I think we need to draft protectionist trade policies which protect America's economy and jobs (fuck Globalization).
I think we need to "change" the Constitution to manage Citizenship. We are a country of 350Million+. We have limited natural resources, our cities are turning into shitholes because there's no tax money at the state level to keep cities from crumbling. We no longer need to convert foreigners to citizens like we did in the 18th and 19th centuries. We have enough citizens now and for the near future.
American companies must hire American workers. Outsourcing and Insourcing labor must be severely punished by the Gov't. :thumbsup:
I caught part of a report yesterday that talked about the recent G20 meeting. Of the 20 participants, guess which one didn't have a "buy domestic" provision in its trade policies?
Right here, my man. :wave: The good ol' United Suckers of America. In our mad zeal to promote global, free trade, we somehow forgot to insert the word "fair." But neither the Democrats nor the Republicans seemed to be too worried about that in the 90's. When NAFTA was signed, they tossed a bone to big labor, so that displaced American workers could be retrained. Ya know, one day you're a machinist making $40/hour. The next day, you're inputting medical records for $7/hour. And to make up for your lost income, Walmart will import all the cheap, Chinese made, plastic shit that you'll ever need. You won't even miss that lost $33/hour! And if things get real tough and you need to buy a car or some big ticket item, we'll make it easier for you to use your house as an ATM machine. Rinse and repeat.
I've always thought of myself as a person who believed in free trade around the globe. But since our trading partners want us to abide by one set of rules (that we all agreed to) and then they're going to do their own thing, a trade war might have been in order about 15 years ago. But now, since we're so far in hock to the Chinese and Japanese, we can't say too much. And for this trainwreck, I'd like to thank the Democrats, Republicans and last, but not least, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (the California Chamber too). :thefinger
And on this illegal immigration question, I agree with you. I don't think that a person should be able to come here (from whatever country), squat down and drop a baby and that baby is automatically considered to be an American citizen.
If the parents are here illegally, then I don't think we should consider that child a U.S. citizen, with all of the benefits of citizenship. But I doubt anyone (Democrat or Republican) is going to tackle that one at the national level.
But as for what we're going to do about illegal immigration now... :dunno: But the first thing I would do is make it such a financial penalty for a business hiring illegals that they'd wish they'd never gotten a business license. You set some asses on fire and I guarantee that these businesses would stop pulling this shit. And if it can be proven that this is a routine business practice, make it a felony with about 5 years of mandatory jail time. Let a few plant managers and HR managers have to do the ol' perp walk on their way to Club Fed and I guarantee these people will have a harder time finding employment. Let a few contractors lose their business licenses and it'll damn sure slow down. Let the CEO's of ConAgra or Smithfield Foods get led before the media in cuffs... you get the picture. And the people who manufacture these fake I.D.'s, empty the potheads out of the jails and make some room for these jokers. But we just haven't gotten totally serious about this issue.
This is going on, and has gone on, because there has been almost no effort on the part of either party to (seriously) put a stop to it. Both have benefited. Both have played nice with the illegal question to add to their bases. But my gosh, enough is enough! And it's not about Mexicans or others of Hispanic origin. It comes down to the simple fact that we have NO IDEA who is in our country. :helpme: