This is one of those times in your life where your literally damned if you do & damned if you don't... my explanation follows.
I've had 2 girls attack me around the same time in my life they both happened in elementary or middle school age so I really didn't have any choice when I look back on it. I reacted. :dunno:
The One time I had to hit a girl back, she was showing out in front of her bully boyfriend who wanted to beat my ass. she hit me 4 times in the face, I mean Haymakers (with her fist) while her girlfriend & boyfriend stood their laughing their asses off, so after the 4th time getting hit, I hit the girl back to stop her & then knocked her boyfriend out. who I was scared of @ the time, but I figured if I didn't wanna get knocked out, I was gonna have to defend myself.
The 2nd incident happened on the school bus when I was in elementary school, this ugly ass girl hit me in the face and then spit in my face, I was gonna sock the shit out of her, but instead, I like gave her a stiff-armed face-wash i.e. hockey style, (just stiff armed her & pushed her backwards to get her off of me, looking back @ it I am not proud of either incident, naturally, but it was more of a defending myself situation both times, I have never hit a girl that I was dating or attacked any girls for any reasons beyond a defense mechanism that I had NO other choice to use.
I am confessing this cuz this is 1 of those threads I said to myself yes but I am not gonna make myself a villain or a coward, but it happened & I felt like if I ignored the thread, I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt by NOT talking about it. :o