good point. i guess we all read a lot, but not necessarily books.
however, the thread is about books, 'cause books is the more traditional media. i mean, there's been books for thousands of years! there's been librarys ages ago, and so on...
About 20 per year, probably. I'm also involved with an amateur writing site, so I read a lot on there- probably the equivalent of another half dozen books per year. I write short stories and poetry, but I try not to read my own dreck.
I get through one every month or so. About 10 a year I'd say. Although I skim many more than that and don't read them entirely because they suck. An example of that would be almost any Noam Chomsky book. He makes good points and is extremely intelligent but his books are terribly tough reads. Unlike Richard Dawkins or Robert Wright whose books are extremely well written and easy to get through without loosing interest.