The last best Spike Lee picture I really enjoyed was 25th Hour. One of the best scenes in the picture is when Edward Norton is blaming every race, gender, age group and even the Wall Street yuppies in front of a mirror where he winds up yelling at himself. There is no one on this board that can't tell me a scene as powerful is racist because it displays a very emotional truth to the core that im sure each of us has expressed sometime in our own personal lives.
Summer of Sam and 25th Hour were excellent, underrated flops. Spike Lee didn't want to be pigeonholed, so he made great films that were not centered around African-American characters. The thing is, his racist comments and affiliations have made him a pariah to White audiences, so he cannot win one way or another.
The worm is turning and Black bigots are being exposed for what they are. It's a good thing.