I tried to spy on my girl

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congrats on being weird and creepy


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Just to clarify, what is getting the reactions you are seeing here are prompted not so much by the (sorry) creepiness of what you are writing (it IS creepy, Gloyster, it really is), but the fact you are admitting (cyber)stalking this girl .... that is as socially unacceptable here as it is in the 'real' world .....and it IS, unquestionably, socially unacceptable.

Assuming everything you have written here and in previous posts about your interactions and attitudes towards 'girlfriends' and 'love interests' is true, then you need to listen to someone when they say:

'you are treading on very thin ice' - socially & legally
Now your talking shit.

Who is going to stop me from making a fake account and adding someone? no harm done they don't need to accept.
My advice to Gloyster is to don't reply to this thread anymore. Seek good advice from positive people, because you need it. And don't stalk this girl. Getting insults here, from very likely sexually frustrated ppl that need to vent their hate and project their misery unto others, is not gonna help you get over this. There are many support groups online, where you can get quality advice.

As for now...try to do NO CONTACT with this girl. Is the only way she may want to get back together, or that you can move on if she doesn't want to.


Hiliary 2020
I like Gloysters threads.
They are slightly entertaining.
At first I tried to help him by giving him sound advice based on my life experience, as did others.
But eventually I came to the realization that he does not want advice, he's gonna do what he's gonna do no matter what.

On the other hand the threads kind of make me sad.
Sad because he is an example of what society and more specifically men have become today.
In the past adults didnt play with facebook, didnt send 15 text messages a day, and men didn't play the fool for women........they were in control.
Today its come down to gloyster and millions more like him, dealing with people through machines instead of manually and allowing stupid girls to walk all over them, to have control over them
Its people like him who have helped make womanhood what it is today ( and I think we all know what that is) , and that effects us all.........actually takes pussy away from us.
I've said it a thousand times. Men have got to take back control, even the balance again otherwise we can all expect a lot less pussy, a lot less good relationships and a lot more hopelessness, misery, and nights alone searching for a hot porn scene.

Thank you you've been great!


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Anyone that has nothing nice to say, needs to STFU! Your mom should of raised you better!:D

My Mom taught me not to cuss at people (I ignored that lesson). But she also had some sound advice on listening to advice (particularly when it's consistent and from multiple sources). And I'm pretty sure she'd have booted my ass over my head if I'd ever done anything approaching this kind of ... just fucking wrong.
Anyone giving serious advice to OP at this point is a fucking idiot.

Anyone that has nothing nice to say, needs to STFU! Your mom should of raised you better!:D

I don't really think you understand just how late you are to this. This is one of a few threads like this, to which people gave him seriously good advice. The OP has chosen not to take it, and instead become a douchebag troll and unclever stalker.

You come in and try to defend his ass, giving him fuel to be more of a troll than what he is. Now he'll continue to do dumb shit and ask us to put some investment into his actions, so don't tell me or anyone else they need to STFU about it, especially if you're new to the OP's bullshit. I'm just putting you and anyone else on notice.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Erm... alright. I am not going to even attempt to comment on your relationship problems, but one thing I can say is that I find where this thread is going (and some of the "advice" posted by members) to be rather dangerous. What this thread is concered with - surveillance - is morally wrong and, honestly, illegal in some countries.

There are a few posts with good advice here, feel free to look them over.

But the thread is closed.
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