Hiding your porn stash - share your stories

i have a 500gb passport hard drive. I have 400gb encrypted using truecrypt. best way to enjoy and hide porn ever imo. if someone finds your HD there is no way they can access the data unless if they know the password to decrypt it
alphadog...tried truecrypt...never going back again !its simple...efficient and f**cking awesome ! I recommend it to all here.
In a folder called Boner Jams. The only two people that would use my comp have a equal to or even more porn that I do.



this is a free program, works like so:
you create an empty folder (you choose the size), and then dump all your pr0n inside. the folder is then protected by encryption, to which only you have the key (aka password).
once the folder is closed and you exit truecrypt, the folder cannot be opened, unless it is opened by truecrypt by a person who has the password.
when closed, it is even impossible to tell how large the folder is or how many files it contains.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Mine is all located on an external hard drive. It's also only accessible via password thanks to my McAfee Vault.

My girlfriend would flip the fuck out if she knew I had any porn. She tends to be the really protective, jealous type. It doesn't bother me though. If that's the only thing I hide from her, I think we're doing all right.
My parents know I look at porn, and they've accepted it as that. Nothing wrong with your 18 going on 19 year old son rubbing one out to some hot girl on the computer.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
As long as I am living alone, I don't bother hiding it.

But I have a program called FolderShield, like the TrueCrypt software.

Very useful, and if I have a party or such with my PC on, I move my stash in there and nobody knows :thumbsup:
As long as I am living alone, I don't bother hiding it.

But I have a program called FolderShield, like the TrueCrypt software.

Very useful, and if I have a party or such with my PC on, I move my stash in there and nobody knows :thumbsup:

foldershield huh ? may have to look into that . truecrypt is just a bit of work, too much for my liking !
A good ol' fashion USB flash drive. 2GB, when it gets a lot, I put it on CD. The CD then gets put into a pile of other CDs, burned music CDs, so yeah. Or my laptop. I have desk top PC and laptop.

That is that :D
Oh, and, while this is double post -- :mad: -- I will make it look legit, anyways! I also have two profiles on the main comp everyone else uses. So yeah ^_^

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I'm like a squirrel. A porn squirrel.

I hide it at many different places. Some of it I find again later, some of it I don't.

Unfortunately there doesn't grow a porn tree when I don't find it again. :(


I just leave it all strewn across my desktop. It takes valuable time that I don't have to categorize dirty chick links & such.
Most of the material that I have kept, I end up tossing in the permanent, never to be retrieved again garbage icon anyway.
Most of the time, for the links that I have retained, by the time I come back to review them, I've already moved on to newer fresher viewing material, abandoning those "chicks that I thought would always be great".
Glad that I could be of assistance :hatsoff:


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
I keep all mine on a dedicated external drive of its own which is hidden out of sight at the back of my desk beneath a load of studio equipment. When I want to use it & look or download anything I turn it on, & when its off no one knows its there. With all the wires & cables I have trailing round my studio know one knows whats plugged in where and whats what apart from me :D

Back when I was a bit younger & before I had a computer I used to collect porno mags too & had over 400 hidden around my room in crates & in drawers...my folks never found them even though I had so many :o I still have a few of them now but got rid of most of them a while ago. Ive still got a good collection of vids & dvds hidden behind my normal collection of dvds too
I keep all of my CDs locked in my desk... one time, I was traveling for work and I get a semi-frantic call from my gf at the time... she was pissed and I was wondering what I had done. Then she yells over the phone "You locked your desk and all the porn is there!" I started laughing and told her about a thing call "the internet."