Go back to the station and shit on the doorstep.
Bet the cunts will see you then!
Bet the cunts will see you then!
Go back to the station and shit on the doorstep.
Bet the cunts will see you then!
Go back to the station and shit on the doorstep.
Bet the cunts will see you then!
1orglaugh best post in the thread.
So what? Tunsty was abused by his hand twenty minutes ago. :banana:
D'ya think he reported the incident to Interpol?:banana:
It's scary, reading his other posts, and realizing he has voting rights, and can actually reproduce legally.
Yeah cuz they'll physically escort you / invite your ass right into a jail cell! :rofl2::thumbsup::hatsoff:
no need to be frightened little one. i have transcended the mundane realities of voting, reproducing, etc. that you hold so dear.
but what if i just couldn't hold it anymore? i don't want to soil myself afterall. i could claim i was running for the toilet but couldn't make it.
i was running for the toilet but couldn't make it.
no. i've already made my case in detail. either go back and re-read what i wrote or go about your merry old way and continue with whatever it is you were doing. it's of no great concern to me.
gave me a chuckle, dear doctor, but the clown won't get it.
I am guessing by the way you talk to people, you are going to have many difficulties in life. This "abuse" may just be the first in a long list of unpleasant things that will happen.
another revelation in my case. there is an organization in my city, and i'd assume in many other areas, where you can call to make complaints about the police. i was unaware of this organization before going to the station. so what would a reasonable person conclude from this? none other then the cops at the station should have referred me to this police misconduct reporting organization instead of assaulting and battering me. the evidence just keeps piling up.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, YES moron...the police are going to refer you to an ANTI-POLICE organization. Jesus Christ Almighty, you are stupid.