Well, maybe people should stop dying their hair, wearing clothes, taking medicine, etc.. Most things we do are really not natural anyway.
With that mentality, maybe people should stop trying to change their sex then too.
If you perceive a tranny as male and a total lie, then that's your perception.
Others, again, aknowledge is a medical condition and is a private matter of each individual.
I think you need to realize that nobody here is talking about the
medical condition of transsexualism. Everybody is talking about transsexuals, in the pornographic, "chicks with dicks" sense.
Biologically she is not blonde....but she will definitely be attracting those gentlemen who prefer blondes. :thefinger Will some get over the fact that the hair is dyed?? Wait a minute, maybe, perhaps..they are really into redheads, but the appereance of a blonde just makes it more acceptable!!!
Thank you for supporting my statement of...
We use our perception and the way we identify/define certain classifications of human beings as an easy-to-fall-back-on excuse just so we can twist words around until we're the ones who are right.
Also, the way somebody presents themself is usually a total lie. The truth isn't found in the presentation; it's found in the facts. But, people don't like facts unless they support their own argument. If the facts go against their argument, then people start throwing in all kinds of variables in order to avoid being the one who is wrong. In this case, people are ignoring the laws of nature and focusing on emotions, sexual desires, physical actions and mentality. None of those things changes nature, no matter how much people want to believe it.
All you had to do was say that the woman who dyed her hair blonde was naturally and biologically a red head. But, you didn't leave it at that. Instead, you chose to complicate things by involving attraction, desires, perception, etc.
This is
exactly the point I was trying to make.
It's quite a silly comparison. Nobody is saying that shemales/transsexuals are 100% biologically female after transition. What we are saying is that at some point, physically we move closer to the middle or to one sex than the original one, thus do not remain 100% male. Nevermind that mentally we were already there to begin with.
Once again, I think you are the only one who is talking about the
medical condition of transsexualism here.
If you are born a male and make the choice to take female hormone injections, get breast implants, wear makeup and dress up in women's clothing, it is still never going to change the fact that you are a male;
I guess you would insist that because a person that is XY and born with a vagina is biologically make, we must refer to that person as male, irrgardless of what their gender identity is??
There is no such thing as gender identity. It's all a man-made, useless label that people use in order make themselves fit into the group that they
want to fit into.
There are only two types of people - MALE and FEMALE. People who are born with both sexual organs,
like it or not, are a genetic mistake. They are not a seperate, third sex; they are a mistake. Just as the instances where people are born with down syndrome, hypothyroidism or cystic fibrosis, transsexualism is a genetic mistake.
Also, when people are born, they are mindless nothings that have an empty brain, empty emotions and an empty identity. It isn't until that person grows up and is raised and/or taught to be a certain way that they even begin to form an identity of their own. When a female is born, she doesn't automatically know that females enjoy shopping, receiving flowers as gifts, going to the salon, the color pink, baking or listening to Coldplay. Just as when a male is born, he doesn't automatically know that males enjoy football, drinking beer, eating steak, driving motorcycles or armwrestling. Those are all things that we are TAUGHT as we grow up through parental, friendly and social influence.
Now, there
are natural instincts that people have when they are born (the instinct to eat, drink, defend our young, etc), but NONE of those things have anything to do with our so-called gender identity. The traits that we associate with gender identity are all things that are developed through personal preference - NOT NATURE.
Nature doesn't tell women that they should wear their hair long. Nature doesn't tell women that they should carry a purse that matches their dress. Nature doesn't tell women to wear eye shadow. Nature doesn't tell women to shave their legs. Nature doesn't tell men to wear ties. Nature doesn't tell men to watch Sylvester Stallone movies. Nature doesn't tell men to lift weights. Nature doesn't tell men to go to strip clubs.
Those are all things that we are influenced to do as we grow up.
We aren't born like that -
we are brought up like that. So, to say that we have some sort of biological gender identity is bullshit, IMO, because other than the hormones that we are naturally born with, everything we identify with being male and everything we identify with being female is only identified as such because we,
as a society,
said so.
And, just to further support the argument that I am making, I will ask everyone to do something and I want them to be honest with themselves...
Think of a homosexual male that you know. Now, picture his mannuerisms and the way he talks. Everything is pretty feminine, is it not? Gay men usually have feminine mannuerisms and gay men usually speak in a feminine way; not with a feminine
voice, but in a feminine
We aren't born with pre-programmed mannuerisms. We aren't born with pre-programmed ways of talking. Those are things that we get from other people (our parents, our friends, our family, our schoolmates, our co-workers, etc) as we grow up. That homosexual male that you are thinking of doesn't do what he does because his biology is telling him to; he is doing what he does because that is what our society is telling him to do. He honestly believes that he is
supposed to be moving and talking like that, so he does it. There is nothing in nature that is making him do those things;
only his own mentality.
Gender identity is just another made up term that people rely on in order to avoid any personal responsibility for how they are.
:2 cents: