is anyone else getting turned off by anal?

I try not to watch clips like the one where the porn star's insides comes out. It's like watching a train wreck, you're interested in what happens but now you're stuck with the carnage in your head. I drive by and see a deer or a dead animal in the street I don't focus as to not put gross images in my head.

It is getting extreme. Double anal? That's not sexy to me, just an attempt to push the envelope to try to outdo the competition.
It's like watching a train wreck
yes yes... and that train wreck comparison is perfect. I juss couldn't look away. And obviously that wasn't the first time that happened to Ava. Just imagine how freaked out she must have been when it first happened... likely on the toilet...? :cussing:
I'm bothered more by the numerous lurkers that continually post in threads, repeatedly, asking/looking for if that specific girl has done anal.

Noticed it too. It's like it's a milestone to reach.

I can take it or leave it and mostly have a preference for good ol' vag. I get off the most when the woman is genuinely into it and a lot of anal scenes I have seen are endurance of discomfort.

That and looking into gaped assholes grosses me out.
Damn, I'd never even heard of prolapsed rectums and shit like that till I read this thread. Gaping doesn't bother me- it doesn't turn me on but it doesn't bother me- so I did typed in a search here for "prolapsed", found a link to a quick clip to see what a prolapsed rectum looks like... Holy Fucking Shit! I'm going to try to live the rest of my life without ever seeing that kinda shit again.

Fuck, it was a horrible sight. For you people who are afraid you'll be grossed out to watch it let me just say- Don't ever let curiosity get the better of you, do not watch it.
not a pink socks fan eh?

might I suggest an alternative title for this thread: "The banality of anal"
I'm not a fan of it and never have been. Even worse is the fact they make it a circus act now in a lot of videos. Even more worse is the fact they try to put it in everything now making much of the movies not worth it to me to get to anything I might like. It's sort of like buying a record to get the one song you like while you know you just paid for 10 other ones you think are going to suck.
Good to see most people in this thread are fairly normal.Anal sex is ok imo,but as its been said this Double anal and asses falling out shit-well correct me if im wrong,but not one person has said its great stuff or get turned on about it.
I am not turned off by it at all. I saw the Ava Devine video, but I figure that has such a slim chance of happening that I don't need to worry. I would still prefur regulr sex, but if the girl was willing, I would give her anal.


The Anal Connoisseur
I love anal. I got into anal because of '80s porn. The '80 had a lot of anal play, I would even say more than today. Today we have more anal stunts, it seems more about how much you can stuff in the anus than how much pleasure it can bring.
I like anal sex scenes, but with a few reservations. I want to see some vaginal sex then anal, and I don't want to see the gaping hole.
My wife and I do it sometimes and that's fine because she likes it. I don't have a problem with watching it any more than vaginal, but I am SEVERELY turned off by gaping, and wtf is with milk squirting? It's more ridiculous and pointless than gross, but it still irritates me.


Closed Account
There's way too much of it. I used to collect anal porn from 1995 - 2005 (yeah yeah, I got into porn at a young age), and then my tastes simply changed. I think I realized something that a lot of people just aren't willing or able to admit to themselves.

Now, anal sex is a major turn-off, and I avoid any woman that engages in the practice.