I got robbed while I was in the bathroom

have you ever had anything stolen?

  • car/boat.bike

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • clothes

    Votes: 13 36.1%
  • jewelry

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • pet

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • money

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • identity

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • something else

    Votes: 14 38.9%

  • Total voters


I wouldn't say it is quite that bad but if you road your bike everywhere for a year or two eventually there would be some jackass that would steal it while you were shopping, working, or at school.

I just hope the crook gets the amount of money that the bike is worth when he sells it:D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Now - When i think about, i have never been stolen.


That's the number one problem with riding a bike around instead of taking a car is the ease at which they are stolen. That's why even if it was practical for me to do so I would be hesitant to ride a bike. Around here there is just no way you could ever have it keep from being stolen. It would just be a matter of when not if it happened. That cable or chain you put around it will do nothing. Riding a motorcycle around is almost as bad. At least with a car they have to break into it somehow and the person has to be somewhat skilled, even it only takes him seconds to do it. With a motorcycle a couple of people could just literally lift it up and put it into the back of a pick up truck and drive off.

Well it takes the average car thief in Britain about 15 seconds to steal a car. That's even with steering lock on it. That's if they are carrying the tools. Over half the cars in the UK still don't have alarms fitted. Another half don't apply them if they are only leaving it for a hour or so.

It actually can take a motorbike thief around 20 seconds. Because most bikers in the UK chain them to something and apply either a lock alarm or a actual bike alarm now. The bikers have learnt there lesson fast here. Most are always upgrading and beefing up their security on their bikes.

Because the motorbike I'm now riding is new. I have two alarms on it when it's parked up. A actual bike alarm and also a disc lock alarm. This is on top of two chains and locks when I'm out and 5 chains and locks when it's at home.
There are so many thieves in Europe!

Actually there are more thieves in Western Europe than the US.

In the US, New York or LA are dangerous but the rest are fine.
But in Europe!!!!!!!!!! WOW too many thieves and burglars!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Sorry to hear, I had my bike stolen once, but more recently some filthy meth head busted out my back window, and stole an empty sling-pack! It was empty for God's sake, and that cost me $300 to replace the window and pack.
Horrible thing was, I could see my vechile from the restaurant window, bastard was that quick, oh and he damaged the paint around the window and left little dents. Took him 3 times to pop the window out with what I think was a large screwdriver. I thought I was over it, I guess not. :mad:
Recently I had somebody break the chain around the post at my apartment and steal my mountain bike.
About 13 years ago, I had somebody break into my car and steal my CD player car stereo. Only the thing was put in so there wouldn't be any skipping problems, so from what I saw, most of the pieces of the radio were on the outside of the car because they had to really pry it out of there, and in the process the bastards did some damage to my instrument panel in the car. thank God for the car kits you can buy.

In high-school, I knew a guy who had an Alpine stereo in his car and installed under the stereo was some razor blades, so if anybody tried to steal the radio, they'd cut themselves. he also showed me how they could be removed if he ever sold the car. I always wondered if anybody messed with his radio.

In my opinion, the most chicken shit thing to do is rob somebody or steal something out of a car or wherever. Why not have the loser get a job or work his butt off so he can EARN what he/she wants?
I always hope that the thief gets payback in Karma.
I was drunk one night and forgot to shut my garage door when I came home.

I had my car stereo, CD's, golfclubs,and my bike stolen. The thief used my bike as the getaway vehicle.

I always laugh about the thief riding away on my bike. I didn't have traditional pedals but snap in pedals for my biking shoes. The pedals were pegs and would make riding it very very difficult.


I was drunk one night and forgot to shut my garage door when I came home.

I had my car stereo, CD's, golfclubs,and my bike stolen. The thief used my bike as the getaway vehicle.

I always laugh about the thief riding away on my bike. I didn't have traditional pedals but snap in pedals for my biking shoes. The pedals were pegs and would make riding it very very difficult.

thats skill, riding on a bike with all that stolen loot
I'd like to recommend a detterent that is supposedly 100% effective against thieves...

Just pin copies of this pic onto your valuables



I'd like to recommend a detterent that is supposedly 100% effective against thieves...

Just pin copies of this pic onto your valuables


Why does this guy look so familiar?
My Dad used to work for Grumman Aerospace and when I was younger he had gotten me about 20 patches from various ships and planes, some that were rare. I was at a local Church, of all places, rehearsing for a play i was in and when i got back to where everyone had left their jackets, it was gone. I was so upset, some of the patches i had on that jacket you couldn't even get anymore. I couldn't believe that someone would take it at a church, the worst part of it was that it was most likely someone i knew.
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Ultimately it comes down to the fact that some "people" will steal anything. They may not need it, want it, or even have a use for it. They might be well off, or dirt poor. It doesn't matter. They might not be able to stand the fact that you have something good. They might need it for drugs. The only way to keep something is to make sure that no one else wants it. And that is hard, because as I said, some people will steal for the fun of stealing. Of course then there are those who will not steal for any reason, even to feed themselves or or their families. Who can tell why. I don't know.
I'd like to recommend a detterent that is supposedly 100% effective against thieves...

Just pin copies of this pic onto your valuables

Yes, but you will always get bothered by women that have to stop by for emergency deliveries on route to the hospital.
I had my clothing stolen from the laundromat once. I put them in the washer and left the laundromat to go get something to eat. When I came back about 30 minutes later everything was gone except for one shirt. They took several shirts, pairs of pants, socks, even my underwear.

As you can imagine it really pissed me off. I blamed myself too, I shouldn't have left my clothes unattended like that. I definitely learned my lesson about that. But it's pretty despicable to steal someone's clothes.
I went to the same school of commercial training as my older brothers before me, the bus stop is a bike ride from our home and we all got our bikes stolen while we were in school in there. THE SAME FUCKIN BUS STOP in different years. Whats the odds to that? (-87, -90 and me -98)

And i live in a really peaceful city in europe.