'GlobalObama Poverty Act' to cost each citizen $2,500 or more

because many of them are filled with leftism and are noobs at politics hence why a clown can get elected. Also they prefer someone who seem to be good looking and friendly than someone realistic and too pragmatic. Don't worry if Obama gets elected I am pretty sure that he will fear for his life every day. I don't think everyone likes Obama, people living from the ghetto, people with a low income, students and perhaps hispanics as well as students and people who work in liberal profession like him not the others.
In general, the less the people are educated, the more they tend to vote democrat. Don't jump on me people because I expressed my opinion.

I dont think the people that vote republican are any smarter or have the perfect angle on politics. I read allot about current affairs and politics, I dont share your views.

Shame in this day, someone would bring up a fear for his life. I guess that is the sad state of thoughts by some Americans.

Actually Obama leads with voters with a college education. They groups you mentioned have not been his strength.
^ I have also pointed this out to Georges.

Seems as though he harbors some deep anymosity towards liberals. And his comment about Obama will "fear for his life every day", is quite telling as well. It's almost as if he hopes someone will take Obama out.
^ I have also pointed this out to Georges.

Seems as though he harbors some deep anymosity towards liberals. And his comment about Obama will "fear for his life every day", is quite telling as well. It's almost as if he hopes someone will take Obama out.

I had the same thought, especially since the line was preceded by "Don't worry" as if Obama detractors won't have to deal with him for long.
I had the same thought, especially since the line was preceded by "Don't worry" as if Obama detractors won't have to deal with him for long.

Once he is elected I think he will be fairly safe but while he is out campaiging he is very much in danger I fear.He got early heightened attention from the secret service who is well aware of what dangers and forces are out there that would like to see harm come to Obama.You just know that the possibility and every passing day likelyhood of the 1st black president has certain racist right winger types all worked up and they are known to be fairly violent when worked up.
If you're a Republican and you hate Gov't, what more perfect way to ruin Gov't and "prove it doesn't work" than to run up huge deficits, funnel contracts to your "friends" so they get rich, cut services, deregulate business so consumers are at risk no matter what they do, and then timely ram through litigation "protection" for businesses so consumers have no place to turn for a fair grievance....

We might need to elect Obama for 28 years to undue all the damage that Republicans have been able to do in the past 7 alone.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Don't worry if Obama gets elected I am pretty sure that he will fear for his life every day....(snip)..... In general, the less the people are educated, the more they tend to vote democrat. Don't jump on me people because I expressed my opinion.

No jumping needed, georges. If there was ever a post that exposed your true nature, it's this one.

I'll give you this though....you are honest.
^ I have also pointed this out to Georges.

Seems as though he harbors some deep anymosity towards liberals. And his comment about Obama will "fear for his life every day", is quite telling as well. It's almost as if he hopes someone will take Obama out.

I have a dislike for socialists, liberals, communists and social liberals. We had 32 years of socialist governments from 1974 till 2006, they fucked up more the country than they did something positive.
Also I consider that some democrat presidents have been truly outstanding people those include FDR, Harry S Truman and JFK. I will never consider Bill Clinton as an outstanding president because he was first a liar under oath, second he was a big UN ass kisser and he failed to catch Osama Ben Laden after the 1st WTC bombing, the bombing of the USS Cole and the bombing of the US Ambassy. The problem is that you never win war with terrorists by removing troops or surrendering but by killing the enemies to the last one. Obama has never faced bullets, war and horror of the Vietnam war so I don't expect him to be a so great geostrategist. If you think that voting Obama is going to give you a bright future, I will tell you not, it will only make things worse. I remember a famous saying from Jacques Delors :"Sheeps are made to be shaven" which means uninformed and people without strong convictions can be fooled easily. It is not because one gives a good image of himself that he is fit for president.


Hiliary 2020
as i've stated before.
why not everybody who cares so much simply adopt a family.
One that they have deemed needy or poor.
You can do this by working 2 jobs, wake up at 5 a.m., get home at 10 or 11 p.m., then wake up and do it again.
You can live in a real cheap apartment, maybe take in a border, live in your car and join a gym just to use the shower, eat 10 for a dollar ramen noodles twice a day, you can heat the water in the microwave at one of your jobs.
Of course if youre a guy you will need to forget about ever being with a woman again.
But it will be worth it when you donate your hard earned money to those needy and poor people who have no luck finding jobs but have a great talent when it comes to reproducing.
Just imagine the inflated feeling of self esteem you will get by knowing that your helping others.
If you really care you'll do it. Or is it just easier telling other people what should be done with the money they earned ?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
He's not even president yet and he's already telling us how we're gonna waste our money? Fuck that! I'm NOT paying shit to some person in some other fuckin country who's homeless!


Yeah! Furthermore I'm through with foreign aid!

::hits enter::


::hits enter, moves mouse::

Gotta go buy another chinese mouse'n'keyboard again, dammit.
Obama only leads with graduates from Commie colleges like Berkeley and Brandeis. You don't get education there, only infiltration.

Well Tricky when I was at Berkeley I got myself indoctrinated as well as laid a lot by those easy hippie girls.:nanner:
The infiltration part came later when I left and got the job at the state dept.;)
Obama only leads with graduates from Commie colleges like Berkeley and Brandeis. You don't get education there, only infiltration.

I went to neither of those colleges, either did my friends and we all support Obama. Dont know any commies either. Guess you are up for for some McCarthyism brought back.

Come on "Obama" is not that extreme of a democrat... He would be considered a mild conservative in Europe...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I think Mr. Van Cock was speaking facetiously.....tricky Dicky loves them Berkeley grads!
Many Americans feel as if they missed the boom. Between 2002 and 2006 the incomes of 99% rose by an average of 1% a year in real terms, while those of the top 1% rose by 11% a year; three-quarters of the economic gains during Mr Bush’s presidency went to that top 1%.


Another good read on the state of America..

Before you say a total liberal stance, it is pretty well balanced magazine...


Obama doesn't have much to work with these days. . 'cause I'm not coughing up a damned dime for this "worldist" nonsense , particularly after last week !
As I understand it this "act" was a completely non-binding committment in spirit. During the debates, when asked what goals he would have to suspend due to the current economic crisis, the first one Obama mentioned was increased foreign aid to fight international poverty.