If you could punch anyone in the face...

If you could pick one asshole in the world to punch as hard as possible in the face and break bones, who would you pick? I'm gonna think hard about this one before I answer.

I generally prefer to avoid violence when possible.

... that said, It'd stick the names of the people who've wronged those I care about on a dartboard and let fate decide who takes the punch.
No one, unless I was being defensive. I mean yes there are lots of child predators, murderers, etc that it would be great to see them get what's coming to them and more (hence me trying to get into the police), but aside from them I see no reason to really want to hit someone unless they come after you.


I'm in the middle of the WSOP so it's a pretty big fuckin' list. At the top though, is the asshole who invented Open-Face Chinese Poker, immediately followed by the douche bags who play it.

That's right motherhumpers, ask me how my day went. Go on, ask me. :mad:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Any of them Greek dudes that have been pounding BobkaBictim's wife.
If you could pick one asshole in the world to punch as hard as possible in the face and break bones, who would you pick? I'm gonna think hard about this one before I answer.

Alive or dead? I'll assume it doesn't matter.

I'd have to pick one that could be a popular choice - Hitler. But if the dude has to be alive ... hmmmm ... my stepfather. Forget the politicians. The politicians cannot make a profound psychological effect on me, last time I checked.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
There's a guy where I work. his existence is....unnecessary, and his reason for employment, well it's unexplainable. I asked the owner once, who this guy saw him kill....but he wasn't really thrilled with my question, even though he did answer it. He said no one, he's just good at what he does...problem is, no one knows what that is. He makes more money then most, and seems to do the least. He's a conniving, 2 faced, cheese eating rat, that loves to stir the pot, start shit, and get people in trouble. He's thrown me under the bus more times then I can even count. He gets but hurt when people don't kiss his ass, and has in the past, demanded he be treated with the same respect as the owners.


Closed Account
Anyone who's ever sexually assaulted a child.

A punch in the face ain't gonna do it. For that crime, they should have to watch as their dick and balls are cut off and crammed down their throat.

damn right, not just a punch in face, but more, like dragging down the road while he's tied on a car
I prefer burying them alive or this:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism. This way they have "me" time to think about what they did wrong. ;)

But to answer the original question-Charles Saatchi and those who sent ugly remarks about the latest Cheerios commercial (especially toward the little girl in the commercial).