my porn is all on the computer and saved with a password too 
Since it's my computer, I have two separate profiles. One for me, and one for my family.
That's what I recommend if you're going to share your computer with people you don't want accessing your files.
That is the whole purpose of the Windows NT platform, so multiple users can have their own, separate area of the same computer.
The only thing you have to make sure of is that the other profile doesn't have admin rights. If it does, there is nothing to stop the other users from accessing c:\docu~settings\YOURPROFILE\desktop\mydocuments and viewing every file on your desktop profile.
if youre living with your gf...surely your gf wont want her own profile....she will wnat to share yours....hence i cant go around the two profile way. her argument is..."what do you have to hide from me"...short answer is "alot of freaky porn". trials and tribulations of watching porn !
i do have to hide it from my little one who gets on to play learning games and looks up all her kids stuff.
i just stuff it in emails favorite list and on disc . i find it harder to stash porn being a parent then i did as a kid hell my parents help buy me my 1st porn movies and mags when i was 15 . good ole dad gotta love him
Hiding porn imo is getting more and more difficult, esp if other people use your pc now and again. given the more modern applications and operating systems, it is easier and easier to access video history, last saved directory, downloads, cookies. Also, due to indexing and searching options, anything incriminating can crop up when searching.
Imagine, a buddy of yours, or your parent, is using your computer to check their emails as they cant access theirs. they find your virus scanner is scanning the files of your porn stash and is showing the exact filenames it is scanning.
share your stories...if you hide your porn, how do you go about doing it. any covert operations ? or do you prfer to leave it for others to find.
I run all browsers, instant messengers, P2P programs inside a sandbox with Sandboxie. Once the browser/messenger gets closed the sandbox gets deleted. So that takes care of browsing history, etc. Sandboxie all keeps me from getting infected by driveby malware.
As for pics, vids, and personal docs I store on my computer, I use TrueCrypt which is used to encrypt an entire external hard drive. I also use it on thumbdrives for work.