Can ANYONE answer who the blonde with the pierced lip is in this video clip?
One of the most Gorgeous girls I have ever seen.... Next to Brittany on this page.
I never understood why pornstars have such a problem in the typical dating scene. I always found "normal / traditional" girls to be BOOOOOORING and restrained. The few girls I have dated that worked in some facet of the adult entertainment industry were much more satisfying partners to be with (outside of the two that were clinically insane.... but that happens with the "normal" girls too!!!). They were funny, laid back, exciting, spontaneous and just as warm and affectionate as any other girl I have dated.
Anyway, if anybody knows her and could point me in the way of being able to see more of her body of work, I would be grateful.
Brittany.. if you ever find yourself in Florida.. don't hesitate to look me up! hahaha