How unhealthy is eating a womens ass out?

It's actually very good.

Just make sure it's clean and everything and no problems.

Giving or receiving. ;)
Actually, I never entertained the thought of eating ass till I actually started having sex (18, yeah late bloomer). :D

And honestly, I've had no bad experiences though I am extremely selective with whom I would share this with, as I've only done it with a few (two I was extremely attracted to), so yeah ... licking a beautiful girls ass rocks this Joker's boat to say the very least.
id say no, i wouldnt want to and it has to be unhealthy...
You stuck your tongue in a dead chicks ass? Wow...

But anyway, everyone knows eating ass is good for you.

It's part of your recommended 5-a-Day.

i dont care if they're dead as long as there not to cold...