I like Gloysters threads.
They are slightly entertaining.
At first I tried to help him by giving him sound advice based on my life experience, as did others.
But eventually I came to the realization that he does not want advice, he's gonna do what he's gonna do no matter what.
On the other hand the threads kind of make me sad.
Sad because he is an example of what society and more specifically men have become today.
In the past adults didnt play with facebook, didnt send 15 text messages a day, and men didn't play the fool for women........they were in control.
Today its come down to gloyster and millions more like him, dealing with people through machines instead of manually and allowing stupid girls to walk all over them, to have control over them
Its people like him who have helped make womanhood what it is today ( and I think we all know what that is) , and that effects us all.........actually takes pussy away from us.
I've said it a thousand times. Men have got to take back control, even the balance again otherwise we can all expect a lot less pussy, a lot less good relationships and a lot more hopelessness, misery, and nights alone searching for a hot porn scene.
Thank you you've been great!