You shouldn't get your hopes too high for GHIV's content. The new developers seem to have an obsession with songs containing like 1,000 notes each and insane solos. It seems like they are putting more and more punk music in the newer ones too.
And I really don't see the point in having so little content. Just implement more of the stereotype guitar classics and even the songs from the old games so one can play what one wants to listen to.
You shouldn't get your hopes too high for GHIV's content. The new developers seem to have an obsession with songs containing like 1,000 notes each and insane solos. It seems like they are putting more and more punk music in the newer ones too.
I wish they would do what singstar did, release a game for each genre of music (but with Guitar Hero obviously it would be different kinds of rock), that would be neat and meant you could actually play what you wanted to
yeah how good is guitar hero
Awesome, but they went crazy trying to make the songs really hard in GHIII. The notecharts on the higher difficulties seem to be designed for hardcore players.
I can play em, but god damn they're hard!
GH3's songs are better than 1 and 2
Me too, I can pass all but 3 songs in the game easily on expert (Raining Blood, TTFAF, TDWDTG).
On a side note, there is a DLC pack actually worth buying coming soon.
gay lol
So your gay? Thanks for sharing. Not my type but to each their own!
Welcome to the board faggot! :thefinger
The classic rock DLC just came out and it is great. I reccomend that everyone with a 360 buys it.