Hi, I'm the newest lady!!! The Angel!!

I have become a member since my finace, Mr. Bojangles, wanted me to join. So we can look at some dirty things together!!!!! And now we are the first couple on the board! See ya around


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Hey Angelbaby, I'm Bryan, aka Violator. Welcome to the boards, glad to have you:angels: :hi:
I'm Boldy programmer of freeones.com...
Welcome on board AngelBaby :hatsoff:
hi angelbaby:);)

welcome on board:angels: :hi: and enjoy your stay


You mean he really does have a fiance? j/k. Actually, that's very cool that you decided to join; welcome. :cool:
very funny parker! thanks for being so nice guys in welcoming Mrs. Bojangles. im sure we can make it fun for her to be here.:nanner:
you are always welcome Mr.Bojangles i am sure that Mrs Bojangles will feel herself here like @ her second home.Enjoy your stay Angelbaby;) :)




its great to have more women on here than just me and a few others its getting better all the time


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Yes it is great to have more women, but Lisa baby you're the original and still the best!!!! Love you.:iloveyou: :bowdown:
what would be freeones without lisa? Not the same. Lisa you are the first female poster on freeones congrats:hatsoff: and one of the most loveliest babes:rolleyes: :angels:

i think dear lisa you should write as sig "the first woman on freeones"

an i like you very much dear lisa :iloveyou::iloveyou:



Thats cool, a big welcome to the future Mrs. Bojangles. One of the coolest guys (other than me) on this board is Mr. Bojangles, very ballsy to bring your woman to the board, I can respect that.

No chance in hell I getting my wife to join this board though. Although she is even better at ripping people than I am, cause she can do it real life, where as I just do it on the net.
Scorpion said:
Thats cool, a big welcome to the future Mrs. Bojangles. One of the coolest guys (other than me) on this board is Mr. Bojangles, very ballsy to bring your woman to the board, I can respect that.

No chance in hell I getting my wife to join this board though. Although she is even better at ripping people than I am, cause she can do it real life, where as I just do it on the net.

well thanks scorp. that would be awesome if your wife came on here and ripped on people. even better than you, thats pretty scary.
Thanks for welcoming me!! I look at the site every now and then but now I will look more. Mr. Bojangles seems pretty happy now. So, is there only 3 woman in this board or is there more?


Platinum Member
Angel you can get a free girlie Freeones t-shirt if you like. All girl board members qualify for it. Just send me a PM with the shipping address if you want one. :)