The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Gender identity is generally aknowledged in the medical community as a medical condition who's only successful treatment we have as of now is to realign the phenotypical sex with the brain sex. It is definitely a choice to have the treatment, just like it is a choice to take medication when you are sick.
The medical community also acknowledges things like ADHD and restless leg syndrome as medical conditions, so saying that it recognizes gender identity as a medical condition isn't really saying much.
Unneccesary and over-analytical, that's just your opinion. Plenty of people don't care to think about the subject they are talking about, and jump to quick conclusions without even caring to think deep about what they talk about. It's just either laziness or an inability to be insightful about things.
I don't think it has anything to do with laziness or an inability to be insightful when somebody cuts straight to the point and avoids branching off into overly-analytical thoughts and opinions on a certain matter. If someone asked me what 2 + 2 is, it wouldn't make me lazy for saying "4" and leaving it at that, you know?
There is a medical basis for transsexualism, there is not, however, for changing your hair. It's quite a ridiculous argument as well, because whenever you take any medicine, for example, your are defying nature..most of the things we do is "defying nature" like driving, flying, etc. So what's your point??
My point is that people who have surgery to change the appearance of what sex they represent are clearly defying nature. If you are born a male and have surgery to look like a female, there is nothing natural or medicinal about that. I don't think I can be any more clear than that. That is why I used the comparison of somebody having their hair dyed. It doesn't change anything about their DNA or their biology - it just changes their appearance.
Yet most people respect the sexual identification of people who are born with the appereance of a female, and won't adress another person who's intersexed as a man merely because they happen to have XY karyotype.
Furthermore the Y chromosome alone is not what triggers maleness, but a gene called SRY which some people do not pocess.
Your chromosomes don't make you attracted to males, females, both, blondes, brunettes, short people, tall people, fat people, skinny people (etc). You obtain your so-called sexual identity as you grow up and develop your own, individual personality and set of preferences.
The adam's apple is the result of high levels of the "male hormone" testosterone, which females pocess but in low quantities. The penis virilized from what would have been a vagina, due to the influence of, again, the male hormone testosterone. Once testosterone virilizes the body, estrogen cannot reverse it's effects.
Many trannies will never develop an adam's apple or traditional male sexual characteristics because they are not as sensitive to testosterone as the average male is.
You just supported my argument; thank you.
No matter how many hormones are injected into your body, you will never, ever, ever, ever develop into the opposite sex or even lose the characteristics of your original sex. If hormones were so influential towards our sex and sexual identity, then the opposite would be true and hormone injections would give us the ability to decide what sex we want to be.
Please show me where I said that transsexuals are 100% the other sex after transition?? Obviously we cannot change the chromosomes or sry gene that trigerred maleness. However, to reduce people to chromosomes is dehumanizing, and there are other sex markers as well besides of chromosomes.
A person who develops breasts capable of breastfeeding, does not remain as male as someone without this characteristics, despite both having XY chromomosomes, no matter what is your personal judgement on how this happened.
Please show me where I said that you said that...
This has nothing to do with my judgment; this has to do with nature. Nature says that humans have two sexes; male and female. Like I said, nature makes mistakes and people who are born with the development of both sets of sexual organs aren't a little bit female and a little bit male; they are either a male with partially developed female sex organs or a female with partially developed male sex organs. There is no middle ground - it's one or the other.
Now, when children born with transsexualism are young (as in infants), it is very, very hard to tell if they are a male or a female. Unfortunately, it is up to the parents to decide what path the doctors should take - male or female? Sometimes the parents make the wrong call and the child can grow up having extremely difficult confusion to deal with, but that's exactly why people shouldn't be playing God in the first place. We can't control or change nature, yet, we constantly try to make it happen.
In my opinion, if a child is born with transsexualism, the parents should let them live with transsexualism and avoid playing God and stop trying to decide their biology for them. Nature made a mistake and, unfortunately, the child is going to have to live with that. Just because nature made a mistake, it doesn't mean that something is wrong with that person. It's just unfortunate and society needs to leave it at that and realize that, for lack of a better term, shit happens.
Femininity is a learned beavior that some people exaggerate and use it to manipulate others (especially men). Take a look at what Marilyn Monroe did in her movies, for instance, that's when it becomes an art.
Well, masculinity is also a learned behavior that some people exaggerate and use to manipulate others (especially women). The same can be said for both, you know?
But, I still don't get how what you are saying is an art form.
Some people are more predisposed to some things than others, that's when DNA plays a role. Whether your opinion is that it is a choice or not, is irrelevant. It doesn't matter how it happened, what matters is that it just is.
EXACTLY!!! It doesn't matter how it happened; what matters is that it just is. Just like when children are born with transsexualism. It doesn't matter how it happened and we shouldn't try to change it - IT JUST IS. Yet, people play God on a daily basis and try to make Mother Nature's decisions for her.
Also, using the argument that people have predispositions for certain things isn't all that strong of an argument. According to the precious medical community, everybody has a predisposition for everything.
This thread started about if it is "gay" to like trannies, my point is that heterosexual men get attracted to phenotypical females (humans that look female) and homosexual males get attracted to phenotypical males (humans that look male), irregardless of genotype (whether one has XY, XX, XXY, XXX, whatever). Your point is that male-to-female trannies remain male because of the chromosomes. Either way, both statements don't contradict each other.
So, if what you are saying is true (which I don't believe it is), then why don't gay men want to have sex with butch looking lesbians? If homosexual males are attracted to humans that LOOK male, then they would be attracted to butch lesbians with short, man-like haircuts, broad shoulders, flat chests and male-like mannuerisms...yet, they're not.
Or, they would also be attracted to humans that were born as biological women who had surgery just to change the way that they look to have the appearance of a male...yet, they're not.