Guys: Have any of you REALLY tried...

Will E Worm

Yeah but Cali, is where it's at... big name producers/photographers there... I'd check Google if I were you, search it, and you'd be amazed. I think Texas, and Chicago have some decent ones too, but cali has the "conglomerate"

Look this up...
"Porn Tax Opposed by Republicans."
'The porn industry will just leave California and go somewhere else."

Arizona is getting bigger in the industry.

florida to

Florida has some. I emailed one of them not too long ago.


Closed Account
Hey boobmanz thanks for the post from my blog ---
Joy King just wrote a book about getting into the can find it on her site
She is the woman behind Wicked Pictures and she helped build Jenna Jameson's career...
Check it out.KissesVB


I am going to go with the benefit of the doubt option here.............

uested object is INFECTED with the following viruses: Trojan-Downloader.JS.Psyme.hz


Closed Account
Oh and btw - welcome to the world of porn and its infestation of seemingly endless worms.

Study photography. Study website management, incl. viruses. Much better than taking abuse from people who in any case stab you in the back the moment you step out the door. That way you call the shots, no pun intended. I would go glamour, too. To hell with porn.

One major porn star's husband says their site is brutally attacked almost daily.

You will be surprised which male porn performers use Viagra.