Either you settled for a girl that is not right for you, or you don't have a girl at all?
In either case, the key here is to get hooked up with gal that does not mind giving blowjobs to start with, not try to convince a girl that she should. When you start dating, when you start having sex, eat some pussy...then just put your cock in front of her face....she will know what you want, and you will know if she will. If you tell yourself...its ok, she is really pretty....and really nice, you will always want a blowjob....and not get one.
And while you are at it, tell them you like porn! Maybe not on the 1st date, but at some point, tell her she is so hot, you had to look at some porn and take the edge off. Obviously, you like porn or you wouldn't be on this site. You will be much happier with a girl you don't need to lie to, or hide things from.
So...in conclusion: Tell them early on you want head, and you like porn!
Believe me, there are women that don't mind, and dare I say, enjoy giving head, and the don't mind porn, and may ask to look at it with you!