I don't wanna grow up

I've had people tell me on more than one occasion that "you always look like you're up to something." I think it's because I have a mischievous way about me, that, or I'm always mulling over something and and it shows in my expression.

My wife teasingly calls me a child, actually, she pronounces it "chī(-ə)l" without the d (she's southern) and quotes the old adage that the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys.

She didn't say that the last time we had sex. But she has a point. I can't seem to grow the hell up and I don't want to. I think the fact that we don't have kids is a major factor.

whatever. cool story bro I guess.

thanks for your time.
and it's not a creepy Peter Pan syndrome like with Michael Jackson, I'm just ... going with it, for lack of a better term.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Having kids is like drinking Magic Grownup Potion. At least in some regards, they keep you young in a lot of ways, too. My daughter will be four in September, it really makes you reevaluate priorities.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I've had people tell me on more than one occasion that "you always look like you're up to something." I think it's because I have a mischievous way about me, that, or I'm always mulling over something and and it shows in my expression.

My wife teasingly calls me a child, actually, she pronounces it "chī(-ə)l" without the d (she's southern) and quotes the old adage that the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys.

She didn't say that the last time we had sex. But she has a point. I can't seem to grow the hell up and I don't want to. I think the fact that we don't have kids is a major factor.

whatever. cool story bro I guess.

thanks for your time.

You're not alone brother, I have this problem too.