Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
you people are fucked up.
To quote Robert DiNiro...."Are you talkin' ta meeee???"
you people are fucked up.
Come on, seriously?
When the US invaded Iraq, there were no Christians or Moderates or anyone like that. They were all evil terrorists, fucking towelheads or mischievous builders of WMDs. The American right wing didn't give a flying fuck about those people, who were actually better off under Saddam Hussein than in most other Muslim countries.
Now all of the sudden there are poor, poor Christians in Iraq, who are murderd by evil Islamofacists?
Sorry, I know it shouldn't be a laughing matter, but this is almost ludicrous. Obviously, for the most people this has nothing to do with those poor Iraqis getting killed. This is just another stone in the "wall of righteousness" the American Christian right wing is building against Islam.
Sorry, dear Americans, but you put this government in place, which, by the way, just sentenced the only moderate Christian in Saddams former government to death, because it is right wing itself much like the US government who put it in charge once. Only in the US being right wing meant being Christian most of the time, whereas in Iraq, well, the right wing isn't really Christian.
Don't get me wrong, I don't approve of muslim extremism. But I approve of American Christian right wing extremism much less. Because of most muslim extremists we know that they are dangerous. The American Christian right wing extremist on the other hand claims the throne of righteousness while not hiring Arabs for racist reasons, wanting his wife to be a cooking, cleaning doormat, who probably shouldn't even have a right to vote, stockpiling weapons and training for the moment he can overthrow the democratically elected government, or even shooting an abortion doctor in a church. And that does make the American Christian right wing extremist perhaps even more dangerous. Because he does is all from a moral highground, because he is part of a milieu or social setting, which is resistant to suggestions and immune to argumentation, what Kramer called "blickdichte Parallelwelten". Which means, in communities, that claim an exceptional position amongst others, be it because of religious chosenness, privileged manifestation or revelation, race, moral, knowledge, or other assumed extraordinary traits, the formation of parallel communities is possible, who are immune to argumentation and who can hardly be cracked up again. Kramer and others researched this in connection to World War II commemoration in the US, but it fits to large parts of the state of mind of the American right wing.
There are so many parallels it is uncanny.
The dehumanization of "the other" (as John Dower called it) through rhetorics and propaganda is another example. Calling the Islamists "vile creatures" and their religion a "vile cult" is the same process of vilifying that was already used against the Japanese (calling them apes or portraying them as buck-toothed morons or grizzly rapists). It's all borderline racist and is meant to instill fear in an enemy race or religion that is seen as lesser, subhuman, and threatening. Marc Selden or Bruce Cumings for example have done some interesting work on that subject.
Long story short: I can see through this and I am not impressed. Don't act like you give a damn about these Iraqis, this is just another anti-Islam thread.
this is just another anti-Islam thread.
Now will people understand why the melting pot that is Iraq needed a brutal dictator like Saddam to keep all these uprisings down, especially those by Islamic radicals who he despised. Christians in Iraq are as good as finished now, you think the religious Shia government really cares about what happens to them?
Tariq Aziz, who was Saddams deputy prime minister and foreign minister is a Christian.
He was but he converted to Islam.
I don't think so. where did you hear that?
That's what I've read but it looks like he may have faked his conversion. Saddam a secularist, wanted his entire war cabinet comprised of muslims so Tariq had to convert. However, there is a theory he only changed his first name to Tariq and secretly stayed a Christian.:dunno:
Tariq's nephew definately converted from Christianity to Islam.
here we go again.
someone posts a news story about muslims killing innocent people and everyone starts giving him grief.
the same ones who have so much to say against christianity, the united states and racism.
you people are fucked up.
you really do have a disease.
Oh dear.
The state of Iraq's christian population (half of the 800,000 have left in the last 7 years) wouldn't be what it is if it weren't if it wasn't for a handful of devout christian leaders attacking Iraq and completely destabalizing it. That sad irony seems to be lost on the OP.
To the OP- did you support the attack on Iraq? If so, you're as culpable as the muslims actually carrying out the violence against the Christians.
Oh dear.
The state of Iraq's christian population (half of the 800,000 have left in the last 7 years) wouldn't be what it is if it weren't if it wasn't for a handful of devout christian leaders attacking Iraq and completely destabalizing it. That sad irony seems to be lost on the OP.
To the OP- did you support the attack on Iraq? If so, you're as culpable as the muslims actually carrying out the violence against the Christians.
Gosh, your pretty desperate.
Good posts come for coconut island.:clap:
but all I am pointing out is the MSM seems to go out of their way to make Islam look good and vilify Christians. That's all I'm saying. :dunno:
Oh dear.
The state of Iraq's christian population (half of the 800,000 have left in the last 7 years) wouldn't be what it is if it weren't if it wasn't for a handful of devout christian leaders attacking Iraq and completely destabalizing it. That sad irony seems to be lost on the OP.
To the OP- did you support the attack on Iraq? If so, you're as culpable as the muslims actually carrying out the violence against the Christians.
To quote Robert DiNiro...."Are you talkin' ta meeee???"