Iraq war vet and father of two shot 71 times in own HOME by SWAT team

That SWAT team must've really wanted him dead. RIP.

'Government killed one of their own': Iraq war vet and father of two shot 71 times in own HOME by SWAT team

Jose Guerena, 26,survived two tours of duty in Iraq as a marine, only to be gunned down in a hail of 71 bullets in his own Tucson, Arizona home, while his wife and four-year old son hid in a nearby closet.

Mr Guerena's wife, Vanessa, said she heard her husband moaning as he lay dying, his body struck by 60 of the bullets.

Ms Guerena told ABC News: 'I saw his stomach, all the blood on the floor'.


Shot dead: Jose Guerena, 26, had served two tours of duty in Iraq as a marine, but he died in his Tucson home after being hit by 60 bullets from a SWAT team


Family man: Mr Guerena is survived by his wife, Vanessa, and sons Joel, 4, and Jose, 6. Vanessa and Joel hid in a closet, where they could hear the shooting


Seeking closure: Vanessa Guerena hopes to clear her late husband's name by proving that he was not involved in drugs, the stated reason for the raid

She said her goal now is to 'clear his good name'. Ms Guerena said their son Joel keeps asking about his deceased father, 'Is he a bad guy?'

The Tucson SWAT team responsible for the May 5 house shooting defends its actions, saying the team was conducting a multi-house drug investigation based on a search warrant when they saw Mr Guerena aiming an assault rifle at them.

At first, the SWAT team had said Mr Guerena fired first, but then they retracted that statement, saying he had left the safety on.

The Pima County Sheriff's Office declines to say whether any drugs were found in the house, claiming the investigation is ongoing.

At a press conference Thursday, SWAT team lawyer Mike Storie claimed weapons and body armour were found in the home, as well as a photo of Jesus Malverde, who Storie called a 'patron saint drug runner'.

In a statement, the sheriff's office criticized those questioning the team, saying, 'It is unacceptable and irresponsible to couch those questions with implications of secrecy and a coverup, not to mention questioning the legality of actions that could not have been taken without the approval of an impartial judge'.


Opened up: The Pima County SWAT team fired off 71 bullets, 60 of which struck Mr Guerena. They say he pointed an assault weapon at them


Bullet hole: Signs of the confrontation


Crime scene: The Guerena's home in Tucson, where they saw gunmen early in the morning on May 5

On the night of the raid, Ms Guerena said her husband was asleep, after having worked a night shift at the Asarco copper mine. She said she then saw the armed SWAT team outside her youngest son's bedroom window.

Reyna Ortiz, 29, a relative of the family, told reporters: 'She saw a man pointing at her with a gun. She yelled, "Don't shoot! I have a baby!"'

Ms Guerena alleges that she thought it was a criminal assault, since two members of her sister-in-law's family, Cynthia and Manny Orozco, had been killed last year in their Tucson home.

Ms Guerena said she shouted for her husband, who told her to take young Joel and hide in a closet.

After the shooting, Ms Guerena says she emerged from the closet. 'They came into the house to get me,' she told ABC reporters.

She told a 9-11 operator: 'They were... going to shoot me. And I put my kid in front of me', according to ABC.

Crying, she also told the operator: 'He's on the floor! Can you please hurry up?'


Ongoing investigation: Pima County officials decline to say if they found any drugs in the home, but say they did find weapons and body armour


Found: Police say they also found a photo of Jesus Malverde, who they called a 'patron saint drug runner'

When she encountered the SWAT team, 'the only thing I told them was take care of him, take him to a hospital,' Ms Guerena told ABC.

An ambulance reportedly arrived in a few minutes, but medical personnel were not allowed inside to see Mr Guerena for an hour and 14 minutes, the family's attorney, Chris Scileppi, told ABC News affiliate KGUN.

In contrast, it took responders only 12 minutes to address Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in Tucson in January, according to Mr Scileppi.

Mr Storie defended the SWAT team's actions, saying, 'They still don't know how many shooters are inside, how many guns are inside and they still have to assume that they will be ambushed if they walk in this house'.


Critical: Guerena family lawyer Chris Scileppi said: 'The pieces don't fit. I think it was poor planning, overreaction and now they're trying to CYA'


Medics barred: Mr Scleppi claims paramedics were kept outside the home more than an hour, while Mr Guerena lay inside dying

Mr Scileppi accused officers of 'circling their wagons'.

'The pieces don't fit. I think it was poor planning, overreaction and now they're trying to CYA', Scileppi told ABC.

Mr Guerena served two tours of duty in Iraq, until he left the Marines in 2006.

ABC interviewed his former commander, Sergeant Leo Verdugo, who told them he 'definitely pulled his weight'.

'I have a hard time grasping how something so tragic could happen', he told the network.

The Guerena's oldest boy, Jose, turns 6 Tuesday. Ms Ortiz told ABC, 'He went to school, came back and never saw his daddy again. He's asking, "Why did the police kill my daddy?"

'We were so worried when he was over there fighting terrorism, but he gets shot in his own home. The government killed one of their own', Ms Ortiz said.

Mr Guerena is to be buried in his Marine dress blue uniform.

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Will E Worm

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted as a response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, which is a type of general search warrant, in the American Revolution. Search and arrest should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer, who has sworn by it.

At first, the SWAT team had said Mr Guerena fired first, but then they retracted that statement, saying he had left the safety on.

So, at first they lied then they made up another lie to cover the first lie.

The Pima County Sheriff's Office declines to say whether any drugs were found in the house, claiming the investigation is ongoing.

Of course there weren't any drugs found.

The "war" on drugs needs to stop. It really a war on the citizens of America.


Closed Account
who gives a shit if he's a father? who gives a shit if he was a Marine? who gives a shit if he was in his house? don't point a gun at police

Will E Worm

who gives a shit if he's a father? who gives a shit if he was a Marine? who gives a shit if he was in his house? don't point a gun at police

That part was probably made up as well.

That's why this is still under investigation.

If someone comes to my home and they cannot be distinguished from a common criminal or they are pointing a gun at me and my family without a properly attainted warrant, then anyone under those circumstance has the right to point a weapon at that person.

Police have to follow rules. They don't just get a free pass to violate rules.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures.

A multi-house search warrant definitely falls under the unreasonable search category.

Why in the fuck is a SWAT team sent out with a search warrant? SWAT teams are a last resort option, sent in only to handle violent criminals/situations. Most of them are the gung-ho types and those that aren't, are just plain trigger-happy. The judge who issued the
warrant was an idiot, and the person who approved the SWAT team to lead the search was an even bigger idiot. People need to be fired
and lawsuits need to be filed. Our so-called justice system has failed again.
I can't speak for the law enforcement officials....I'm not real good in math, and maybe this is ignorance talking, but 71 times is that a lot?

Will E Worm

A multi-house search warrant definitely falls under the unreasonable search category.

Why in the fuck is a SWAT team sent out with a search warrant? SWAT teams are a last resort option, sent in only to handle violent criminals/situations. Most of them are the gung-ho types and those that aren't, are just plain trigger-happy. The judge who issued the
warrant was an idiot, and the person who approved the SWAT team to lead the search was an even bigger idiot. People need to be fired
and lawsuits need to be filed. Our so-called justice system has failed again.

SWAT teams might as well be the KGB.

We don't need them and they are more than likely an illegal force.

Obviously this guy was not a violent criminal.

I agree, everyone involved need to be prosecuted and fired.
His widow and children deserve a large cash settlement and their home paid for in full.
Wow! I something like that happened here in Sweden, I think the government might fall. It would at least cost a few ministers their careers.

Not to be disrespectful to American law enforcement officers, but what the heck are you guys doing over there? We get all these videos on the tube, of cops being retarded assholes (Officer Rivieri for example:, and we get news like the above.

And then we get all the people making excuses for those bad cops.

"If a cop tells you to do something, don't argue".

"Cops may be assholes, but that is something we'll just have to live with".

I call bullshit.

Seriously, if a police officer tells me to do something that somehow seems wrong to me, then I hope to God that I have the guts to stand up to him (or her)
We're not a police state. This is just a random isolated incident.

So a veteran gets shot and killed and police block EMTs from treating him as he's dying. So SWAT officers shoot a 7 year old girl in the head as she sits in her bed during a no-knock raid in Detroit...again, it's just a random, isolated incident. And just because it happens all the time doesn't make it any less random and isolated. We need to tolerate incidents like these because, if we don't...if we restrict police in any way, people could die. Innocent people could be killed by crime and stuff.
Give a bunch of guns to mindless gollege drop outs who think they're god and this is what happens.

Yes, those evil college drop outs, fucking up the world for us graduates. Police departments around the nation need to start recruiting at laboratories and law firms.

Shit like this incident make me sick and I have a pretty negative view of cops general, but comments like yours are unfortunate. Power is abused by any who are awarded it. Levels of higher education, or lack there of, are pretty inconsequential.


who gives a shit if he's a father? who gives a shit if he was a Marine? who gives a shit if he was in his house? don't point a gun at police

WEW said:
That part was probably made up as well.

That's why this is still under investigation.

Would you change you mind if it does turn out that Mr. G did, in fact, point a gun at the authorities?


This according to Forbes:

Initially the Sheriff’s office told reporters that Guerena had threatened officers with a gun, but their story has since changed.

Apparently one of the SWAT team’s deputies accidentally fired his gun, leading to confusion. Other deputies began firing on the home, where wife Vanessa and their four-year-old son hid in a closet. Jose Guerena was shot 60 times. Officers fired a total of 71 rounds into the home.



We're not a police state. This is just a random isolated incident.

So a veteran gets shot and killed and police block EMTs from treating him as he's dying. So SWAT officers shoot a 7 year old girl in the head as she sits in her bed during a no-knock raid in Detroit...again, it's just a random, isolated incident. And just because it happens all the time doesn't make it any less random and isolated. We need to tolerate incidents like these because, if we don't...if we restrict police in any way, people could die. Innocent people could be killed by crime and stuff.

I agree 100% :D

I also agree with meesterperfecto, we're only getting one side of the story, we need better info than the Daily Mail can provide us from across the pond.
This according to Forbes:

Initially the Sheriff’s office told reporters that Guerena had threatened officers with a gun, but their story has since changed.

Apparently one of the SWAT team’s deputies accidentally fired his gun, leading to confusion. Other deputies began firing on the home, where wife Vanessa and their four-year-old son hid in a closet. Jose Guerena was shot 60 times. Officers fired a total of 71 rounds into the home.


That's the same account I read two days ago via Reason:

People who attempt to defend or justify this shit need to realize that they're as at-risk as anybody. The number of raids on wrong addresses or mistaken identities is staggering. Thankfully most of them don't result in deaths, but being woken up by a flash bang, cuffed naked and dragged into a hallway as your children watch isn't exactly what you expect when you go to bed after a long day at work. It happens a whole lot more than people think.