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Here We Go Again


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
When it comes to War everyone is fine with it as long as it isn't them. The truth is nobody cares about anyone. No matter the lies humans tell themselves they are incapable of empathy. When the chips are down I guarantee not one person will be on your side. Everyone is alone in the boxing ring.


Hiliary 2020
When it comes to War everyone is fine with it as long as it isn't them. The truth is nobody cares about anyone. No matter the lies humans tell themselves they are incapable of empathy. When the chips are down I guarantee not one person will be on your side. Everyone is alone in the boxing ring.

Well at least one person understands where I'm coming from.
Youre pretty much right. Thats how people are and I've found that out in my life many times.

But me personally, this isn't just about the millions our country has murdered since 2001.
And I'm not talking about soldiers because we've killed few of them compared to civilians. But even the soldiers we killed were fighting to defend an invader of their countries.
I'm talking about being part of a country that goes around dropping bombs on people who did nothing to us.
White phospourus, depleted uranium and all the other poisons those bombs have polluted our Earth with.
Country after country. And countries and peoples that were around for thousands of years before ours.
And there is no end in sight.

Maybe Americans are so used to it that they think this is how it should be.
Others believe the bullshit propaganda they use to justify it.
Not me. I will never accept it and Im embarrassed to call myself an American.
The US has become a bully that goes around terrorizing the world and unprovoked.
We all know the only way to stop a bully and it ain't cool calm reasoning.

And like I said there are only 2 ways to stop it.
Either we all unite and speak out against it......and that might not even work because theyd probably round us up.
Or somebody puts an end to it once and for all. That will work. Only problem with that is we'll all be dead.
It might not be tomorrow, next week or next year but its only a matter of time.

Think about it. Syria. Removing the government and turning it into another Iraq or Libya.
Is it worth it? Is it really so important?
It should show everyone that our government and politicians have sold out.
The central banks, the rich globalists, and Isreal are the only ones who benefit from all this,
They are who control our country and everything it does.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
As long as history has been recorded there had been wars. China didn't know that Africa existed. Europe didn't know USA existed. When was South America even charted? You know battles were going on there also. We have gone through the battles of kingdoms. The better armor and weapons won those wars.

If you want to trace the sales of war implements then go to the people that buy them. Why do they want them? Are you to say that the world would have eternal peace if there were no weapons?
My balls itch..

p.s. nice job posting on this thread considering the thread title.


Hiliary 2020
That was weird. How did that guy wind up here?
Oh well.

Yeah b there has always been wars. Some for greed, Some for necessity, Some to claim a right ect.
But what I see the US doing is simply greed.
Like Vikings in a way.

Awesome late 80's song!


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Well at least one person understands where I'm coming from.
Youre pretty much right. Thats how people are and I've found that out in my life many times.

But me personally, this isn't just about the millions our country has murdered since 2001.
And I'm not talking about soldiers because we've killed few of them compared to civilians. But even the soldiers we killed were fighting to defend an invader of their countries.
I'm talking about being part of a country that goes around dropping bombs on people who did nothing to us.
White phospourus, depleted uranium and all the other poisons those bombs have polluted our Earth with.
Country after country. And countries and peoples that were around for thousands of years before ours.
And there is no end in sight.

Maybe Americans are so used to it that they think this is how it should be.
Others believe the bullshit propaganda they use to justify it.
Not me. I will never accept it and Im embarrassed to call myself an American.
The US has become a bully that goes around terrorizing the world and unprovoked.
We all know the only way to stop a bully and it ain't cool calm reasoning.

And like I said there are only 2 ways to stop it.
Either we all unite and speak out against it......and that might not even work because theyd probably round us up.
Or somebody puts an end to it once and for all. That will work. Only problem with that is we'll all be dead.
It might not be tomorrow, next week or next year but its only a matter of time.

Think about it. Syria. Removing the government and turning it into another Iraq or Libya.
Is it worth it? Is it really so important?
It should show everyone that our government and politicians have sold out.
The central banks, the rich globalists, and Isreal are the only ones who benefit from all this,
They are who control our country and everything it does.

You're right about that. In fact Civil unrest is what they want.


Hiliary 2020
So its been a few weeks now.
Has anyone figured out why the US attacked Syria yet?
Was it a strategic move by Trump for some bigger reason?
Is Trump comprimised somehow?
Are his hands tied?
Or was he just full of crap the whole time?

And has there been any real investigation regarding the alledged sarin gas attack that was immediately blamed on Assad with no proof or evidence given?

Speaking of chemical attacks. Here are some proven chemical attacks on civilians by the country the US calls our best friends.

White Phosphorous. Burns the skin right off your body. The Lebonese and Palestinian people know what it feels like.
The US has used it on Iraqi and Libyan civilians. Israel has used it against Lebanon and Palestinians.
This is fact. So when I hear any US politician pretending to be so upset about children dying in chemical attacks I want to puke.
These are crimes against humanity. Can't say war crimes because they are attacks without a war going on.

As an American I want no part in burning children or anybody alive.
But we're the good guys I know.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Who would you trust to do such an investigation?


Hiliary 2020
Who would you trust to do such an investigation?

Real good question.
I guess nobody really.
Can't trust anything now.
Plus too much time has passed.
I've found, for example with the Warren Commission and all the subsequent big money investigations regarding JFK that their only real purpose is to validate the official story.

With this Syria thing, and most all things , one needs to just look at the big picture to come to the most probable truth.

In this case we have an elected leader who is more popular with his people than any US politician who has been fighting our enemy for about 6 years.
Yet we don't help him with our mighty military might. I havent heard of any Al Queada killed by the US in Syria.
Why not?
We call him our enemy. Trump called him an animal.
Well I've heard the man talk and I don't call him an animal.
Truth is the US calls Assad and Syria its enemy because Israel chooses to be their enemy.
Just like Iraq and Iran. Threatening to Attack Iran. Why? Are they a threat to us?
Again because Israel says they are an enemy we do too.
The US is Israels stupid goon.

Add to that the fact that Assad was accused of this twice before and both times it was shown that the attacks were done by US funded "rebels", which is Al Quaeada.
Assad had nothing to gain from it, The USA, Israel, and Al Quaeada did.

And the media praising Trump for bombing Syria.....how great that was.
Not questioning are asking for any evidence whatsoever that it actually was Assad.

Israel has just warned Syria not to shoot at Israeli war planes who are bombing them.

Its all insane and truthfully if anybody has not caught on by now that in all these years and all these invasions that our enemy in the war on terror is actually our allly then you probably never will.

We have the Saudis bombing the hell out of little Yemen but Yemen wont fall. Now the US says it will send troops in.
Why? What has Yemen done to us?
Same in Syria. We've got armies in Syria but we're not here to fight Al Queaeada we're there to fight the people who are.
And again what has Syria done to us?
Same in Iraq. Same in Libya, but in Libya we just bombed them into the Stone Age and Al Queada moved in and slaughtered the civilians. About a million of them.
"No American boots on the ground" bragged Barry. How is that possible if they werent working together?
Now they openly trade slaves in a country that just a few years ago had the highest standard of living any African country ever had.

So its all there right in front of us. Pretty obvious the truth.

And most of our soldiers know this. But they joined the military mostly because they had no other prospects.
It was the best deal they could get.
Not much of a motivator, unlike the soldiers of the countries we are constantly threatening who are fighting for the survival of their land that goes back thousands of years before the USA existed.

Final thought and I hope I'm wrong.
There is going to be something big happening soon. A major false flag to ignite a war.
Trump at this point I do not believe was comprimised after the election.
I believe we were tricked all along.
In this case we have an elected leader who is more popular with his people than any US politician who has been fighting our enemy for about 6 years.

Actually, we have an elected leader who's approval rating is the lowest of any previous modern president at this point in their administration.

"No American boots on the ground" bragged Barry. How is that possible if they weren't working together?

He was correct. Once again, the Libyan intervention was headed by NATO, not us. We partnered in it with naval and air power, but not with ground troops.


Hiliary 2020
In this case we have an elected leader who is more popular with his people than any US politician who has been fighting our enemy for about 6 years.

Actually, we have an elected leader who's approval rating is the lowest of any previous modern president at this point in their administration.

"No American boots on the ground" bragged Barry. How is that possible if they weren't working together?

He was correct. Once again, the Libyan intervention was headed by NATO, not us. We partnered in it with naval and air power, but not with ground troops.

Bodes I've seen too many 1st hand witness accounts of survivors and of people who managed to escape the country.
I have a 3 hour documentary which is mostly just home made on the ground footage of what they did to those people.
Some of it I couldnt even watch.
Regardless of what the gov and media say, the bearded psychos rolled in the same day the bombings stopped.
And the stuff they did to people who didnt even fight back was as sick as could be imagined.
Libya was a message. Gaddafi had that gold backed currency just about ready to go. Bank of Africa. It would have ruined the petrodollar and brought most of Africa out of massive poverty.
And even if the US had no connection to the mercenaries (which they did) they still caused all that horror by attacking a country which was no threat to anybody.

I know it sucks but our GOV has been taken over by very bad people. Its like we have a government we see and another we dont, and that one calls the shots, And I do believe the Israel Gov, not the people, are a big part of it.
Trump was a ray of hope but if anyones paying attention they would see there is some bad things brewing right now. He's gotta be on board because if he wasnt he would step down or let them give him the boot. He would want no part of this.
His main core voters were people who were sick of the endless foreign interventions and now its worse than ever in 4 months.
Maybe I'm over reacting and I try not to think about it all the time but truth is I'm kinda scared.
Maybe I'm over reacting and I try not to think about it all the time but truth is I'm kinda scared.

Yeah I heard him posturing about staying out of foreign entanglements too, but doing so at the same time he was heavily saber rattling about China and Iran. So none of this is much of a surprise to me.
The only good news (imo) is that his secretary of defense and national security advisor are both (imo) pretty level headed, highly experienced generals who are unlikely to passively go along with any truly dangerous wild hair our severely over-his-head president grows up his ass.


Hiliary 2020
Holy crap I posted a thumbs up like 10 hours ago and its still the 2nd most recent post?
I better check Drudge to make sure nothings happened.
See what they did to me?


Hiliary 2020
oh fuck

Dozens of snakes dumped in WALMART parking lot...

Oh Hamburgers!

But seriously I now I'm thinkin.
After During and after WWII the US spent Trillions, which was a lot of money back then, on creating an Atomic weapons system.
Lots of tax dollars spent in the name of defense. Thats how they got our parents and grand parents to go along with it and not complain, just pay for it.

So why can't other countries with few exceptions do the same?
Because our GOV and its media says they are crazy?
Which is the only country who has used nuclear weapons against civilians again, I forgot?
And what did
TheresaMay just say? That she would use nuclear weapons as a first strike attack.
Some dangerous shit there. Why the F even say it.

Theyre looking for war and N. Korea seems to be the chosen one at this point.
Probably did eenie meenie miney moe and Korea is going to be it.
I knew it . I should have never opened Drudge tonight.

Car changes color based on driver mood...
I guess thats kinda cool.
I wonder what color horny is.


Hiliary 2020
Oh shit. I heard about this yester me, yester you, yesterday.
Well yesterday, just yesterday.

Trump Asks All 100 U.S. Senators To Attend Rare White House Briefing On North Korea?
Is that even freaking legal?
Hey all you US Senators, C'mon down to Don's Place.
Cohosted by Mccain and Lindsey Graham?
Is this kinda like that What happens in Vegas...... type thing?
Or like one of those spoiled rotten rich girls Sweet Sixteen partys where you need a wristband to get in?
I wonder if Trump will have a Ferrari cake on a rotating pedistile there.

Too bad the Dirty Dozen all died because this would be right up their alley.
I could picture Telly holding a knife up to Lindsay Grahams throat.
Scream. Scream.
I pointed this out in another thread, but Assad has killed hundreds of thousands of his own people including children using barrel bombs dropped from helicopters or other conventional weapons, but because he has used chemical weapons (again )this time, a line has been crossed.

Get ready, we're on the cusp of the next world war.

Oh noes, Assad killed civilians with chlorine gas.

If he would've shish kabobbed them live over an open fire we wouldn't be poised to launch cruise missiles again.


Hiliary 2020
Oh noes, Assad killed civilians with chlorine gas.

If he would've shish kabobbed them live over an open fire we wouldn't be poised to launch cruise missiles again.

Its called a False Flag for a reason.

Lets say House Lannister wants to attack House Martel and take their stuff (stuff meaning land, wealth and enslave their people).

But they don't want the other great houses and all their vassals giving them a hard time for it.

What better thing for The Lannisters to do than going into one of House Martels neighboring Houses and slaughter a village (Or just pretending to do so), then blame it on The Martels.

Now The Lannisters have the support of the other Great Houses or at least a good excuse to attack House Martel, kill their leader and his family, take their land and oil ect ect.

Pretty easy to do when you have the backing of the Entire World Banking System behind you and you own and control the Entire Mass Media.

After all the Martels have only lived there for thousands and thousands of years but the Lannisters are Gods Chosen People.
The Old Gods and The New!

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Tucker Carlson has remained skeptical about who is responsible for the chemical attacks and has put questions to both Republicans and Democrats on his show.

Watch up to the 13:35 mark.
