Ha Ha Kochsucker Scott Walker

ID law won't go into effect. All you need is a utility bill or lease aggrement.

Plus voter fraud is a myth by the GOP to disenfranchise voters who won't vote for the racist policy drawn up by the GOP being hijacked by the racist Koch Bros and a loud mouth bitch named Sarah Palin.

Wisconsin: Effort to Reinstate Voter ID Law Is Abandoned

J. B. Van Hollen, the state’s attorney general, is giving up on finding a way to get a voter photo identification law in place for the Nov. 4 election. Mr. Van Hollen said on Oct. 9 that he was looking at alternatives to have the voter ID requirement in place despite a Supreme Court order blocking the law. But his spokeswoman said Monday that after studying the issue, he was no longer trying to put the law into effect. It was unclear what Mr. Van Hollen could have done after the Supreme Court stopped enforcement of the law.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Can you explain what is the negative effect that requiring identification documents including a photo would have, in your opinion?

In Germany, it is required, and I think it HAS to be at least brought along for voting.


Closed Account
Can you explain what is the negative effect that requiring identification documents including a photo would have, in your opinion?

In Germany, it is required, and I think it HAS to be at least brought along for voting.

Opponents usually equate it to a Poll Tax, which has been illegal since the civil rights era. Not sure about Germany in the post WWII era, but parts of the United States have a long history of enacting barriers to prevent certain groups from voting. In some areas you do have to spend money to get a photo ID (this cost is waived in some bills); however the cost of tracking down, and getting copies of documents (birth certificate) needed is not waived in any bill I know of.

My Grandfather probably would not have been able to vote under any of these laws. He was born at home pre Social Security, had no birth certificate, no SSN, didn't drive, hell getting his death certificate was an exercise in stupidity.

Any law that adds a monetary cost to the right of voting brings back a lot of bad memories for many Americans. If the government waives all cost related to getting the needed ID, including all needed documents, I would be less likely to oppose it. Most supporters of the bill genuinely believe it would crack down on voter fraud, but the politicians writing these bills, and the extremely wealthy giving them campaign money just don't want certain people voting.

The goal isn't to prevent voter fraud, it is to prevent the most economically desperate, and the most vulnerable members of our society from voting.
Can you explain what is the negative effect that requiring identification documents including a photo would have, in your opinion?

In Germany, it is required, and I think it HAS to be at least brought along for voting.

Most of the states that have passed these voter restrictions have no documented in person voter fraud! ZERO! NONE!
Walker has been an outright failure from day 1. Cooking the books ("I will never use cash accounting, only GAAP", lying about balancing the budget), making up his own employment numbers ("the BLS figures don't look very good for us, so we'll invent our own survey!"), attacks against women (repeal fair pay laws, trying to force ultrasounds for abortions), gutting education funding, the list goes on. He's a cancer on Wisconsin, and anybody who would still vote for him is clearly not interested in what's good for Wisconsin or America.
^^^^^^^^ Plus this today:

Milwaukee County exec releases documents tied to first John Doe probe
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 11:51 a.m. CDT


MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) - Thousands of e-mails were released Tuesday morning, which prosecutors gathered during the John Doe probe into Governor Scott Walker's former aides when he was the Milwaukee County executive.

County Executive Chris Abele unsealed 16,000 e-mails and attachments that were seized from both the work and personal computers of Walker staff members.

The probe ended in 2013, as a half-dozen former Walker aides and associates were convicted on charges that ranged from illegal campaigning to embezzling thousands of dollars from an event to honor Wisconsin veterans.

Walker himself was never charged.

A judge ordered in May that Tuesday's documents be released. Milwaukee County attorneys have been going over them in advance of going public.

Early media reports did not disclose any major revelations we haven't heard before. Still, Walker's campaign criticizing the timing off the e-mail releases as Wisconsinites have started voting early for an Election Day that's two weeks away.

The Republican Walker is running for a second term against Democrat Mary Burke.

(Story courtesy of Wheeler News Service)
Can you explain what is the negative effect that requiring identification documents including a photo would have, in your opinion?

In Germany, it is required, and I think it HAS to be at least brought along for voting.
The problem is that, in the US, many people don't have such documents (ID's are not mandatory and some people don't have driving licence), particulary among the urban lower-class, mostly composed of black and latinos.

Voter fraud exists in the US but it is extremely rare. Passing a law to solve the problem is like using a bazooka to kill a fly


Can you explain what is the negative effect that requiring identification documents including a photo would have, in your opinion?

In Germany, it is required, and I think it HAS to be at least brought along for voting.

We don't exactly use Germany as our template for how we treat or view our citizenry (although I'm sure there's plenty who would like to pick up where you guys left off). "Show me your papers" is not a proof of citizenship. Being an American is all you need to be an American. The American government is not empowered to deny your citizenship based on a lack of photo I.D. There is not a single election at any point in modern times that has had any effect because of voter fraud. For all intent and purposes, it does not exist at all.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Voting should be the simplest thing to do and by all standards it is. Just prove that you live in a particular congressional district and that's good enough. Say you don't have a driver's license, no credit cards, utility bills are not in your name. Pieces of mail are good enough to prove that you live there and register. Your signature on the registration form are matched in a book and verified by both parties at the voting station. No more need be done. If someone wants to register in 2 or more districts to vote then the risk is $5k and 5 years prison. Not a risk any sane minded person is willing to take on just to vote several times.

What little voter fraud that does happen is in the registration areas and voting stations. Here we will find ballot stuffing and false votes going into the box. This is not such an individual thing. It comes from groups that are on the inside of the registration and voting station areas. I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for voting twice but a number of individuals have been from these other ways to stuff the ballot box. All in all it is very small in number.
Voting should be the simplest thing to do and by all standards it is. Just prove that you live in a particular congressional district and that's good enough. Say you don't have a driver's license, no credit cards, utility bills are not in your name. Pieces of mail are good enough to prove that you live there and register. Your signature on the registration form are matched in a book and verified by both parties at the voting station. No more need be done. If someone wants to register in 2 or more districts to vote then the risk is $5k and 5 years prison. Not a risk any sane minded person is willing to take on just to vote several times.

You are not in Wisconsin.

And the utility mail has to have a postmark within 30 days of received before the election.

Stop being a Fox News spokesman on FOs on the GOP myth that voter fraud is deciding elections. Because the people they are trying to stop voting as the main is the old that have voted at the same precinct for years.

Sorry Bob but you are nothing but a GOP fed sheep taking on news and the net bull shit propaganda because the GOP feels only their kind should decide what America will be.

A America with fuck you and die if you are poor, a America fuck you if you are poor, and a America that has only Whites view as the agenda and the minorities are nothing despite all defended this country in wars. Like since Vietnam War where only the poor whites and minorities fight while the well off yell USA USA USA on the 4th of July as they won't die on bull shit imperialistic views that benefits them with stacking dough in the stock market.

Straight up and real talk.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Where did you get any of that from what I said? Those are the rules in NJ and I believe that nothing more is needed to register. Did you see me backing Photo ID or anything other than a signature to vote?
snip...And the utility mail has to have a postmark within 30 days of received before the election. snip...

Just how the hell is that going to happen? Virtually all billing now is mailed 'Presorted First Class' with no real stamp and no dated cancellation postmark.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Why not do like we do:

Every german citizen of legal age (18) gets a letter weeks before a vote he can partake in.

He takes the letter to the voting site that is described in the letter, and he vortes, if he chooses to do so.

Or he sends the letter back if he wants to partake per letter-vote (Literary translated) stating he can't be at the voting place on the voting day. Then he gets another letter whith whichg he can give his vote from his home.

Oh, and of course, EVERY voting day is a sunday. No keeping voters from partaking because they can't make it on time because they have to work

Still, I must say that I don't fully understand the issue with having to pay money for personal ID. The new german ID card costs either 22,80 Euro or 28.80 for people over 24. If you are needy, you might pay less or get it for free. Even if you have to pay - I read posts saying, it is an old tender spot in the USA, but sometimes, people need to overcome old issues. Being just a BIT politically incorrect, I will say: Everyody in the USA seems to have enough cash to buy himself a gun and some rims and some gas-guzzling detroit-monster. There should be siomething left for ID
GOP did not need this law.

Latest Marquette University Poll, that is usually accurate, has Walker up 7 points. This is in part to the GOP supporters moving up here from Illinois so they can escape Democrat policy.

Oh well you rednecks from Illinois can have your new State, I'm moving back to Illinois after finding a job sending out resumes on the net. Because Walker is not a moderate like former GOP Gov Tommy Thompson who did not divide the State and act like a whore sucking the Koch brothers cock :).

Wisconsin is going turn into Alabama with cheese. And if it wasn't for Chicago clout as a international city this place would be another Wyoming :yesyes: