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Are you in favor of or against hunting animals as a sport?

  • Against

    Votes: 27 38.0%
  • In Favor

    Votes: 24 33.8%
  • Neutral, no strong feeling either way

    Votes: 20 28.2%

  • Total voters
The difference between eating animal flesh that has been specifically bred for human consumption and supporting blood "sport" is tremendous, IMO. I don't see hypocrisy there. Animals bred for our consumption are not killed by thrill-seeking "hunters."

As far as my "puerile" statement, I believe you meant to say "ironic." Puerile comes from the Latin word "puer," which means "boy," and "puerile" has taken the connotation of "childish" in modern English.

I did not develop the land here and steal the deers' habitat. I was born into this area. I wish we had MORE deer here - they're beautiful to watch, but thrill-killers take out SOME each year, claiming they're protecting the species from "overpopulation." Nature itself takes care of that. We don't NEED guys running around in the woods with grins on their faces after they've blown the side of a deer open saying, "Nice buck! Can't wait to get that rack above my fireplace!" It's thrill-seeking, not "harvesting," IMO. If venison was a food in-demand, you can be sure that deer would be bred in captivity just like cattle, and then harvested for our consumption.

Take squirrels, for example. A guy goes into the woods with a gun and tries to shoot a squirrel. They're elusive little animals. What he's doing is NOT trying to save their habitat or control their population because they're some sort of a societal nuisance. He's out for a thrill-kill of a moving, living target. In his "sport," an animal will have needlessly died. You can spend all day hunting squirrels and maybe shoot a couple, if you're a good shot. That's NOT going to feed your family and "protect their habitat."

How is hunting deer protecting their habitat? You're killing the deer, not keeping their habitat clean, pollution-free, etc. so they can live in it and flourish.

What does deer walking on my lawn in April have anything to do with hunting season in autumn? They were here last year as well - summer, fall, and winter. The "hunters" around here apparently aren't very good shots in their thrill-kills, a.k.a. "sport." That's a good thing.

If a person kills an animal for sport, they'd damn well better use every single part of that animal, for food and clothing, etc. I still disagree that it's a sport. If you want to prove your prowess with a gun, go to the target range - don't kill an animal.

Anyway, we all have our opinions on this and it's been debated to death in this and the "Cheney Shot a Man" thread.

People know where I stand, and I know where some of you other folks stand on this issue. We're going to have to politely agree to disagree.

:hatsoff: :2 cents:

Mayhem said:
HYPOCRISY ALERT!!! My friend, if you have so much as pulled into the drive-thru at McDonalds, then your argument is absurd. Where is the distinction between me hunting a deer and you ordering a bucket from KFC? To me there is none. You, in effect, hired a "hitman" to have dinner. I, on the other hand, paid to protect your deers' habitat with the money I paid for licenses and deer tags and put in the effort (and respect) to stalk my deer and take him. I too have a background in target shooting, BTW. In fact, I was the 1994 Texas State IPSC Revolver Champ (only because Jerry Miculek didn't show up, but there it is), and have a few rifle trophies too. If you don't know the difference between deer walking on your lawn in April, and trying to hunt one in the fall, perhaps you should try learning.

You watch deer from your patio, then say it's someone else who is encroaching on their turf. If someone else made a statement as puerile as that, you'd be the first one to jump up and down on their head.
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kungfudude said:
I've never hunted in my life, but I don't see anything wrong with it, as long as its non-endangered animals.

For example, hunting deer in the United States is a must. If we don't control the deer population somehow, they'll start to take over.:) I can't even begin to tell you how many deer I've almost hit with my car! They're everywhere!

That's because population and the tearing down of tree's is forcing the deers to be around people more.
Myself? I think hunting is stupid unless it's a must. I grew up and have lived on the countryside pretty much all my life. Most everybody I've known personally has or is a hunter.. And yep, a great deal of them are rednecks. Not all. But a HUGE chunk of them.

It;s like I heard George Carlin say:

"You think hunting is a sport, go ask the deer!"

My dad is a hunter and tried to make me one when I was a kid. While being involved with guns can be somewhat of a good hobby... Killing, mud riding and using animals as trophies are not.

I'm not proud that I eat aninals.. But alot of hunters sure are.
rocknblues81 said:
Myself? I think hunting is stupid unless it's a must. I grew up and have lived on the countryside pretty much all my life. Most everybody I've known personally has or is a hunter.. And yep, a great deal of them are rednecks. Not all. But a HUGE chunk of them.

It;s like I heard George Carlin say:

"You think hunting is a sport, go ask the deer!"

My dad is a hunter and tried to make me one when I was a kid. While being involved with guns can be somewhat of a good hobby... Killing, mud riding and using animals as trophies are not.

I'm not proud that I eat aninals.. But alot of hunters sure are.

allright theres that fuckin redneck bullshit. okay all of you people saying how stupid hunters are and talking all your bullshit, " people running around the woods drunk, and blowing open deer." shut the fuck up until you have a background in conservation. yes we do need to control population, yes we do need to kill small animals regardless of how cute they are and no not only rednecks hunt there are several people that go to work in a suit and tie and make more money than probly most of the people on this board and they love the day of opening weekend of deer season. hunters come in all walks of life, so stop with all this moranic bullshit. yeah i can shoot something from 3 city blocks too when its not moving and my fucking heart isnt pounding out of my chest. i shoot competitively as well as for sport of killing and eating and tagging a trophy. as for the trophy its just a plus of the hunt, like shooting a duck and finding a band on it that is a trophy or a big deer with for me any rack for others a big rack its just part of it, its also like picking up a cute chick and taking her home and when you get that loose sweater off of her she has the most amazing tits that too is a trophy. get it. plus on top of thinning out population hunters add so much to the economy there is a ton of money spent on gear of all kinds plus the money from tags and stamps going to preserve the land that most of the treehugging pussies say they love but live in smug cities and bitch about everything and do nothing. we develop methods to control for the benifit of the animals every kind of animal. if you want to keep our country the best that it can be then you NEED the hunters.
glk35 said:
allright theres that fuckin redneck bullshit. okay all of you people saying how stupid hunters are and talking all your bullshit, " people running around the woods drunk, and blowing open deer." shut the fuck up until you have a background in conservation. yes we do need to control population, yes we do need to kill small animals regardless of how cute they are and no not only rednecks hunt there are several people that go to work in a suit and tie and make more money than probly most of the people on this board and they love the day of opening weekend of deer season. hunters come in all walks of life, so stop with all this moranic bullshit. yeah i can shoot something from 3 city blocks too when its not moving and my fucking heart isnt pounding out of my chest. i shoot competitively as well as for sport of killing and eating and tagging a trophy. as for the trophy its just a plus of the hunt, like shooting a duck and finding a band on it that is a trophy or a big deer with for me any rack for others a big rack its just part of it, its also like picking up a cute chick and taking her home and when you get that loose sweater off of her she has the most amazing tits that too is a trophy. get it. plus on top of thinning out population hunters add so much to the economy there is a ton of money spent on gear of all kinds plus the money from tags and stamps going to preserve the land that most of the treehugging pussies say they love but live in smug cities and bitch about everything and do nothing. we develop methods to control for the benifit of the animals every kind of animal. if you want to keep our country the best that it can be then you NEED the hunters.

1.I never said ALL hunters were rednecks. So don't try and pass off saying that's what I said because I didn't. I said, most of the ones I've met, know, and have seen are indeed rednecks.

2.Suits and ties doesn't mean you don't have some redneck was of thinking. Money doesn't make you not a redneck. Bush I'm sure has plenty of money.. Yet, he's a redneck. Ditto for Ted Turner.

"i shoot competitively as well as for sport of killing and eating and tagging a trophy. as for the trophy its just a plus of the hunt, like shooting a duck and finding a band on it that is a trophy or a big deer with for me any rack for others a big rack its just part of it, its also like picking up a cute chick and taking her home and when you get that loose sweater off of her she has the most amazing tits that too is a trophy. get it."

No, I don't get it. F*cking women and killing animals are not the samething. That sounds like something a serial killer might say. Not calling you one.. Just saying I find it strange you would compare a woman's big boobs with killing and deer and putting it's head above the fire place. Killing and f*cking are WAY different things.

Killing animals is NOT a sport.
I just love how the gun-loving thrill-killers bring up economics into this issue. Hunting does jackshit in the overall scope of the national economy. It fills the pockets of gun manufacturers, but it doesn't save the general non-hunting public anything. Payment for a hunting license is tax, just like a fishing license or lottery tickets. It's revenue taken in for a "sport" or "gaming" that doesn't help the state very much at all in the overall picture.

I don't believe anyone mentioned rednecks in this discussion, glk35. If so, I missed it.

This idea of feeding the family through hunting is asinine. Someone mentioned earlier something to the effect of "why go to the grocery when I can hunt my food?" What a load of shit. We all go to groceries/supermarkets and buy our food. You can't live on meat alone, and trying to justify hunting as a necessary component for our survival is ridiculous!

Hunting is an antiquated activity enjoyed by people who enjoy the thrill of the kill, who are trying prove themselves in some manner - nothing more than that. If they make full use of their "kill," it's mildly acceptable IMO, but it worries me that we have people out there who want to kill animals to somehow feel better about themselves and their abilities.

:2 cents:
Well look at it this way. Humans are predators. With the introduction of supermarkets, canned foods, etc, we lost OUR natural habitat and most of us no longer have to hunt down our own dinner to eat. At least not in the literal sense. Some of us need to let loose on our instincts and hunt. Its not right. Its necessary and uncontrollable in some cases.

Allow me to borrow a line from the movie Jurassic Park. "The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt." Just like us humans. We are 'natural born killers'. Ok thats another movie. I'll stop now. ;)


Closed Account
IMO it's as cruel to harvest animals for slaughter as it is to hunt them.

In fact using our minds and our tools to build a farm and a "assembly line" slaughterhouse, is so sick and bizarre it's Kafkaesque. A large portion gets wasted that way and some meat does not even sell and is tossed in the trash. Add in the power/water/gas that the slaughterhouse uses, plus the land it's built on, and the resources wasted on marketing and wrapping the meat. I can't see how that is any better/different than hunting.

As for being "born into it", well unless you protest the production of meat or raise your own cattle, you can't judge hunters. Because you do nothing to change your world, you just accept it. So accept the hunters because they are a part of your world too.

Now for the hunters. You sit quietly and wait for a unsuspecting victim to walk by then kill it without mercy. Your a sniper. I had a position like that in the Army and I think sniping is sick and cowardly. There is no honor and if you find it fun, I find you sick. As for keeping numbers in check, that should be the Parks Departments job.

I think your all crazy, hunting's stupid, and the mass production of meat to be sick.
Peter Gazinya said:
Hunting for sport, just shooting animals for the sake of firing off a round and getting your jollies? No, that's not ok. But now some of us are discussing Mr. Fly's assertion that all hunting, except for dire circumstances where survival absolutely depends on it, is bad and that if you want to eat you should buy processed food at a minimum wage grocery store (that is undoubtedly a blight on the community's pristine landscape) that buys their slaughtered animals from factory farms (that are trucked in on pollution causing fuel guzzling trucks going down roads that were built with petroleum laden, flourocarbon emitting chemicals). Hijack, I know, but it's a healthy debate none the less.:hatsoff:

or you can just not eat meat because if you live in a first world country, then you will have tons of products that are available from soy and other organic substitutes and more vitamins and nutrients then you can ever need in bottles on store shelves around every corner.

this one's not really directed at you specifiaclly PG, cuz other's have expressed the same senitment, but while I'm on the subject, i'm going to address it. the notion that people should have to live in a stone age time warp to be able to take responsibilty for the environment is absurd. I don't need to point out the fact that no one on this board does that. to compare someone that shops at a grocery store to a slaughterhouse or chemical plant is BS. yes we all live in a society where it is impossible to not cause some degree of environmental destruction, but to use that as a justifcation for not only not doing anything at all to prevent/change that, but to in fact further it is just silly.
i guess whoever wants to think so can, but if you think im sick or have murderous tendancies thats your opinion. I LOVE KILLING FOR FUN i like getting my hands bloody but i dont like to see an animal suffer. i was driving home one night after going to basspro to shoot my bow before season started, and while i was driving i looked over in an intersection and saw a girl and a city looking kid walking around in circles staring at a deer in the road i thought maybe they dont want to touch it so i pulled over and asked if i could help drag it off the road and she said please just help. so i walked up to what i thought to be a dead deer and nope it was alive so off to the truck i went grabbed one of my knives because you know all of us REDNECKS just cary so many weapons, and i finished the deer off and dragged it to the side a min. later the police arrived and he ask did you kill it i said yup you need me to do anything else he said no you can go. well had i not come along and did what i did that poor thing would have suffered a long painful death. the lady didnt know what to do and the kid was to prissy to touch it. and do you think the police would have shot it NO they cant discharge their weapon without cause we were in the middle of the city. YES the hunters do put a shit load into the economy there are millions and millions spent on conservation be it land, products, processing, tags. it all goes together guns outdoors gear any kind, camping hiking anything the treehuggers like to do it all goes with hunting, because we all try and protect our environment. so to all the people trying to say that all hunters are sick and stupid SHUT THE FUCK UP im not insulting you am I you can have a personal opinion but leave it at that.
Holy cow all you guys need to stop this its an ongoing battle. Fine some of you dont like guns, or hunting. And some of you live by it. So instead of all of this back and forth why dont you just say FOR or AGAINST. I have been gone for a while and i came back to this fighting again, but i guess thats what you get when you have a bunch of guys in one place a dick contest. not meaning any disrespect to anybody. Now after all of that i personally am for it. Thats it. thanks.
hello this is my first post so please forgive me. I personally think anyone that is against hunting is stupid our planet would go to shit if there wasnt any hunters. Try and try as you will to say nature will sort itself out but dont kid yourself it wont, people have been hunting since the beginning of time and always will i dont ever want to see people stop.
Nice. That's just what we need more of in our world...blood-thirsty killers who kill for "fun," and not for survival or out of necessity. :ban: :mad:

You've proven my point. Thank you. :hatsoff:

glk35 said:
...if you think im sick or have murderous tendancies thats your opinion. I LOVE KILLING FOR FUN i like getting my hands bloody...
I also do not know any hunters that do not use every part of the animal that they can. I know someone that goes hunting in Africa a couple times a year, and he not only brings the pelts back, but they eat what they kill while they are in the field. Most hunters I know will use or sell the meat of the animal that they kill, and it is probably better quality of the meat that one gets in a supermarket. I personally do not hunt because I cannot stand cold weather. I do fish and eat what I keep, if I do not want it I take the hook out and release the fish. As I said I don't know of anyone who hunts just for the antlers or hide etc, however I am sure this kind of behavior goes on and I do not condone it watsoever!
I can't stand anyone who hunts, drives an SUV, owns a big boat for "pleasure", eats meat, or supports abortion.

I'm not gonna "do" anything about it but I will bitch all day long on the internet.
Nightfly said:
Nice. That's just what we need more of in our world...blood-thirsty killers who kill for "fun," and not for survival or out of necessity. :ban: :mad:

You've proven my point. Thank you. :hatsoff:
come on now i thought you try and pass yourself off as some highly educated person do you know the meaning of the word sarcasim. maybe not :thefinger
nightfly did you or did you not say these things in the peta thread. well if you did and you did you can STOP now.

Hunters who eat their meat (their "kill") are not the ones to which I object.

Hunt if you wish, and respect animals, and IF YOU KILL, you had BETTER make the BEST use of the animal possible.

If you eat what you shoot and do not waste much of the carcass, I really don't have an issue with the hunter.

Don't feel a need to defend yourself or your hunting, glk35. No one is attacking you, man. You seem like a good person.




Okay, guys ... it's time to step back and take a deep breath and quit blasting one another for opinions. It's obvious that people are going to disagree on this issue because of personal convictions and beliefs, so why not just accept it, smile, laugh, and move on?

There's no need - no need whatsoever - to be nasty, petty, pissy, puerile, or bombastic in this thread. What started off as a damned decent debate has now dwindled into a flame war. I was going to contribute to this thread, but after reading this crap so far, I'm not even going to add my opinion to the frey.

The hunters (of which I am one - bowhunter AND rifle hunter) have their views and the non-hunters have their views. It's that friggin' simple, people. We went 'round and 'round on this VERY SAME issue back in the Cheney thread a month or two ago ... and what happened? The same silly crap.

Deal with it.

Accept it.

Move the fuck on.
AsianxxxChick said:
Okay, guys ... it's time to step back and take a deep breath and quit blasting one another for opinions. It's obvious that people are going to disagree on this issue because of personal convictions and beliefs, so why not just accept it, smile, laugh, and move on?

There's no need - no need whatsoever - to be nasty, petty, pissy, puerile, or bombastic in this thread. What started off as a damned decent debate has now dwindled into a flame war. I was going to contribute to this thread, but after reading this crap so far, I'm not even going to add my opinion to the frey.

The hunters (of which I am one - bowhunter AND rifle hunter) have their views and the non-hunters have their views. It's that friggin' simple, people. We went 'round and 'round on this VERY SAME issue back in the Cheney thread a month or two ago ... and what happened? The same silly crap.

Deal with it.

Accept it.

Move the fuck on.

i agree, i wasnt even going to post unless people insulted us hunters.
if you agree fine if you disagree fine its that simple. people dont have to try and insult people be calling them rednecks and bloodlust and all that bullshit.
Very nice and colourful thread. As AsianXXX said we can go on talking/debating about the pros and cons for years together without arriving at a single conclusion on this issue.

Only thing to remember is the ecological balance and chain of life. If that is not threatened, who am I to say no to other's pleasure?

As Nightfly rightly said, anything unnecessary, is UNNECESSARY.