Iraq War

And if Gore hadn't won, there would be no war. I would bet my life on it, although there is no way to prove that. I personally think if Gore had won there'd have been no 911, either, but I can't prove that, either. I am well aware Bush doesn't run things per se. But he has a hell of a lot of foreign policy influence and power - and his people, too. And I can say with all my heart, it may not rest squarely on his shoulders, but it is BOB - because of Bush, his election primarily - that all this is even happening.


That's ridiculous fox. Bush was only in office for 7 months when 9/11 happened. That plan from Al Qaeda took years of planning and training. And Al Qaeda have been waging their little war against us since the early 90's.

Look, I have never liked Bush. Going back to the 2000 election. (When he and his cronies stole it) Way before Before 9/11. I wanted McCain. A smart man. A real leader. A real American hero. Not some trust fund baby who barely got C's in college and who used his father's good name to rise to power. But blaming Bush for 9/11 is beyond out there. It's just plain hate man.
What did I say that would have me banned???

I think I know a lil more than you about are military. If I am wrong let me know what you have done for are military?

Calling people fucking morons is considered flaming here, and can very easily get you banned. That's a board rule, not mine, and I'm just trying to do you a favor by telling you about it.

And I don't doubt that you know more about our military than I do, I haven't said anything to the contrary. You don't know more about everything going on though such as current events, and spelling, which you've proven in your last post to me.

You admit yourself that we can only handle one country at a time. I agree! We should have finished in Afghanistan before anything else.

You say the "Iraqi terroists" attacked us. We've never been attacked by Iraq. The majority of the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.

Yes, like you, I'd like to have the terrorists who attacked us at the top of our list, the problem is, they're not.

I respect your service for our country, and by way of that for me, but my respect for you as a person is dropping quickly.
That's ridiculous fox. Bush was only in office for 7 months when 9/11 happened. That plan from Al Qaeda took years of planning and training. And Al Qaeda have been waging their little war against us since the early 90's.

Look, I have never liked Bush. Going back to the 2000 election. (When he and his cronies stole it) Way before Before 9/11. I wanted McCain. A smart man. A real leader. A real American hero. Not some trust fund baby who barely got C's in college and who used his father's good name to rise to power. But blaming Bush for 9/11 is beyond out there. It's just plain hate man.

I think he means that it had less likelyhood of happenning if Gore had been in office because Gore would have been less likely to ignore the report about Bin Laden being determined to attack withing the U.S. and thereby may have been able to take some type of preventative measures in reguards to it.
our military should have finished the job in iraq 15 years ago. :2 cents:

Totally disagree. Bush Sr. and his administration were very smart. He knew if we went in there and got rid of Saddam, a guerilla war would erupt. And 15 years later thats exactly what has happened.

Bush Jr. should have listened to his father and stayed the hell out.
Totally disagree. Bush Sr. and his administration were very smart. He knew if we went in there and got rid of Saddam, a guerilla war would erupt. And thats exactly what has happened.

Bush Jr. should have listened to his father and stayed the hell out.

taking saddam down was always inevitable. it was going to happen sooner or later. and just think, all this bullshit in iraq might be over by now if it happened sooner.


Most of the post here have become nothing but attacks on America and the government… if respect for me is dropping cause I don’t want to put up with it. I don’t care!

I a sorry for breaking a rule I really am… but I get mad at people that bash this great country when what we are trying to talk about, look at the name of this subject, is Iraq not tell me how you hate America.

What’s my spelling have to do with anything about this??? Its not my spelling bro… its my typing!
Most of the post here have become nothing but attacks on America and the government… if respect for me is dropping cause I don’t want to put up with it. I don’t care!

I a sorry for breaking a rule I really am… but I get mad at people that bash this great country when what we are trying to talk about, look at the name of this subject, is Iraq not tell me how you hate America.

What’s my spelling have to do with anything about this??? Its not my spelling bro… its my typing!

No bro, when you confuse our with are, it's not your typing...although, it's not technically your spelling either, it's your syntax in that case, but it goes to tell how intelligent you are. That's all.

Anyway, I'm not attacking America in any way, and the fact that you can't understand this is the reason why my respect for you is declining. You can't separate anti-administration talk from anti-America talk. I love my country, and that's why I'm so pissed off with what this current administration has done to it. I hate, as an American how many times I've been lied to over this war.


Flaming is not tolerated here. (Like a thread like this has ever not had at least one ban....)
It's not hate - it's what I believe. That it was never those Muslims. Since the moment it happened. I never believed that lie. I am entitled to those beliefs. I am entitled to share them. I don't ask you to believe what I say just to open your minds to the extreme possibility that the official version of events MIGHT not be true, whatever the real story is.
You know, I don't believe the official findings of the Kennedy assassination either, but the evidence on 9/11 seems a bit more concrete to me. Call ME crazy.


What’s up people…?

The brother of thedude6926 and if you don’t believe me I have pics that show it. He is my twin and he is here though. We come from a family that debates all the time so don’t think he is mad or anything. He is mad at himself for getting worked up and making it personnel. He said he will be back when the ban is done with no hard feelings. He said he will stay away from this one when he gets back…hahahaha.

If anybody still don’t think I am who I say I am just ask for a pic to show it. I don’t mind I would think the same thing.
What’s up people…?

The brother of thedude6926 and if you don’t believe me I have pics that show it. He is my twin and he is here though. We come from a family that debates all the time so don’t think he is mad or anything. He is mad at himself for getting worked up and making it personnel. He said he will be back when the ban is done with no hard feelings. He said he will stay away from this one when he gets back…hahahaha.

If anybody still don’t think I am who I say I am just ask for a pic to show it. I don’t mind I would think the same thing.

for your sake, i hope you are his brother and not him. multiple accounts arent taken lightly. :)
What’s up people…?

The brother of thedude6926 and if you don’t believe me I have pics that show it. He is my twin and he is here though. We come from a family that debates all the time so don’t think he is mad or anything. He is mad at himself for getting worked up and making it personnel. He said he will be back when the ban is done with no hard feelings. He said he will stay away from this one when he gets back…hahahaha.

If anybody still don’t think I am who I say I am just ask for a pic to show it. I don’t mind I would think the same thing.

Debate is good, and I've come to find that the anti-flaming rules here are good too because they keep the discussion a debate, and keep them from becoming simply attacks. "You're a fucking moron" really kind of kills a debate. As long as he can stay away from saying things like that, and stick to expressing his opinion he'll be fine when he gets back.

It's good to have you here too. Assuming you're really his brother anyway. :1orglaugh
Ok DUDE thanks for your service. I value your sacrifice, and have no beef with those who served in the military, But,

We can only deal with one country at a time... what would you have us do? We don't have a military that big.

Then why did we go into Iraq and leave the people of Afghanistan to fend for them selves with sufficient recourses? Bush, the decider, started to the draw military resources out of Afghanistan to go to Iraq way before the Afghanistan was stabilization. The Taliban is making a big come back, and will be hard to dislodge

Iraqi Terrorists have attacked us… the other countries have not. I don’t know about you but I like having them at the top of my list..

They did not attack us we attacked then. Remember Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and had no connection what so ever with Al-Qaeda. We are a foreign army of occupation. What would you do if an Arab army occupied the city where you live? I’ll bet you would become an insurgent, and the government would call you a terrorist. At least 70% of the people of Iraq wants us to leave immediately.

What is a Terrorist? Anyone who fight against us? Al-Qaeda was not in Iraq before the ill advised invasion of a sovereign country. Al-Qaeda in Iraq are mostly new recruits to Al-Qaeda and foreigners who were enraged by the invasion of Iraq. The Iraq war is creating terrorist at a rate faster than we can kill them. They are there now, but responsible for less than 10% of the violence. The problem in Iraq is at least a civil war and more like a war of all against all. Most insurgents are not Al-Qaedal terrorist, they are from every ethnic group there is in Iraq. The Kruds are not parts of this but Turkey consider the Kruds terrorist for there own reasons.

You may know more about the military, but these are not issued about being in the military. You seem brain washed by the neocons about what going on in the world at large. This not a condemnation of America, but of the current administration in the White House. There is a big difference.