What kind of question is this hell no:nono: It would take the billion to put it back on:eek:
Because it would never happen. But...if the money really was staring you in the face....:helpme:
What kind of question is this hell no:nono: It would take the billion to put it back on:eek:
Just get it sown back on. And the scars of the operation made disappear as I'd have the cash to make it happen. Anyone afterwards that annoys me I'd throw a hundred pound note in their face and tell them to FUCK OFF.
If you guys are too scared to cut off your dick, would you..... Go deaf in 1 ear, cut off 2 fingers and 3 toes for $1 Billion dollars? YES or NO, and why?
yes i would then i would just have it made into a pussy i would have a billon dollars and a pussy to play with win win for me