God Of War III demo

Ok 3 or months isnt bad. Thanks bayamonxxx


This game will be epic.
Just want to show a few screens from the game. Some are new from January. I am just so excited that something new finally showed up that I can't help myself.

Kratos beheading the god Helios with his bare hands

Kratos (With fire bow) vs. Hades

Kratos vs. Hades again

Kratos about to mess up Hades pretty little face

Kratos vs. some type of Water Horse monster of Gaia's arm

Kratos vs. A hulking black figure with a giant sledgehammer

Kratos vs. one of those Ibex monster(I don't know their names)

Kratos squares off against Chimera

Kratos destroys a Chimera

Kratos with huge Cestus with lion heads

Kratos punches the fuck out of something with his Cestus

Kratos about to gut a Centaur

We need a new trailer soon.


Closed Account
I don't know about you guys, but I'm kinda mixed on god or war 3. I'll probably get it eventually because they're a blast to play, but to me it seems in number 2 on onward killing gods and monsters that should be HUGE boss fights has gotten easier which is lame cause these guys should put up way more of a fight than they do.

also (not to spoil anything) but the storyline on number 2 made me not like it as much as the first.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm kinda mixed on god or war 3. I'll probably get it eventually because they're a blast to play, but to me it seems in number 2 on onward killing gods and monsters that should be HUGE boss fights has gotten easier which is lame cause these guys should put up way more of a fight than they do.

also (not to spoil anything) but the storyline on number 2 made me not like it as much as the first.

Personally,I feel that they are very good games,but the stories in each game have gotten repetitive.That's why I'm not nearly as hyped up about this game as I was the for 1 and 2.


Closed Account
I'm not faulting the graphics, I'm just hoping the big bosses aren't pushovers. I mean Zeus and the gang better be epic, and not offed in some unceremonious way.
I'm not faulting the graphics, I'm just hoping the big bosses aren't pushovers. I mean Zeus and the gang better be epic, and not offed in some unceremonious way.

dont worry, I heard that they got ak47's pointed at the devs while they program the game. Sony wants to make sure this thing is insane. Nothing like alittle force to get things done and done right eh?