God Of War III demo

So I just go District 9 on Bluray,and it comes with a GOW III demo.I just played through the demo,and I have to say,so far I'm a bit underwhelmed.I thought that the graphics would be mind blowing,and they are good,but I would say that they really aren't all that much better than the PS2 GOW games.

I don't know,I guess I was hoping for just a little bit more with the game play as well,but it's still the same hack and slash type of game.I must admit,I found the demo for Dante's Inferno to be more fulfilling,and maybe it's because while it seems to be running off of the same game engine,at least there is a fresh new story that's coming out of it.

Anyway,it seems that Kratos is loosing a little bit of points with me due to lack of originality,but again,it is just a demo and I'm sure I just barely scratched the surface of what the game will end up being.Or at least I hope I just barely scratched the surface.
So I just go District 9 on Bluray,and it comes with a GOW III demo.I just played through the demo,and I have to say,so far I'm a bit underwhelmed.I thought that the graphics would be mind blowing,and they are good,but I would say that they really aren't all that much better than the PS2 GOW games.

I don't know,I guess I was hoping for just a little bit more with the game play as well,but it's still the same hack and slash type of game.I must admit,I found the demo for Dante's Inferno to be more fulfilling,and maybe it's because while it seems to be running off of the same game engine,at least there is a fresh new story that's coming out of it.

Anyway,it seems that Kratos is loosing a little bit of points with me due to lack of originality,but again,it is just a demo and I'm sure I just barely scratched the surface of what the game will end up being.Or at least I hope I just barely scratched the surface.

I appreciate your overall opinion on the game Zell but as far as your comment of the graphics being not that much better than the ps2 games I would have to ask you if you even played the right game:dunno:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
God of War has always been overrated, in my opinion.
I appreciate your overall opinion on the game Zell but as far as your comment of the graphics being not that much better than the ps2 games I would have to ask you if you even played the right game:dunno:

Played and beat GOW 1&2. I guess what I'm saying is that,at least on the demo,if you put your PS3 on a standard definition television,while it probably would look better,I just don't think that it would by a whole lot.I'll hook it up to my regular tv a little later and tell you it there is a significant difference.

Regardless of the graphics,my overall excitement level dropped quite a bit after playing the demo.
Seen a trailer for this today, i think it looks great! Never played any of the others, so i might have to check this one out.
Played and beat GOW 1&2. I guess what I'm saying is that,at least on the demo,if you put your PS3 on a standard definition television,while it probably would look better,I just don't think that it would by a whole lot.I'll hook it up to my regular tv a little later and tell you it there is a significant difference.

Regardless of the graphics,my overall excitement level dropped quite a bit after playing the demo.

Wait, so you're saying GOW3 will look better on a regular CRT?

How come it looks bad on a LCD?

btw: If you guys don't mind sharing what TVs you guys are using to play games, watch movies, etc. I'm on the market looking for a really nice screen that'll last with me for a decade and have $1100 to spare. I'm probably aiming for a 35'' to 40''. Crisp graphics. Nice color. No smearing/blurring. Is there a tv out there that fits this description for $1100 or less? Any suggestions are also welcomed.
Wait, so you're saying GOW3 will look better on a regular CRT?

How come it looks bad on a LCD?

btw: If you guys don't mind sharing what TVs you guys are using to play games, watch movies, etc. I'm on the market looking for a really nice screen that'll last with me for a decade and have $1100 to spare. I'm probably aiming for a 35'' to 40''. Crisp graphics. Nice color. No smearing/blurring. Is there a tv out there that fits this description for $1100 or less? Any suggestions are also welcomed.

I never said that it looked bad.I said that while it did look better than it's predecessors,it really wasn't by a whole lot.I was expecting it to look even better than it does and blow the first two games out of the water.
Wait, so you're saying GOW3 will look better on a regular CRT?

How come it looks bad on a LCD?

btw: If you guys don't mind sharing what TVs you guys are using to play games, watch movies, etc. I'm on the market looking for a really nice screen that'll last with me for a decade and have $1100 to spare. I'm probably aiming for a 35'' to 40''. Crisp graphics. Nice color. No smearing/blurring. Is there a tv out there that fits this description for $1100 or less? Any suggestions are also welcomed.

do what i did....RESEARCH!! .... or have your sister the bargain shopper do your research for you ;). DONT IMPULSE BUY!
she got prices,info,website info of stores that carried TV's & prices online compared to in the store pickup,price matches and printed it all out,read the customer reviews on the tvs online through websites like BestBuy and such they really help in the decision making when 6 of 10 people have issues/problems or 9 of 10 love the tv and have great stuff to say about it that helps eliminate a few tvs that you are looking at,we compared #'s like the aspect ratio and the other technical stuff for a week before deciding. and even spent almost 2 hours in a best buy before the purchase.PAY ATTENTION TO THE TECHNICAL INFO aspect ratio,resolution
just some tips/hints: i signed up for the Best Buy Credit card in the store and got 3 years!! no interest charges AS long as i make the payments on time.
you said you have $1100 to spend. i spent $1600 on a TV & PS3 and have 3 years to pay it off without interest. and i make $50 dollar payments and i should be done in barely 2 years.
i also did not buy $100 dollar HDMI cables i went to wal mart and got Sony cables for $25. they try to rope you into spending more by buying EXPENSIVE hdmi cables when you dont need them.
my friend lent me his $85 monster hdmi cable and i tried it in place of my sony cables.....NOT ONE DIFFERENCE IN PICTURE QUALITY (its BS buying expensive ones)
i also had a decision in Best Buy the samsung tv i was going to buy was
37' @ $939...and there was a 40' @ $999 i got 3 more inches for $60 bucks more. so pay attention to that.
go to a best buy and just watch all the tv's they have some look brighter,some darker,some sharper,some not as sharp.they are also built with different cases and some may be more distracting to the eyes.
so like i said take your time, look everything over, do your own research and make your decision that way. dont be like my dumb cousin and get a 32' for almost $1300...cause he impulsed bought,walked into the store with money to burn in his pocket and just picked the first TV he saw.
Finally i have a samsung 550 lcd tv 40 inch which i think was the latest model of the samsung 550 series before they moved onto the 600 series my tv here> http://hdtvbestdeals.co.uk/samsung-le40b550a5-40-inch-lcd-tv/
so i got it a little cheaper (plus it was the last one in the store!)
hope this helps :thumbsup:
i also did not buy $100 dollar HDMI cables i went to wal mart and got Sony cables for $25. they try to rope you into spending more by buying EXPENSIVE hdmi cables when you dont need them.
my friend lent me his $85 monster hdmi cable and i tried it in place of my sony cables.....NOT ONE DIFFERENCE IN PICTURE QUALITY (its BS buying expensive ones)

The HDMI cable scam is fucking ridiculous.

I saw in a Fry's sales paper recently,they had a 6' HDMI cable for $7 + a $7 mail in rebate!That's fucking free! And Best Buy is charging $100?:wtf:

Best Buy has been running the $50+ Monster Cables scam for years even back with the PS2s.News flash,they aren't any better! It's a fucking scam!

It really amazes me that people don't realize that all of the cables are pretty much the same.The only real difference is the length of cable.

A lot of times Gamestop or EB Games have used HDMI cables for $20,that's what I got,and would suggest to anyone,unless they live near a Fry's or get them online from Fry's.
A lot of times Gamestop or EB Games have used HDMI cables for $20,that's what I got,and would suggest to anyone,unless they live near a Fry's or get them online from Fry's.

yeah lots of people get ripped off when they buy hdmi cables. i saw this dude at gamestop who bought a used one for $49 plus tax! LOL

about your other quote...
Played and beat GOW 1&2. I guess what I'm saying is that,at least on the demo,if you put your PS3 on a standard definition television,while it probably would look better,I just don't think that it would by a whole lot.I'll hook it up to my regular tv a little later and tell you it there is a significant difference.

i'm a little confused because you said you played the gow3 demo on a standard defintion tv, which i'm assuming is a CRT 480p/i resolution. so it's wierd - unless i'm misunderstanding you - that gow3 would look better on an old school tv. what kind of tv did you play it on?

btw, i agree with you on the narrow improvement in graphics compared from gow1/2 to gow3. i watched the gameplay vid of the demo in hd and it was only slightly better.
yeah lots of people get ripped off when they buy hdmi cables. i saw this dude at gamestop who bought a used one for $49 plus tax! LOL

about your other quote...

i'm a little confused because you said you played the gow3 demo on a standard defintion tv, which i'm assuming is a CRT 480p/i resolution. so it's wierd - unless i'm misunderstanding you - that gow3 would look better on an old school tv. what kind of tv did you play it on?

btw, i agree with you on the narrow improvement in graphics compared from gow1/2 to gow3. i watched the gameplay vid of the demo in hd and it was only slightly better.

No that's not what I meant.I play all my games on a 23" 1080p HD monitor.Obviously it would look a lot better as that it's running in no less than 720p resolution,but what if it were playing on an SD tv?

Since it's newer,there's probably a graphics upgrade,but where?The frame rate appears to be the same for all three games,so that's not it.Maybe it's those finer details that go somewhat unnoticed.On an SD tv,the only thing that I think that could make the game look better is that there's probably more stuff going on at once than before,hence it would look a little better,but the actual graphics are probably the same.

Gow II


I guess looking at both head to head,it's obvious that GoW III looks better,but is that because it's running at 720p?

And looking at it again,GoW III has a little bit more detail as well,but like I said before,I guess I was expecting more.I guess I'm just getting too used to seeing other games that look just as good,if not better for PS3,that this one just doesn't have that WOW! factor anymore like the first 2 games did when they were released.

Don't know if that clears anything up,or makes any sense for you.
cool, thanks for clearing that up.

i'm about to get the demo soon and i have 25'' standard def tv (480p). i did play bioshock and assassin creed 2 on this old tv and they look pretty good.

and thans to whalers90 for the tips and suggestion!
cool, thanks for clearing that up.

i'm about to get the demo soon and i have 25'' standard def tv (480p). i did play bioshock and assassin creed 2 on this old tv and they look pretty good.

and thans to whalers90 for the tips and suggestion!

my friends brother-in-law is a big TV guy and electronics guy to boot.
he's into up to date stuff and knows all the technical stuff.
He said if anything make sure the tv is 1080P and atleast 120HZ


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
God of War is the greatest Playstation game ever. Maybe not better than a "few" Xbox games but nothing on PS surpasses it.

Metal Gear Solid comes to mind, but that's neither here nor there.

I own District 9, but I am still to play the demo. Should probably get on that.
Does anyone know the exact date of release? Ive been putting off buying a ps3 but GOW3 might be the little extra push i need