There seems to be a consensus of thoughts regarding this.
That being of a False Flag persuasion.
GUlf OF Tonken? Many now believe it was a False Flag Attack used as an excuse for war. A very profitable war.
Most seem to agree Iraq had no "weapons of mass destruction" as well.
Most believe that was an excuse for war.
And why did they invade and occupy Afghanistan? Oh yeah, they were looking for Obama, I mean Osama.
They didn't find him but 18 years later they are still there, and the opium fields have been in full bloom ever since.
And what was their reason for Syria? Oh yeah he was gassing villages.
A lot of people still believe that even though the same point applies as this Iran thing which is "why would Assad do that?".
No motive at all.
In that case somebody must have gassed those children. So who was it? Or were the gas attacks staged? Either way somebody did it.
But yet they blamed Assad immediately. Pretty obvious what that was about.
And what was their excuse for bombing Libya then letting their sworn enemy "ISIS" , the ones who did 9/11 , take over the country and kill Mohamar? Then not lift a finger to attack them or drive them out? Instead laugh about how they killed the leader?
Something about raping women was it?
But people believe that nonsense as well. Its just easier that way.
If you can believe that this new Iran thing looks like a false flag then why would you believe the other ones?
Are you judging the LIARS by your own morality?
"Well they would lie about this but they wouldn't lie about that".
That is illogical thinking.
Liars will keep lying even after they are caught in their lies. And their lies will keep growing and getting bigger as long as they can get away with it.
The way they think is that if you're stupid enough to believe them then you deserve what you get.
9/11. Think of all the money it generated? All the wars that made people trillions of dollars.
All the agencies and jobs created for the benefit of National Security.
All borrowed money too, to be paid back with interest for all eternity.
Plus it pretty much destroyed all the countries around a certain ally of the US.
Yep, almost 20 years later and its still generating billions and billions each year. That money is going to someone but not you or I. And its not going toward helping humanity in any way neither.
Its a never ending cash cow.
And all they had to do was destroy two asbestos ridden buildings and sell the scrap and kill a few thousand innocent people and pay off their families.
Then tell us a Fairy Tale, which we never questioned and were very willing to believe.
A liar will lie about anything in order to get what they want. They have no morals holding them back.
You can't believe ANYTHING they tell you. That's just common sense.