i see you've admitted defeat. your consolation prize is a nice, sturdy wooden chair so you can go sit in the corner and think about how you made yourself look like an ass.
copy&paste hahahaha man your level of denial is truly legendary![]()
I say o.k., i guess someone else will come. I don't remember how much time went by but i'm starting to get more annoyed because there are a half dozen cops sitting in plain sight of me and doing nothing about people waiting in line. Not even a little acknowledgment that we exist let alone getting waited on. Also, as far as anyone can tell, none of the cops are doing anything which makes them look like they are so busy that they can't at least say to me "someone will be with you shortly."
They do sound incompetent. They should be reprimanded for sitting on their butts doing nothing and wasting money.
Most people would be fired if they were sitting around at their jobs.
The police are not better than a regular person.
They are public servants. I'd say your Civil Rights were violated.
Report them.
First call a lawyer.
Ask the lawyer about your rights and if he can help and if you need to report
the police to the address below.
Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Complaints
Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 4706
Washington, D.C. 20530
Also, ask the lawyer about where you can report the station for negligence.
So, there will be an investigation into the station and their operations.
^^ i hope that is sarcasm
I don't know what city you live in? but where I live in Detroit,Mi
I have been man-handled by the police more times than I care to remember or count! now what happened to you was so low on the totem pole that it doesn't even register in the realm of abuse!
It was merely an escorted exit from the building! holla and complain about abuse and your rights, when you get a shotgun racked and aimed @ you daring you to twitch a fuckin muscle (dat was the passenger cop and the driver side cop aiming his side arm @ me) the second they pull up on ya! dats radical and un-needed considering I was with friends peacefully talkin to some girls!
you can be upset or plead with everybody When you have a officer denting your person with his flashlight and the other with his "wooden thingy" a tonfa? I forgot what the actual name is for those night sticks?
Anyway they were cranking my arms behind my back and upwards for no reason, then You Might have a case! which happened to me a couple of times.. and guess what? no law suit, no complaint filed, you know why? cuz your chance of winning is slim to none, unless you have a camcorder pointing right @ the incident as proof!
If you don't have that proof? its your word against theirs! and you already know I, nor anybody else has got NO chance of winning that kind of case!
And even if I did win by somekind of miracle, it would quickly turn into a nightmare cuz those guys would be lookin to fuck me up everytime they saw me, and maybe even kill me??? who knows?
but I am sorry to say your incident was something that happens EVERYDAY to allot of people of all races and creeds in every city and state!! so just get over it!! thats the way shit is, whether you like it or not!! besides you should have just told them your fuckin life was just threatened and told them who it was and where it happened!! end of story!!:dunno:
First call a lawyer.
Ask the lawyer about your rights and if he can help and if you need to report
the police to the address below.
aren't you going to try to cite me a 13th century law from china that proves you right somehow? i'm surprised at your lack of initiative.
as i said in the initial post it is irrelevant to my story why i was there in the first place. the nature of the cops crime is what it is regardless. i specifically told them i came in with an issue but that i developed subsequent issues since i was standing in line. i have no obligation to inform them of how severe or not my original issue is. if they throw me out before i can tell them, they are being extremely incompetent.
I say o.k., i guess someone else will come. I don't remember how much time went by but i'm starting to get more annoyed because there are a half dozen cops sitting in plain sight of me and doing nothing about people waiting in line. Not even a little acknowledgment that we exist let alone getting waited on. Also, as far as anyone can tell, none of the cops are doing anything which makes them look like they are so busy that they can't at least say to me "someone will be with you shortly."
You know we got another Beaver sighting now. :rofl:.... i'll let all you eager beavers out there ...
well, for all you inquiring minds out there, i spent time today calling lawyers. the first guy told me he didn't want to handle my case. to make a long story short, i eventually called the bar association lawyer referal service and i talked for 10-15 minutes with a lawyer who told me that in some sense my civil rights were abused, however it is not a serious violation. he said that doesn't make what they did right but that he feels no lawyer would help me. so it appears i'm actually right but no one, not even the law, cares. i was assaulted and battered and apparently my only recourse is to file a lawsuit myself. i'll let all you eager beavers out there know how things develop. and yes, i will try to get youtube footage, but no promises.:1orglaugh
I'm going to subscribe to this thread just to watch the rest of you guys assault and batter this schmuck.