Guitar Hero III

Is it actually fun to play? I have some of the other DLC and either its to damn hard or to easy and either way I got tired of it after only a few runs through.

I had a lot of fun with them. I haven't played them in a few days because I bought Rock Band and loving it.
put away this silly little game and go out and buy an Ibanez rg2550 and learn to shred, then you'll know what real fun is.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Why an Ibanez?


what the fuck you lookin at?
My brother just got GHIII for his xbox360 a couple of weeks ago...looks pretty cool!

I told you back when the first one came out!
Some people just never listen!
Well It wouldn't have to be an Ibanez, but the rg2550 is a great guitar. I also have a fender american stratocaster as well as a gibson les paul custom.
but you can't beat the rg 2550 for shredding.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'll take a Gibson Les Paul above that.


what the fuck you lookin at?


what the fuck you lookin at?
My wireless les paul or whatever the fuck it is, the black one with the detachable neck, is continually fucking up! Any ideas how to fix it?

The red button is giving me lots of problems. I had to quit out of an online match cause I was so pissed I almost broke the damn thing!

I hit the red button and when I go to hit that not with the strum bar, I get nothing? What the fuck? Or for held notes, I'll hit it but then lose it right away, yet my finger stays on the mother fuckin red button!!!

Any ideas? I took it apart to clean it and put some fresh batteries in, I'll see if that helps...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You mean the KRAMER?

I have never had that problem.
My wireless les paul or whatever the fuck it is, the black one with the detachable neck, is continually fucking up! Any ideas how to fix it?

The red button is giving me lots of problems. I had to quit out of an online match cause I was so pissed I almost broke the damn thing!

I hit the red button and when I go to hit that not with the strum bar, I get nothing? What the fuck? Or for held notes, I'll hit it but then lose it right away, yet my finger stays on the mother fuckin red button!!!

Any ideas? I took it apart to clean it and put some fresh batteries in, I'll see if that helps...

That is generally a problem with the detachable neck. Make sure that the contacts are all lined up. There are some tricks to make it work better online.


what the fuck you lookin at?
That is generally a problem with the detachable neck. Make sure that the contacts are all lined up. There are some tricks to make it work better online.

what tricks for online?

So I figured out that the 8 copper circles on the base of the neck that contact the 8 pins were poked through. I put a dab of solder on the circles to close em back up and now it works better than new! Thank god, I almost threw it away!
what tricks for online?

So I figured out that the 8 copper circles on the base of the neck that contact the 8 pins were poked through. I put a dab of solder on the circles to close em back up and now it works better than new! Thank god, I almost threw it away!

Your solution seems better, the others involved thinks like wedging cardboard in areas...
:mad::mad::mad::mad:WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!Don't get me wrong but Isn't the game called Guitar Hero III Legends Of Rock why the fuckin shit is there R&B!!!! I like R&B as much as next guy but It just aint right.:mad:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Your solution seems better, the others involved thinks like wedging cardboard in areas...

That just seem shotty to me.

:mad::mad::mad::mad:WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!Don't get me wrong but Isn't the game called Guitar Hero III Legends Of Rock why the fuckin shit is there R&B!!!! I like R&B as much as next guy but It just aint right.:mad:

Where? It was just a rumor after all!
I am pretty happy with my rising skill level in this game. I now have a career score over 10 Million and am ranked in the top 7000 players :).


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Congratz "Fatboy."


what the fuck you lookin at?
I am pretty happy with my rising skill level in this game. I now have a career score over 10 Million and am ranked in the top 7000 players :).

Scratch the idea about playing against you! I can't beat lou on hard and you've beaten the game on expert...:(