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Is America a force for good?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Hold the phone!

Sir most Americans, whether they know it or not, are just pawns in all this crap.
Most don't know any better and have no clue that they are being used in one way or another by some un-named entity.

So bash the GOV all you want, but back off on the people who have no control over it.

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the OP, or your post either. But isn't what you're claiming kind of like saying, "the American people are ignorant and too lazy to find out what's going on around them, so they/we should be given a pass"??? :dunno:



That's one of the most cynical things I've ever seen.
I could go on and on and on......the Raptor is a piece of shit, The USA cant even build a decent airplane anymore, our country is going further down the toilet everyday and it shows in all aspects.

Raptor fleet got cleared to fly earlier this week. As I said, its difficult to maintain, not that you'd know what goes into keeping a fighter in decent shape. Even with all of its problems, the F-22 beats EVERYTHING that it goes up against. If a jet that clubs F-15s (undefeated in combat) like baby seals is a POS, I'd hate to see what happens when we build a good one.
I guess you didnt look it up

Enitire F-22 fleet grounded since May 3rd 2011

Stealth coating is crap and peels off

F-22 has major shortcomings

2nd F-22 fatal crash

Raptor airframes falling apart due to bad glue

I could go on and on and on......the Raptor is a piece of shit, The USA cant even build a decent airplane anymore, our country is going further down the toilet everyday and it shows in all aspects.

Not just :lame: but fucking :lame: ...blame the military industrial complex for rolling off high priced, flimsy shit (if that's your point) not workplace diversity.

Are you bleepin' kidding? (Pointing to a stupid ad likely featuring prop models no less..) But you have won the "One Giant Leap of the Year Award" if that's any consolation for you.:o


PS: We kicked the Ruskies asses in the doing shit right dept. remember? They were the ones who failed in that fight.:facepalm:
unilaterally ? no. but it has its pros and cons :my2cents: :twocents: :two cents: :my2cents: :2 cents:
Maybe once a long time ago there were aspects of this country that were a force of good. That time has now long passed, and even then parts of us have always been a force for evil. Our government isn't a force of good and despite what some people think the vast majority of our populace isn't a force for good either.

About all the U.S.A. can claim anymore is that we aren't as bad as some of the other worst countries out there, and that's not saying much for us.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I think there's a massive disconnect in someone trying to link whatever problems the Raptor fighter jet has/had with whether or not the United States is a force for good (or evil). That (IMO) makes absolutely NO sense.

As for comparing the U.S. to Russia... last I checked, Russia was still one of the most corrupt countries and societies on Earth. A few years ago it was ranked alongside Swaziland in global corruption rankings. According to a report from the World Bank: The September 2006 report, entitled, “Governance Matters” ranked Russia 151st among 208 countries in terms of political stability, democratic voice and accountability, effectiveness of government, quality of regulatory bodies, rule of law and control over corruption. Overall that placed Russia in the league of Swaziland and Zambia, and just ahead of East Timor. Russia’s political stability – defined as the perceived likelihood that the government will be destabilized or overthrown by unconstitutional or violent means – was comparable to that of the Philippines and Kyrgyzstan. On the credibility of the state’s commitment to policy formation and implementation, Russia was in a group with Pakistan and Tanzania. For regulatory quality, Russia was ranked alongside Madagascar and Senegal. Rule of law in Russia was as effective as in Ecuador, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

In a more recent report, Russia is ranked 143rd (score of 2.3), while the U.S. is ranked 20th (score of 7.2). Swaziland is now ahead of Russia (score of 2.7), as is Mexico (score of 3.5). Those wanting to run down the U.S., I suggest you pick a better champion than Russia.

Opinions and romantic ideas of Mother Russia aside, from the various data that I've seen, Russia doesn't compare to the U.S. even on our worst day. If I want to experience Russia, I'll visit Brighton Beach, NY. And I can't say that I've ever had a desire to venture there either. As we attempt to fix our immigration problems, that's certainly one place (among many) that I'd have some ICE buses staged for fast track deportations.

As for the actual question in the OP, on balance, I think the U.S. is a force for good. Borrowing a line from The Wire, "we have this habit of giving a fuck, even when it's not our turn to give a fuck." That certainly doesn't ignore our failing educational system, our current economic woes, our wars of unnecessary aggression or our over-reaching foreign policy - both of which have helped to sink our economy. But the fact is, the U.S. remains the largest economy on Earth. So much like when a battle ship turns, smaller boats can be negatively affected by the wake. We have our issues, and it's possible that we've entered a period of decline. But really, since the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, various depressions and social upheavals... we always seem to come out of it stronger. Good for us, but I'm not sure how that affects the smaller boats.


Works for panties

So, a bunch of Europeans (as it was a UK poll) think we're not a force for good? I say the next time one of those countries over there tries to take over the continent we let them.

Surprising results.

You were surprised the Europeans don't like us? Have they ever?

I had to post this after seeing some typical american arrogance in other posts like the one on canadian oil etc. Pride does come before a fall, Typical american reply is we will bomb or blow you the fuck up etc etc blah blah. I doubt you could take on half the world however I really doubt that would ever happen. Obama got in to clean up your international image. Funded by whoever really controls the US behind the scenes. For the dim witted that would be corporate america, Like most of the west the politics is all a bullshit front.

Obama's cleaned up our image? You mean going around and apologizing for us helping the rest of the world? Yeah, that's real good for our image. Also, he got in on the indeterminate feel-good slogan of 'hope and change.' So far no hope, and the change isn't good. And at the moment, the guy behind the scenes is a Hungarian spooky dude named George Soros.

I enjoy hollywood pumping out the movies on about technological prowess and military power. It is your typical penis wagging if I ever saw it. Half your tech has been developed in partnership with european companies meaning others have your shit too. You only have to look at a stealth bomber to determine that the materials, paint and shape are important. That you got shit on there to lower emissions too.The shape of the vents on the topside and at the back, Kinda ironic its a triangle but we won't go their.

Ooh, we share with our allies (although in light of how they view us, maybe we should reconsider who is and who isn't an ally) so they can be helpful if we need them, and so maybe next time they can defend themselves. And forgive my ignorance, but what does our stealth plane being triangle shaped make ironic?

One was shot down over yugoslavia so it be kinda fucking dumb to think the chinese and ruskies haven't cracked that shit long ago.

I seem to recall weather and some really old SAM with a no longer used form of radar managed to get lucky. Iraq's state of the art stuff couldn't find them. And I don't know if you know this or not, but we don't us the F-117 anymore. We retired them. Means we've got something even better.

In fact to be brutally honest you don't even know what they have.

You think they're just gonna tell us?

All this shit about chinese innovation, They make crappy goods that break because they have grasped capitalism in all its glory.

Actually, they make crappy things because they're communists. It's kinda what communists do. Or if you ask the British, the don't make anything. They just stand around outside protesting and burning things.

They will probably be better at it than us. Welcome to the new chinese century. Fuck they only wrote the book of war and thats some hectic shit. "When able to attack you must appear weak. When weak you must appear strong" yada yada this to me says 'We won't dick wag'

Actually it says all those years the USSR and Chinese had the military parades said "we look strong, but we're not," and that their claims of missiles to sink our carriers and stealth fighters of their own are probably just talk to make themselves look more potent than they are. And it'll be the 'Chinese century' because we all owe them money.

Russians too are highly capable and smart you didn't win a war with them they just went bust cause they raped and pillaged instead of co-operation, As free trade with europe and its old colonies in africa in terms of raw resources won the day not american might. Communism too without its incentive system fucked them as well. But once they overcome their corruption even under their dictator putin who is old school KGB. Not a friend of the west, They will grow stronger again due to all those lovely natural gas reserves and will likely penis wag alongside you in the aeronautical industry, I look forward to seeing some russian planes that can kick our asses.

So, these are the same Russians that stole all their technology from everyone else? From their first wooden ships, through the RPG, AK, jets, rockets, and B-29? (And before you come back at me about how we got alotta stuff from Germany after the war, we freely admit that, the Russians don't. They steal it and pass it off as their own innovation or creation.)

What 'incentive system' is there with communism? The only 'incentive' to do anything is if you don't, you'll get shot and dumped into a shallow grave, or sent off to Siberia. That's why communism never works. There's no incentive to do anything because no matter how much, or if, you work, you still get the same as everyone else. Well, actually, I take that back. The little people (working class) all get the same squaller, while the leaders (the aristocracy) live lavishly. I thought communism was supposed to even things out and make everyone equal?

Oh, and I left the part about how we won alone, because someone already pointed out to you what happened.
^You do know because I can't be arsed looking up all the statistics or information online I will just cite a fact I know of the top of my head. Its well documented that western civilization, The US as well. Ripped of the APC from the soviets....Fact and I hardly think it was gerry scientists either.

PS> The triangle is considered important across many ideals and well maths.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
From wiki

During World War I, when the tank was developed, the British Mark V* tank was designed with a small passenger compartment to carry troops. By some definitions this can be considered the first armoured personnel carrier. The first specialised APC was the Mark IX of 1918.

During World War II, half-tracks such as the American M3 and the German SdKfz 251 played a role similar to the armoured personnel carriers that were developed later on. Another forerunner to the APC during this time was the British Universal Carrier, originally designed to tow artillery but later used in a variety of infantry support roles, including transport. Often, APCs were simply armoured cars with the capacity for carrying troops, but they evolved into purpose-built vehicles to suit the demands of motorised warfare from World War II.

In 1944, the commander of II Canadian Corps, General Guy Simonds, ordered the conversion of 72 United States-produced M7 Priest self-propelled howitzers to personnel carriers. They were, at the time, being replaced by the British Ordnance QF 25 pounder, and no future plans had been drawn up for them.

The howitzer was removed, and the resulting hole was plugged with whatever steel was available. The vehicle was called Kangaroo, after the codename of the workshop which did the conversion. Later in the war Canadian-built Ram tanks were used as a basis for the majority of conversions, as they were replaced by US Sherman tanks, and the original Kangaroos were converted back to self-propelled howitzers and returned to American forces.

After the war, different specialised APCs were developed. The United States developed a series of tracked vehicles, culminating in the M113 "box on tracks", of which 80,000 were made. The Soviet Union developed the Cold War BTR-40, BTR-152, BTR-60, BTR-70, BTR-80 and BTR-90 into a series of 8-wheeled APC.

Although the M113 was designed as an APC, it was among the first to be used in battle in the early 1960s when South Vietnam ARVN troops fought while mounted against infantry which sometimes lacked effective antitank weapons. After the Battle of Ap Bac showed that the exposed machine gun was vulnerable to enemy fire, they were fitted with the ACAV armour kit which protected the main machine gun and added shields for two additional gunners. The M113 served in Vietnam as one of the most effective and widely used armoured vehicles of that war, and remains in service today as a lighter and less expensive alternative to purpose-built IFVs.

Now shut the fuck up and show me how bad America is at other stuff.
From wiki

Now shut the fuck up and show me how bad America is at other stuff.

Wiki lol.....Dude I ain't even going to bother getting my soviet land power textbook out that I bought ages ago. And I am sure the book was subject to academic peerage you know that little thing we do in europe.