Meanwhile in Europe!
17 January 1562 - Edict of Saint-Germain, often called the "Edict of January"
1 March 1562 - Massacre of Vassy (Wassy)
March 1562 - March 1563 First War, ended by the Edict of Amboise
19 December 1562 - Battle of Dreux
September 1567 - March 1568 Second War, ended by the Peace of Longjumeau
10 November 1567 - Battle of Saint Denis
1568–70 Third War, ended by the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye
March 1569 - Battle of Jarnac
June 1569 - Battle of La Roche-l'Abeille
October 1569 - Battle of Moncontour
1572 - St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
1572–73 Fourth War, ended by the Edict of Boulogne
November 1572 - July 1573 - Siege of La Rochelle
May 1573 - Henry d'Anjou elected King of Poland
1574 - Death of Charles IX
1574–76 Fifth War, ended by the Edict of Beaulieu
1576 - Formation of the first Catholic League in France
1576–77 Sixth War, ended by the Treaty of Bergerac (also known as the "Edict of Poitiers")
1579–80 Seventh War, ended by the Treaty of Fleix
June 1584 - death of François, Duke of Anjou, heir presumptive
December 1584 - Treaty of Joinville
1585–98 Eighth War, ended by the Peace of Vervins and the Edict of Nantes
October 1587 - Battle of Coutras, Battle of Vimory
December 1588 - Assassination of the Duke of Guise and his brother
August 1589 - Assassination of Henry III
September 1589 - Battle of Arques
March 1590 - Battle of Ivry, Siege of Paris
1593 - Henry IV abjures Protestantism
1594 - Henry IV crowned in Chartres.
June 1595 - Battle of Fontaine-Française
April – September 1597 - Siege of Amiens
April 1598 - Edict of Nantes issued by Henry IV
October 1685 - Edict of Fontainebleau issued by Louis XIV
Thats what you call cutting and pasting