what to do with these people? can't debate them because they don't listen, can't reason with them because they don't respond to logic...
Dont worry very soon they will all have to figure out that slogans and protest signs are not legislation nor policies. As soon as the Washington political machine chews them up for awhile they will relize their dreams of "I want my country back" were just pipe ones. Washington never changes no matter who is in office. They are just sheep like the rest of us.
Re: Hi, I am a Tea Partier
Much to the contrary, HELLRAISER, you're a water carrier for the Obama society of statists, plain and simple! Continue on comrade! Follow your distorted marching orders into welfare state oblivion! :glugglug:
Tea party. Pffffft. So much fart. These fucking people have no clue what they stand for or what direction is up. Look at the candidates they've put up; Rand Paul, Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle. Good god, it's like the stupidest kids in school all ganged up together. Revenge of the Turds, 2010.
Why don't they just get rid of voting? Voting is a tyrany on our country dude! I don't want some damn immigrant who's only been here 10 years controlling me by voting on how our country works!