Illegal immigration down

If it is truly down. Good!

I see no problem.
And I tell you why: Because that liberal Commie asshole Barack Hussein Osama has destroyed America. Not even the Nickaragians want to live in a country with socialized health care.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I don't know. I saw one just yesterday behind a dumpster wiping his ass with a mcdonalds wrapper.

I wonder if that guy has zits on his ass now due to the grease...
I wonder if that guy has zits on his ass now due to the grease...

what a great question...i'm glad you asked, the mental images of a fat, hairy, sweaty, zit ridden man-ass are really doin it for me here :nanner:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Yep, illegals are destroying the country.

Nevermind that it's the bankers who caused a financial collapse rendering millions of homeless and causing a global economic crisis with incredibly damaging ramifications for millions of people worldwide.
More than probably anything else it's the state of the economy that has lessened it a marginal amount. When illegals are having a harder time getting a job you know our economy is crap.