Facts and figures are irrelevant in the discussion of alcohol - a true drinker doesn't count what he's drunk, he just continues to drink until the memories that haunt his every waking moments have drifted off into the subconscious for the time being and have been replaced by questions with no answers and the boobs across the bar. My friends, what matters most in this discussion of alcohol is that look of disgust on the faces of those within the community once you step outside of the seclusion that is your own humble home, hungover, smelly and disgusting. That unmistakable look upon those peoples faces as they finally recognise you for first time and you know that they have seen you for what what you really are, is I must say one of the greatest experiences a man can endure, it's something indescribable, it frees you. No longer do the rules that we as human beings have been conditioned to follow over the course of our lives apply to us. We have already sunk so low in the eyes of the collective that we're no longer even a human being to them and while this may sound frightening to some of you who have reservations about the nature of existence I say be not afraid for only God himself lives in such abject opulence as we.
This, my friends is the real pillar of alcoholic excellence. Once you've embarrassed yourself and taken apart the very reputation of the community that brought you here in the first place and was partly what made the decision for you to actually take that step and actually live there piece by piece that has risen and had been nurtured by those that came before and are still living around you, some of whom you've never even met or seen. You have truly broken the boundaries of the concept of being. For the first time in your life you are free.
Waking up naked in the town square on a Saturday afternoon by the police, with a used condom still wrapped around your penis that turns out later not to be yours next to a dead sheep to some might be disgusting and at the height of nihilistic debauchery. But, only true beings such as we know that this "disgust" and "debauchery" you speak of with such authority are non-existent. They're words. Nothing more.
Join me friends and save yourselves of the truly despicable lives that your parents and this disgrace of a society has laid out before you.