I have 3 cameras... :nanner:
Miss Brittany said:Most are not even fans of mine.
Miss Brittany said:Put a camera up baby and lets shoot it then u can have it for freeeeee.........
titman86 said:some info on riley
now now, cock size isn't everything..while it is nice to have different sizes, there is much more to a woman having sex than the size of the guys dickniptuck said:I think it would be odd to hire a pornstar as escort. You KNOW she was with guys hung like a donkey. Personally that would not make me feel at ease and enjoy myslef. Although I got to admit, the whole thing is highly appealing. If I am ever in US I am definitely getting myself some of that action
Tabitha Stern said:now now, cock size isn't everything..while it is nice to have different sizes, there is much more to a woman having sex than the size of the guys dick![]()
kungfudude said:
Miss Brittany said:Chasey is the biggest drug addict in the biz. Heroine, Meth. U name it she is on it. She also I am pretty sure has mental health issues.
[B said:Tabitha Stern[/B]]now now, cock size isn't everything..while it is nice to have different sizes, there is much more to a woman having sex than the size of the guys dick![]()
********** said:Chasey Lain is a beautiful woman.
A lot of pornstars and entertainers in general do a lot of drugs. A lot of pornstars and entertainers look far less glamorous in offscreen pix than in professional pix. More than half of the pornstars I've met smoke and a lot of ill-informed people claim that people in the sex industry (I've even heard this rumor about myself because of my sexuality) have psychological issues. I mean, there are a lot of crazy people in L.A. That's what makes L.A. special. But I don't think being crazy means she needs to be in a lunatic asylum, any more than one of the millions of other people who are emotionally unstable or use drugs. Like, for example, Briana Banks is one of the nicest people I know. And 3 or 4 porn girls go on about how she needs to be evaluated or get off the drugs, and I just think it's funny because she's never said a bad word about any other pornstar in all the times I've spoken to her, at length, and I love that about her. There aren't a lot of porn girls I've met that weren't eager to say some serious shit about other porn girls and guys. The ones who take the most bad mouthing are often the ones who never say a bad word about anyone to anyone.
So my conclusion is, just like any business, just like any sports team...
It's high school. And Chasey and Briana are two of the ones that get picked on my those on the inside, partly for things that a lot of other girls are doing or could be accused of too. And the bottom line is... they're legends, and at least in Briana's case, a lovely woman to know, too.That's just my opinion.
You're, obviously, a legend as well, Miss Brittany. And I'd rather have you than those others any day of the week. But I just feel bad for these girls who get so bad-mouthed, particularly when I know them personally and they're good people, and often the rumors aren't even true.