I honestly don't know. If I wasn't busy on Tax Day I was thinking of checking out a Tea Party group and see what exactly it is and going on for myself, not what a blogger writes, not what a supporter writes about, I wanted to see exactly what it was for myself.
Individuals in a group are often lumped together as a group and treated as one body. However, each one is individual, they have their own mindset. They all just happen to agree on one thing, maybe more than one, either way, they are coming together to express their views and let the government know how many people are thinking the same thing.
Now if one of them happens to be a Tea Party supporter and does something that lands him in hot water, well, it will be magnified and he will be known as a Tea Party supporter; not his individual name and what it is he did on his own time with no Tea Party backing. Maybe not even part of the Tea Party.
At least people are finding their voice and using it against the government. It's going to show how many people are generally upset with big government. I am sure of these Tea Party folks got pissed off at the last President (Bush) for things he wanted to do and they expressed similar discontent.
It's hard to really explain about exactly what Tea Party is and who the people are who joins in with them. However, if you are different views politically, personally, or similar to theirs... everyone will have their own opinion about it. Some might listen to hearsay about them and go with that.
Go to the voting polls when any kind of voting happens and vote! You want to protest? Vote!