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Are you in favor of or against hunting animals as a sport?

  • Against

    Votes: 27 38.0%
  • In Favor

    Votes: 24 33.8%
  • Neutral, no strong feeling either way

    Votes: 20 28.2%

  • Total voters
Neutral. I have never hunted but I don't oppose it.
I've never hunted, though I'm in favor of it. Call me sentimental, but I guess I just won't feel right about killing a defenseless animal just for the heck of it. For survival? Sure. For food? Of course. Another reason I'm in favor of it is just to stick it to any self-righteous tree huggers who are against it. Period.
Mayhem said:
I'd like to gently point out a couple things.

I have never met or heard of a hunter who just took the pelt, antlers, horns, etc. and left the meat. I'm not saying that it has never been done, and I allow for the possibility that there is a moron or two somewhere that does, but it just plain does not happen to any perceptible degree. In fact, there is an organization called Hunters Against Hunger that donate the meat that they harvest to homeless shelters and soup kitchens.

Instead of crying for deer, ducks, moose and geese, check out the lives that animals destined to be veal and foi-gras (sp?) lead. Think about all those millions of tons of carved up chicken that's in the worlds freezers at any given moment. Do you really think they all came from some pastoral Foghorn Leghorn barnyard?

If I'm going to be against anything, I'm going against any non-vegetarian that calls hunting barbaric. Those that buy meat in the store are just paying to have someone else do their dirty work for them. Hunters spend their money, walk the miles, and their results are far from guaranteed.

In the same vein, hunters spend literally billions of dollars every year. Their money ensures that animal habitats don't get bulldozed for subdivisions and shopping malls. Whether you like it or not, the world (including the natural one) is ruled by the almighty dollar. The land and the animals have to pay for themselves or Dupont, Chevy, Starbucks or the XYZ Land Development Company will be glad to foot the bill. Pick the animal you like best and thank hunters for supplying their rent.

I saw some of the Cheney thread. I'm not going to get into a pissing contest that this issue has so often caused. These are my views, I researched them, and I'm entitled to them. Disagree at your leisure, but lets not have just another gun/hunting thread, please.
Glad to see there's no a whole lot of crying out of the tree huggers and the bed wetters here (the Dick Cheney thread has a lifetime supply of that). Mayham's post put it perfectly. No one is completely in balance with nature and we all leave some kind of imprint on this world.

Those who throw rocks at the hunters invariably live to some extent in some sort of glass house.


Myself and my 2 honeys go moose hunting every year. I just feel that for the hunters that only go for the sport of killing the animal for the thrill and just keep the head has a trophy it's completly wrong. Us three go for the week has a vacation. We go into the woods in the morning after breakfast,,,cum back to the lodge for some great fucking every noon time,,,have lunch and then head back for the late day hunt. We have only gotten 1 moose in the last 3 years and we don't hunt the females when it's allowed.After all their the future. We keep the meat of course because it's great. Killing just for the sport is wrong but someone who hunts and is happy of is weeks vacation even if he or she doesn't get the moose is ok. For us it's just about the holiday week. It's just a bonus if we come home with the meat and it's only once a year. Anyways fucking every afternoon makes for a perfect week whouldn't you say. I don't know about other animals but her in quebec,canada they allow the hunts just to control animal population in moose country. The female is not allowed most years around here and not even the small ones.The rules change from year to year to control the population in the woods. To many animals(moose) would be a danger for extermanation because of possible desease. Anyways have a good day and keep fucking.:bowdown:
Natural Selection will run its course. If you're so damned poor that you can't buy food, (but you CAN buy bullets and pay for a hinting license for some reason - irony there), go for it. Survival is survival. Hunting is bullshit, unless you're starving and MUST do it.

This notion that some blood-thirsty, "insecure with himself" guy, sitting in a tree-stand, waiting for a deer to walk by so he can blast its torso into oblivion, while he's hiding, then cut its head off, mount the antlers in his home as a trophy, and "donate" the meat and skin "for a good cause" is just an excuse for people to TRY to justify their desire to kill and their machismo.

I could hit a deer (or anything else) at half a mile's range. I'm GREAT with guns because of my target-shooting youth. I guess I'm a "natural" with guns, but I fucking loathe gun-nuts and people who claim to hunt "for sport." Call it a sport if you chase the animal, wrestle it to the ground, push its head to the ground, and then walk away. THAT'S sport, and so is target shooting.

Hunting is NOT a "sport," IMO, because it involves the DEATH of the "opponent," and especially because the prey don't have the equal capacity to fight/play back - it would be PLAY if it were a sport.

Can you just see Maria Sharapova and Martina Hingis playing a tennis match and then suddenly Hingis whips out a pistol from her skirt and shoots Sharapova in the head?! She won. Would that be "sport?" No.

Sport is sport. Killing is killing. Survival is survival. Let natural selection take care of things - it works for humans, and it works for non-humans.

After all, we're all animals. Some of these animals live peacefully and some like to kill - and the ones who like to kill are humans. Humans do it and call it "sport." Sharks kill to eat - a necessary body function for survival.

The irony is that humans are at the top of the food chain, but unlike every other animal in the food chain, some of us kill in the name of "sport" when we simply go to the grocery and buy meat that was BRED in captivity for our survival.

:( :crying: :2 cents:
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Nightfly said:
Natural Selection will run its course. If you're so damned poor that you can't buy food, (but you CAN buy bullets and pay for a hinting license for some reason - irony there), go for it. Survival is survival. Hunting is bullshit, unless you're starving and MUST do it.

This notion that some blood-thirsty, "insecure with himself" guy, sitting in a tree-stand, waiting for a deer to walk by so he can blast its torso into oblivion, while he's hiding, then cut its head off, mount the antlers in his home as a trophy, and "donate" the meat and skin "for a good cause" is just an excuse for people to TRY to justify their desire to kill and their machismo.

I could hit a deer (or anything else) at half a mile's range. I'm GREAT with guns because of my target-shooting youth. I guess I'm a "natural" with guns, but I fucking loathe gun-nuts and people who claim to hunt "for sport." Call it a sport if you chase the animal, wrestle it to the ground, push its head to the ground, and then walk away. THAT'S sport, and so is target shooting.

Hunting is NOT a "sport," IMO, because it involves the DEATH of the "opponent," and especially because the prey don't have the equal capacity to fight/play back - it would be PLAY if it were a sport.

Can you just see Maria Sharapova and Martina Hingis playing a tennis match and then suddenly Hingis whips out a pistol from her skirt and shoots Sharapova in the head?! She won. Would that be "sport?" No.

Sport is sport. Killing is killing. Survival is survival. Let natural selection take care of things - it works for humans, and it works for non-humans.

After all, we're all animals. Some of these animals live peacefully and some like to kill - and the ones who like to kill are humans. Humans do it and call it "sport." Sharks kill to eat - a necessary body function for survival.

The irony is that humans are at the top of the food chain, but unlike every other animal in the food chain, some of us kill in the name of "sport" when we simply go to the grocery and buy meat that was BRED in captivity for our survival.

:( :crying: :2 cents:

I don't think your human. I think your a Vulcan like mrs spock from star trek with all your logic. You must be getting this stuff from a book because everytime I read you, It's like talking to a computer lolllll. No disrespect intended, Just playing with you and we don't hunt because we can't by meat it's because the meat from a moose is simply awsome and back here it's for population animal control. With too many moose in the wood in my country and state their would be deseases developped between them because of shortage of space. The province here has no choice. When they can,the hunting season doesn't even open and they skip a year.Animal control is very important with certain animals. For some it doesn't matter for others it's a matter of making sure the speecies does not vanish. Since you don't hunt and are not from here,you won't understand. We lost a speecies here because of the lack of control and now it doesn't live anymore. Anyways I could explain all day , you still probably won't get it. lolllll see ya :yinyang:
Nightfly -

Have you ever been to a slaughter house? Here, read this http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1573921661/ref=sib_dp_top_ex/103-0547312-1949428?%5Fencoding=UTF8&p=S006#reader-page It's an excerpt from the book "Slaughterhouse" by Gail Eisnitz.

Would you be proud of your father, uncle, son, etc. if he shot a deer with a rifle, killing it instantly in one shot, skinned it, made a coat, a pair of sandals, and flies for fishing (for the fresh fish that he eats, not some steriod injected fish raised on a farm hatchery) out of it's hide, ate the meat, and mounted the rack above the fire place? Or would you be more proud of him if he was a "Knocker" in a slaughterhouse (the guy who shoots the cow in the head with a compressed air gun the drives a steel bolt into its skull)?

As a wise man once said:

"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1870
It still doesn't explain why 12 people (so far) feel it's perfectly okay to kill an animal for fun. Slaughtering animals serve a purpose; people have to eat. This poll was not about whether you think hunting is okay, it's about whether you think hunting for sport is.
Imagine said:
It still doesn't explain why 12 people (so far) feel it's perfectly okay to kill an animal for fun. Slaughtering animals serve a purpose; people have to eat. This poll was not about whether you think hunting is okay, it's about whether you think hunting for sport is.

Hunting for sport, just shooting animals for the sake of firing off a round and getting your jollies? No, that's not ok. But now some of us are discussing Mr. Fly's assertion that all hunting, except for dire circumstances where survival absolutely depends on it, is bad and that if you want to eat you should buy processed food at a minimum wage grocery store (that is undoubtedly a blight on the community's pristine landscape) that buys their slaughtered animals from factory farms (that are trucked in on pollution causing fuel guzzling trucks going down roads that were built with petroleum laden, flourocarbon emitting chemicals). Hijack, I know, but it's a healthy debate none the less.:hatsoff:


Imagine said:
It still doesn't explain why 12 people (so far) feel it's perfectly okay to kill an animal for fun. Slaughtering animals serve a purpose; people have to eat. This poll was not about whether you think hunting is okay, it's about whether you think hunting for sport is.

To answer your question. Hunting just for the sport of hunting and killing is wrong. Has far has the rest is concern you already have my take on it.:D
Then I'd like to hear from the people who did vote "In Favor". I'm sure their side of the fence is mighty interesting.
Have you ever heard, then, of hunters, many of whom fly in from America and Europe for this purpose, killing elephants for Ivory and gorillas for their hands etc

That's not hunting that it poaching, and that is wrong, no question. Hunting is regulated, and legal. Poaching is illegal.
if it is about chicken or hare hunting, I never care at all as long as it is not extinct species and also not hunting human especially pornstars :D
I simply disagree with unneeded death of anything or anyone. If you have to kill a rabbit because you're starving, have at it. I'd rather steal food from a store if I was starving, or go to a food pantry, because I don't have either the desire or need to go walking through the forest with a gun.

The other morning there were ELEVEN deer in my back yard, grazing. I could have killed them all if I owned a gun and had bloodlust. Well, maybe a few of them since they scatter so quickly. Who the fuck cares if there are 11 deer in their back yard? They're gorgeous animals. WE invaded their natural habitat; we need to respect them, not kill them. I stood outside on my patio and watched them for ten minutes as the sun rose. It was truly a precious moment in my life.

When I see people loading up in their cars and trucks for a weekend of "sport" killing, claiming that "population control" is what they're doing, it makes me fucking sick. It's bloodsport/bloodlust, and many of the times it's frankly just a "weekend getway with the guys" from their wives so they can get drunk and walk around with their fucking guns. If you want to see how good you are with a gun, target-shoot. Don't kill. I could put one in your forehead from 3 city blocks away, but I'm not a killer. I'm a target shooter.

Like I've send endlessly, overpopulation of deer REALLY isn't a problem of nature - it's a problem of US encroaching on their turf, then we bitch about it and start killing them, trying to justify that as legitmate "sport."

Anyway, my :2 cents: AGAIN.
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wow how the fuck did i miss this for this long. well i think anyone who knows me knows my view. but i just have to say that I am a killer of all kinds of animals for the pure sport of it and enjoyment of killing.

ps i love spending time outside if im killing or not. i do have animals on my wall, and i do have a FULL freezer in my garage.

pss I like to kill the animals my way cause im quick unlike disease and starvation, and cars. OK IM DONE no more from me, i hope. just dont start with "fucking redneck shit" and all that bullshit, or ill have to be back.:)


********** said:
Have you ever heard, then, of hunters, many of whom fly in from America and Europe for this purpose, killing elephants for Ivory and gorillas for their hands etc... in Africa and such? Don't tell me that's for meat.

This isn't a moron somewhere or other. It's a hugely profitable global trade that is making some of the most beautiful species on the planet extinct. There are plenty of hunters that aren't at all interested in meat.


The meat is NOT wasted. (Once again I want to point out that I know what I'm talking about here because I have researched this) The meat taken on these safaris go to the local native population. In fact, read the works of Peter Hathaway Capstick. The entire elephant, right down to the bones and tail hairs, get used for various purposes. And the meat goes to feed some of the most impoverished and screwed over people on this planet. And, both the meat and the money raised through license fees helps keep poaching in check, which is the REAL threat to the African elephant population.

The elephant is a great example of habitat encroachment too. Without regulated hunting, the elephant would literally eat itself into extinction. There is not enough habitat for them to roam unchecked without some form of population control. Of course, if you feel that entire villages of Africans should die so that the elephant (and Cape Buffalo, giraffe, kudu, etc.) should survive, please keep enlightening us with your "civilized opinion.

And for those of you that feel that all hunting is is going out and effortlessly dropping some animal at a distance, then go do it. Buy a rifle, go to Africa, get to 35 feet of a bull elephant, and shoot it. If you survive, come back and tell us how much of an overwhelming advantage you had.
Yes "we" invaded their natural habitat and killed off most of their natural predators. So its up to us to control the ecosystem now. Somebodys gotta regulate the population of some of these animals. If not for the "sport" hunters doing it for FREE, then states and counties would have to hire people to do it. Thats money out of all of our pockets. Money rules the world and my pocket agrees with the sport hunters. :)

Hey at least its regulated in this day and age. We're not a bunch of savages roaming the plains killing as many bisen as our ammunition allows anymore. We've evolved into kinder, gentler killers. ;)


Nightfly said:
I simply disagree with unneeded death of anything or anyone. If you have to kill a rabbit because you're starving, have at it. I'd rather steal food from a store if I was starving, or go to a food pantry, because I don't have either the desire or need to go walking through the forest with a gun.

The other morning there were ELEVEN deer in my back yard, grazing. I could have killed them all if I owned a gun and had bloodlust. Well, maybe a few of them since they scatter so quickly. Who the fuck cares if there are 11 deer in their back yard? They're gorgeous animals. WE invaded their natural habitat; we need to respect them, not kill them. I stood outside on my patio and watched them for ten minutes as the sun rose. It was truly a precious moment in my life.

When I see people loading up in their cars and trucks for a weekend of "sport" killing, claiming that "population control" is what they're doing, it makes me fucking sick. It's bloodsport/bloodlust, and many of the times it's frankly just a "weekend getway with the guys" from their wives so they can get drunk and walk around with their fucking guns. If you want to see how good you are with a gun, target-shoot. Don't kill. I could put one in your forehead from 3 city blocks away, but I'm not a killer. I'm a target shooter.

Like I've send endlessly, overpopulation of deer REALLY isn't a problem of nature - it's a problem of US encroaching on their turf, then we bitch about it and start killing them, trying to justify that as legitmate "sport."

Anyway, my :2 cents: AGAIN.

HYPOCRISY ALERT!!! My friend, if you have so much as pulled into the drive-thru at McDonalds, then your argument is absurd. Where is the distinction between me hunting a deer and you ordering a bucket from KFC? To me there is none. You, in effect, hired a "hitman" to have dinner. I, on the other hand, paid to protect your deers' habitat with the money I paid for licenses and deer tags and put in the effort (and respect) to stalk my deer and take him. I too have a background in target shooting, BTW. In fact, I was the 1994 Texas State IPSC Revolver Champ (only because Jerry Miculek didn't show up, but there it is), and have a few rifle trophies too. If you don't know the difference between deer walking on your lawn in April, and trying to hunt one in the fall, perhaps you should try learning.

You watch deer from your patio, then say it's someone else who is encroaching on their turf. If someone else made a statement as puerile as that, you'd be the first one to jump up and down on their head.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Mayhem said:
I'd like to gently point out a couple things.

I have never met or heard of a hunter who just took the pelt, antlers, horns, etc. and left the meat. I'm not saying that it has never been done, and I allow for the possibility that there is a moron or two somewhere that does, but it just plain does not happen to any perceptible degree. In fact, there is an organization called Hunters Against Hunger that donate the meat that they harvest to homeless shelters and soup kitchens.

Instead of crying for deer, ducks, moose and geese, check out the lives that animals destined to be veal and foi-gras (sp?) lead. Think about all those millions of tons of carved up chicken that's in the worlds freezers at any given moment. Do you really think they all came from some pastoral Foghorn Leghorn barnyard?

If I'm going to be against anything, I'm going against any non-vegetarian that calls hunting barbaric. Those that buy meat in the store are just paying to have someone else do their dirty work for them. Hunters spend their money, walk the miles, and their results are far from guaranteed.

In the same vein, hunters spend literally billions of dollars every year. Their money ensures that animal habitats don't get bulldozed for subdivisions and shopping malls. Whether you like it or not, the world (including the natural one) is ruled by the almighty dollar. The land and the animals have to pay for themselves or Dupont, Chevy, Starbucks or the XYZ Land Development Company will be glad to foot the bill. Pick the animal you like best and thank hunters for supplying their rent.

I saw some of the Cheney thread. I'm not going to get into a pissing contest that this issue has so often caused. These are my views, I researched them, and I'm entitled to them. Disagree at your leisure, but lets not have just another gun/hunting thread, please.



Closed Account
I think everything we do as humans is greedy, selfish, and is destroying the natural environment. So unless you live a perfect waste less life don't pass judgment on others. That goes for both sides of the argument.

Living in a metropolitan area is worse on the environment than hunting. Streets, sewers, electricity, those things all require killing native species so humans can move there fat asses in to eat fast food, and build Wal-Marts. Driving autos is just as bad even if you have a hybrid. The amount of resources and land, claimed by humans from animals, required to build, market, and service the car is more destructive than picking up a gun and shooting Bambi's mom.

I think both sides of the argument are weak. Humans don't need to hunt they want to hunt. And even when not hunting humanity is doing much more damage than hunting ever will.