As many as I can, I love visiting bookstores and spending lots of cash on books. It's also the main reason I used to work in a second hand shop - all the books!'re a writer? Hmm. Let me guess...your stories begin with some construction similar to this opener:
"Hayden walked into my apartment. The hot sun illuminated her like a lightbulb. I was laying on my sofa in my boxers, with Cheeze-It crumbs all over my body, when she walked over to me and began to unbutton her blouse..."'re a writer? Hmm. Let me guess...your stories begin with some construction similar to this opener:
"Hayden walked into my apartment. The hot sun illuminated her like a lightbulb. I was laying on my sofa in my boxers, with Cheeze-It crumbs all over my body, when she walked over to me and began to unbutton her blouse..."
I'd love to read more than 10 a year, but I find it difficult to get stuck into most books. Some I pick up, read a few chapters, then throw it back onto the shelf.