I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

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Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
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Look, guys...mw is just trying to fit in. He's obviously had a difficult time in this life, abused and ignored but still gamely standing up to even police battery.
I mean...who can complain about the time he stood and waited for some service (like he was in McDonalds), then when it's finally his time he starts a (most likely) loud whiny dissertation about his "concerns", wasting time and making the people behind him who've been waiting as long as he has wait even longer?
He's fortunate an irate Granny in line behind him didn't tear his "quivering with indignation" ass a new one...can you imagine the huge post he'd make about that?:rofl:
And then the FBI would have to throw him out of their office...and so on.
It's scary, reading his other posts, and realizing he has voting rights, and can actually reproduce legally.

Reminds me of those recent CNN stories of people who called 911 to report their orders at McDonalds being incorrect or not done fast enough. Seriously...


Postal Paranoiac
So what? Tunsty was abused by his hand twenty minutes ago. :banana:


no need to be frightened little one. i have transcended the mundane realities of voting, reproducing, etc. that you hold so dear.

Is "little one" your idea of a crushing putdown?

but what if i just couldn't hold it anymore? i don't want to soil myself afterall. i could claim i was running for the toilet but couldn't make it.

I am beginning to suspect that you skipped right over puberty...is this fun for you?


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
i was running for the toilet but couldn't make it.

Unfortunately, in the present political system of this, the New Matt-less Millenium, the sway of the voters inevitably will be decided by the availability of the accumulation of "donated" cash of the respective candidates spent on the so-called "education" of those who dare excercise their inalienable right to choose those whom are subsequently appointed, by their own hand and purple index finger, aggregated en masse, as it were and still is, to represent and govern them.
no. i've already made my case in detail. either go back and re-read what i wrote or go about your merry old way and continue with whatever it is you were doing. it's of no great concern to me.

I agree that the cops may have been a bit discourteous and uninterested, I don't think that was abusive though. However, you did say you had a much larger initial complaint that you never got to express. I could see not being able to address that complaint and then being kinda..."ignored" would compound your anger.

Sorry to hear about your situation. No fun.

I quote the above portion for a reason: It is only my opinion but, I am guessing by the way you talk to people, you are going to have many difficulties in life. This "abuse" may just be the first in a long list of unpleasant things that will happen. Be nice and the world will turn my friend. I am a pretty open minded guy and like to listen and help people, but if I was talked to like that, I would file you away mentally into the "ignore this person" file. Just try an experiment and give some more respect and be apologetic. My guess is that you will get a lot further.

Again, only advice. Take it or leave it as you please and regardless I am sorry to hear about your situation. This post doesn't make it anymore fun for you. Bad day all around I think.
another revelation in my case. there is an organization in my city, and i'd assume in many other areas, where you can call to make complaints about the police. i was unaware of this organization before going to the station. so what would a reasonable person conclude from this? none other then the cops at the station should have referred me to this police misconduct reporting organization instead of assaulting and battering me. the evidence just keeps piling up.
I am guessing by the way you talk to people, you are going to have many difficulties in life. This "abuse" may just be the first in a long list of unpleasant things that will happen.

man, if only it were that simple. i'm already deep in the line of unpleasant occurences in life. and most of it i chalk up to the minorities. white power!:1orglaugh
another revelation in my case. there is an organization in my city, and i'd assume in many other areas, where you can call to make complaints about the police. i was unaware of this organization before going to the station. so what would a reasonable person conclude from this? none other then the cops at the station should have referred me to this police misconduct reporting organization instead of assaulting and battering me. the evidence just keeps piling up.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, YES moron...the police are going to refer you to an ANTI-POLICE organization. Jesus Christ Almighty, you are stupid.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, YES moron...the police are going to refer you to an ANTI-POLICE organization. Jesus Christ Almighty, you are stupid.

calm down before i have to frisk you. you're lucky to get a warning, i didn't and was subsequently assaulted and battered. i didn't say it was an anti-police organization. i said it was an organization where you can make complaints about the police. it's actually a government run thing. i thought i told you to resign yesterday. or did i give you till monday morning? things slip my mind.
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