lol, I guess you guys conveniently forgot the unemployed rates when he took office, Bush already had 700 billion in bailouts and we've needed reform for health care for years. I bet you wish Bush could have a third term.
The unemployment rate and Bush's 700 billion bailout was the reason why the Tea Party started in the first place.
Yes, we need health care reform...not what this bill does. Also ObamaCare decreased Medicare spending...but in order to get the bill passed he had to approve of INCREASED medicare spening 2 billion for Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah. 600 million to Vermont and Mass. 850 billion to Az, Del, Hawaii, Maine and Mass(again), Minn, NY, Pa, Vermont(again), Wa, Wis and D.C.
How can he say that ObamaCare would be paid for by the money saved by cutting Medicare...when he increased Medicare's spending?
60% of the 30 million new ObamaCare members are being subsudized by us, the tax payers.