Tits on this picture is a fake from a Nuts scan collage.
In the original magazine there's unfortunately no tits.

The picture is not a fake. The picture originally featured in an issue in September, nipple intact. If the version in the current issue features no nipple, it's because it has been removed. It was taken during her calendar shoot, where this pic of her was also taken, which also features nipple intact in the official calendar itself. Just like this "fake" one does.


.... yeah. Helen doesn't give a shit about "hint of nipple" any more.
Incidentally Smart Fred - you're the guy who said there was no nipple on that pic in the September magazine when there was. That's because you didn't read the magazine itself, you saw the pics on sexycovergirls.net, just like you've posted their link to the pics in the current issue. From that page :

We selected and enhanced some of the [NOBABE]Helen Flanagan[/NOBABE], Nuts pictures,

.... so by "enhanced" they mean "airbrushed out the nipple" I'd say. If you look through the rest of the site, it clearly has a no nipple policy when it comes to lads mag scans. There is a link to a gallery of [NOBABE]Chanelle Hayes[/NOBABE] where they only show the "nipples hidden" pics (even though there were plenty of fully topless photos in the mag) and the scans of [NOBABE]Lucy Collett[/NOBABE]'s last Loaded appearance have all been cropped to show no nipples, even though the pics in the mag (and seen on other sites) were full glorious shots of her bare tits.

So basically, using sexycovergirls.net as a basis for saying a pic is fake... not so Smart, Fred.
Topless in this weekends Daily Star. :drool2: Looks like an outtake from her 2014 calendar.

I don't think so. It's a completely separate "Christmas-themed" shoot that looks completely different from the "girl poses in studio in front of screen" look that all her calendar shots looked like.

Still, I find these kinds of photos of Hels Bells intoxicating. I hope she doesn't go back to Corrie and instead relies on sexy shoots for an income for a long while yet. She's got a great rack for glamour, and I hope her nipples come out to play again.

I don't think so. It's a completely separate "Christmas-themed" shoot that looks completely different from the "girl poses in studio in front of screen" look that all her calendar shots looked like.

Still, I find these kinds of photos of Hels Bells intoxicating. I hope she doesn't go back to Corrie and instead relies on sexy shoots for an income for a long while yet. She's got a great rack for glamour, and I hope her nipples come out to play again.

Amen to that!
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