attempt to lessen the offence by stating "you can't really tell from the picture"... as if that makes it any better. That's got nothing to do with sugar coating, mate... it's basic people skills.

It's not all that different to walking up to a girl and saying: "You look a bit like the Elephant Man, don't you? I don't have my glasses on though -- I could be wrong!" Hopefully, you can comprehend how rude something like that is. The qualifying remark doesn't do anything to take the sting out of the insult -- it just veils it. The decent thing to do is to just apologise.

Anyway, I'm done. As fascinating as Vicky Vette's butt is, I can't engage in forum ping-pong over it forever. :D

I believe he was being "ironical." In other words, he believes you have to walk on egg shells in this new PC world we now find ourselves in. :rolleyes: God forbid you say something that isn't politcally correct. Still, he wasn't trying to offend V.V.

Jesus, it appears the subject is SO taboo that just saying you don't like it gets everybody up in arms.

Yes, I need to get away from the "ping-pong" over this whole subject too. :rolleyes:
Having read NONE of the other posts here so far, here's my 2 cents.

I think it's done too much. It's too "trendy" and overemphasized. It can be really hot, but it shouldn't be seen as some kind pinnacle of sexuality, as I think some porn seems to be coming to.

It should be a special, unpublicized treat that's put into the mix from time to time.

It shouldn't be considered a basic expectation, and the girls shouldn't be expected to do it.

Also, I don't like anal that looks like the girl is actually in serious pain. That's a big problem.

Vicky Vette

Official Checked Star Member
Having read NONE of the other posts here so far, here's my 2 cents.

I think it's done too much. It's too "trendy" and overemphasized. It can be really hot, but it shouldn't be seen as some kind pinnacle of sexuality, as I think some porn seems to be coming to.

It should be a special, unpublicized treat that's put into the mix from time to time.

It shouldn't be considered a basic expectation, and the girls shouldn't be expected to do it.

Also, I don't like anal that looks like the girl is actually in serious pain. That's a big problem.

Great post.... I pretty much agree with all of it. Love the sensation and it is a bit taboo, but it hits a spot that is hard to describe, which is why I do it. My last post on this subject since I can just imagine guys from Freeones enlarging the pic looking for roids......:eek::eek: All I wanted to point out was I like anal and posted what I thought was a damn hot pic of my behind (with Puma Swede).

Do I like his post? Nope.... it was written in a pretty silly fashion and did imply something for the hell of it, but oh well, ............... on to my next movie ..... Anal Roids part 17 (that was a joke).... :eek:


Is somewhere outhere.
Great post.... I pretty much agree with all of it. Love the sensation and it is a bit taboo, but it hits a spot that is hard to describe, which is why I do it. My last post on this subject since I can just imagine guys from Freeones enlarging the pic looking for roids......:eek::eek: All I wanted to point out was I like anal and posted what I thought was a damn hot pic of my behind (with Puma Swede).

Do I like his post? Nope.... it was written in a pretty silly fashion and did imply something for the hell of it, but oh well, ............... on to my next movie ..... Anal Roids part 17 (that was a joke).... :eek:

I don't think i'd be turned off by that somehow :D
you guys! Anal can be very fun! I have fucked other women in the ass while in a threeway with my wife! The last time I did it, it was really tight! It is all about taste and perspective. Gapes can be cool, but don't feature it. I have seen Ava Devine take two huge black guys in her asshole at the same time. Donita Dunes did it in gutter mouths. I have even seen Hillary Scott do it! It can be gross sometimes, but sometimes it is pure entertainment.


Closed Account
It is painful for the girl...
I think that, in porn at least, anal sex is often done roughly. There are (IMO, many) sadistic individuals out there who find pleasure in another's pain. The porn industry may be knowingly catering to that crowd... In fact, such people probably are within the porn industry right now, taking advantage of the widespread ignorance surrounding anal sex.

That said, it's obviously not painful for all women, if Vicky's word can be relied upon. This might have something to do with that.

Anal sex is undeniably a dangerous activity for many reasons, though. I think that the long-term, potentially permanent risks (and visible changes) greatly outweigh any short-term, temporary benefits. Here is a doctor who agrees with me in that he doesn't think it's a good idea. He does point out that it can be a pleasurable activity for the recipient, but he had gay males in mind in 2001 (pretty much every man has a prostate that can be stimulated by receptive anal sex).


Closed Account
It shouldn't be considered a basic expectation, and the girls shouldn't be expected to do it.
Well, it is, and they are. It's ridiculous how much demand there is for anal sex now. I even have several vids where the guy clearly tries the "surprise buttsecks" thing a few times, without lube and without preparation.

Also, I don't like anal that looks like the girl is actually in serious pain. That's a big problem.
I don't see anyone fighting back with any real effort, though. The medical industry seems to be mostly silent. The women that don't like it aren't saying much, either. This is very, very strange.
I don't like it very much, but if you are someone who does, fine with me if you want to see it.


Closed Account
The medical industry seems to be mostly silent.
Okay, that's certainly not the case. The medical community is hiding away a lot of stuff behind closed doors (online, at least), requiring subscriptions and usually professional/educational affiliations to access. Despite that, there is some good, publicly-accessible information to be found:

"The clinical and pathological findings in a group of 260 homosexual men comprising 10% of a private proctologic practice are reviewed. A clinical pattern of anorectal and colon diseases encountered with unusual frequency in these homosexual patients is termed the gay bowel syndrome." [1]

"There was a significant increase in the prevalence of incontinence to either flatus, liquid or solid stool or urgency requiring immediate defaecation to avoid incontinence in AR [anal-receptive] subjects (14/40) compared with non-AR subjects (1/18)." [2]

"A case-control study from Denmark and Sweden demonstrated a statistically significant association in women between anal cancer risk and anal intercourse, young age at first anal intercourse (< 30 years), and the number of anal-sex partners... It has been suggested that spermatozoa and seminal fluid may be [causative] agents and/or cofactors." [3]

I'm an Proud Assman. Plain and simple. Ain't nothing i love better than a fine female booty and anal sex. That being said, Great care should be used when your putting your joint up there. Taking one's time to allow the young lady to loosen up (figuratively and literally), relax and accomidate your dong will help to ensure a pleasurable anal encounter. And of course somehot foreplay and a dab of your favorite lubricant will help to pave your way up the Hershey Highway!



Closed Account
I'm an Proud Assman. Plain and simple. Ain't nothing i love better than a fine female booty and anal sex.
Yeah, I am an ass man too, but I've grown to hate anal sex. It has a noticeable tendency to turn the anus between that "fine female booty" into one that is quite unhealthy, not to mention unsightly. It's also way too popular, and ignorance is rampant:

"Studies report that up to 43% of adult women have participated in anal intercourse... The incidence of acute sexually transmitted rectal and gastrointestinal syndromes is increasing." [1]

That being said, Great care should be used when your putting your joint up there.
Agreed. However, the degree of care that needs to be taken to prevent any damage whatsoever from occurring--especially inside where it may not be seen--is staggering. You might as well just have vaginal sex; truly non-damaging anal sex would be incredibly boring, not pleasurable.

Taking one's time to allow the young lady to loosen up (figuratively and literally), relax and accomidate your dong will help to ensure a pleasurable anal encounter.
The problem here is that for anal sex to be pleasurable for the penetrator, there needs to be a significant amount of friction and pressure. That is exactly what the anus, and to a much greater extent the rectum, are not able to deal with very well:

"The lining of the anus tears easily, often with non-visible internal tears." [2]

"The rectal epithelium is an absorptive tissue with a delicate simple columnar epithelium [single-cell layer]. In sharp contrast, the human vagina is lined by a multilayered stratified squamous epithelium designed for the strain that can occur during sexual intercourse and childbirth." [3]

And of course somehot foreplay and a dab of your favorite lubricant will help to pave your way up the Hershey Highway!
I've seen it stated that "too much lube is almost enough for anal sex." A dab is certainly not sufficient... Though, in the cases of some kinds of lube, it might do more harm than good, especially over the long term:

"We describe a mouse assay to determine the degree to which lubricants cause rectal sloughing. We also tested lubricants for cytotoxicity... Of the products tested, Delube and KY-Plus are most likely to damage the rectal epithelium, whereas Viamor, Vagisil, and Astroglide would cause some degree of rectal damage. PBS, Carraguard, and methylcellulose were not toxic in any of the assays." [3]



Closed Account
ARGH. The web page linked in the first reference was completely accessible earlier, but I think McGraw-Hill's site might be having technical problems... It's a subscription site, so that seems to have been a fluke (though I got the full page again; it's sporadic). Google to the rescue... for now.
Mmmmm i see..... You make a compelling case Blink. It should also be noted that i am not a doctor, but i play one on tv! One should try to avoid literally "Tearing it up" as theres nothing sexy about a bleedin bumhole.

PS: Heres a marvelous article on the in's & out's of Anal Sex entitled........ Entering the forbidden door! Tally Ho!
A porn film these days which as no ass fuckin in it is like a cheese burger with no cheese

when watchin a porn flick i like to see abit of both, starting off with her vag and then finishing in her ass ( cream pie )