Well, hello there! Though I would've joined into the grand, loud (and sometimes, it would seem, a tad horny) choir of welcomers, however since I myself joined only earlier today that would perhaps feel a little bit hollow. Instead I will say that I look forward to perhaps bumping into your posts here again sometime, its not every day after all that one wading to his kness in the proverbial cesspool that is the internet finds himself suddenly staring upon such an apparition of beauty amongst all the nerds, freaks and filth.
Now only to cling to the hope that all that crank I did last night hasn't left me completely inarticulate without me realizing. Well, have a marvellous day, I will.
With tingles of pleasure beginning to creep up my back again I bid you farewell, it would feel almost criminal to waste this wonderfully inflated sexdrive, and endurance, by sitting here stroking plastic buttons all evening.
Well then, cheerio for now, I'm off to yet another druginduced all-night sex-frenzy.